Orders of magnitude (area)

This page is a progressive and labelled list of the SI area orders of magnitude, with certain examples appended to some list objects.

10-70 to 10-9 sqm

10-8 to 10-1 sqm

100 to 107 sqm

108 to 1014 sqm

1015 to 1026 sqm

1027 and larger sqm


1 megametre

To help compare different orders of magnitude this page lists lengths starting at 106m (1 Mm or 1,000 km).

Distances shorter than 106 metres


1 megametre is equal to:

  • 1 E+6 m (one million metres)
  • approximately 621.37 miles
  • Side of square with area 1,000,000 km2
  • Human-defined scales and structures

  • 2.100 Mm Length of proposed gas pipeline from Iran to India via Pakistan
  • 2.288 Mm Length of the official Alaska Highway when it was built in the 1940s
  • 3.069 Mm Length of Interstate 95 (from Houlton, Maine to Miami, Florida)
  • 3.846 Mm Length of U.S. Route 1 (from Fort Kent, Maine to Key West, Florida)
  • 5.007 Mm Estimated length of Interstate 90 (Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts)
  • 5.614 Mm Length of the Australian Dingo Fence
  • 7.821 Mm Length of the Trans-Canada Highway, the world's longest national highway (from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John's, Newfoundland)
  • 8.836 Mm Road distance between Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and Key West, Florida, the endpoints of the U.S. road network
  • Podcasts:


    I Know You Now

    by: 4him

    I looked at faith
    I almost walked away
    But I looked again
    I found the nerve to close my eyes and say the words
    To ask you in
    And I heard no heavenly choir
    No angels in whit attire
    i got no amazing super hum omnipresent pow but....
    I know You now
    I know You now
    I know You're in my heart
    I know You now
    Beyond the shadow of a doubt
    I know You now
    I look at peace, that once was out of reach
    And now it's here
    i read Your word that some believe is so absurd
    But I hold dear, yea
    'Cause You loved me with your dying breath
    You saved me when You conquered death
