1981 in comics
Notable events of 1981 in comics. See also List of years in comics.
Events and publications
Capital Comics makes its entree into publishing with the release of Nexus #1.
Frank Miller takes over full writing duties on Daredevil with issue #168, and creates Elektra.
"Days of Future Past" storyline debuts in Uncanny X-Men #141 (continues in Uncanny X-Men #142).
The reprint title Marvel's Greatest Comics, with issue #96, is cancelled by Marvel.
The reprint title Amazing Adventures vol. 3, with issue #14, is cancelled by Marvel.
The reprint title Tales to Astonish vol. 2, with issue #14, is cancelled by Marvel.
Jenette Kahn becomes president of DC Comics, succeeding Sol Harrison. Kahn retained the title of publisher, which she had held since 1976.
Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 2 #272 features an insert previewing the upcoming "Dial H for Hero" series in Adventure Comics by Marv Wolfman and Carmine Infantino.
Marvel takes notice of the growing direct market and produces a title specifically for comic shops — Dazzler #1 sells 400,000 copies.