Orders of magnitude (numbers)

This list contains selected positive numbers in increasing order, including counts of things, dimensionless quantity and probabilities. Each number is given a name in the short scale, which is used in English-speaking countries, as well as a name in the long scale, which is used in some of the countries that do not have English as their national language.

Smaller than 10−100 (one googolth)

  • Mathematics – Writing: Approximately 10−183,800 is a rough first estimate of the probability that an immortal monkey, placed in front of a typewriter and given adequate food, breaks, and sleep while doing so, will type all the letters of Hamlet on the first try. This is the same as the average number of letters needed to be typed for Hamlet to be produced. However, taking punctuation, capitalization, and spacing into account, the actual probability is far less: around 10−360,783.
  • Computing: The number 1×10−6176 is equal to the smallest positive non-zero value that can be represented by a quadruple-precision IEEE decimal floating-point value.
  • Orders of magnitude (area)

    This page is a progressive and labelled list of the SI area orders of magnitude, with certain examples appended to some list objects.

    10-70 to 10-9 sqm

    10-8 to 10-1 sqm

    100 to 107 sqm

    108 to 1014 sqm

    1015 to 1026 sqm

    1027 and larger sqm





    by: Miime

    Everything would turn out fine
    If we'd reach the borderline.
    Everything would be just fine if we'd...
    If we'd kill ourselves.
    Me and my girl,
    We got a plan:
    We go to Cape Canaveral
    And piss of if we can.
    We're on the hate-trip,
    Kidnapping a space-ship,
    Cause we are the kind of people
    Who ain't got no other choice.
    Me and my girl,
    We got a plan:
    We'll wipe out every.stupid.little.body
    If we can.
    I told her on the phone:
    We're ment to be left alone,
    We're the ones who god should better
    Leave alone to play together.
    Everything would turn out fine
    If we'd reach the borderline.
    Everything would be just fine if we'd...
    If we'd kill ourselves.
    Me and my girl,
    We got a gun,
    And I swear we're gonna use it
    When the showdown has begun.
    Oh sweetheart, don't you see?
    You had the time to believe me.
    Now you'd better hurry up
    To save us from ourselves.
    Everything would turn out fine
    If we'd reach the borderline.
    Everything would be just fine if we'd...
    If we'd kill ourselves.
    This goes on until I die,
    Things will never change.
    This won't stop until I die,
    Life always goes on like this.
    Everything would turn out fine
    If we'd reach the borderline.
    Everything would be just fine if we'd...
