2004 XR190 is a possible dwarf planet located in the scattered disc. It has a highly inclined low-eccentricity orbit. It was discovered in December 2004.
2004 XR190 was discovered on 11 December 2004. It was discovered by astronomers led by Lynne Jones of the University of British Columbia as part of the Canada–France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS) using the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) near the ecliptic. In 2015, six precovery images from 2002 and 2003 were found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey data.
The discovery team nicknamed 2004 XR190 "Buffy", after the fictional vampire slayer, and proposed several Inuit-based official names to the IAU.
Considered a detached object,2004 XR190 is particularly unusual for two reasons. With an inclination of 47 degrees, it is the largest possible dwarf planet that has an inclination larger than 45 degrees, traveling further "up and down" than "left to right" around the Sun when viewed edge-on along the ecliptic. Second, it has an unusually circular orbit for a scattered-disc object (SDO). Although it is thought that traditional scattered-disc objects have been ejected into their current orbits by gravitational interactions with Neptune, the low eccentricity of its orbit and the distance of its perihelion (SDOs generally have highly eccentric orbits and perihelia less than 38 AU) seems hard to reconcile with such celestial mechanics. This has led to some uncertainty as to the current theoretical understanding of the outer Solar System. The theories include close stellar passages, rogue planets/planetary embryos in the early Kuiper belt, and resonance interaction with an outward-migrating Neptune. The Kozai mechanism is capable of transferring orbital eccentricity to a higher inclination.
Once inside the door I check my face in the mirror,
As I look past this lonely minute
Was this the ride worth waiting for
I'm scared to death that now I've missed it
But she was not the only stone
Skipped across this gravel road leading down the path of loneliness
So I'll fly from this hate, pray my soul the lord will take me
To a place through time and indifference
I wanna know how do you feel
I wanna know if this was real
Then tell me what would you say
If you can make this pain go away
She plans her future looking bright ahead
Leaves me in the past.
I can't stand to hang out with my codependent friends
My patience fading fast
But every sign and every song is telling me I don't belong,
But it's O.K. to feel scared
'Cause one day soon I'll find myself and realize that no one else
Will make me feel stupid!
There's this old man down in Fell's Point,
Always hanging around
Telling me, "Son, the pendulum swings both ways