1444 Pannonia, provisional designation 1938 AE, is a carbonaceous asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, about 28 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by Hungarian astronomer György Kulin at Konkoly Observatory in Budapest on 6 January 1938.
The C-type asteroid orbits the Sun at a distance of 2.7–3.6 AU once every 5 years and 7 months (2,043 days). Its orbit shows an eccentricity of 0.14 and is tilted by 18 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. It has a rotation period of 10.756 hours and an albedo of around 0.05 according to the surveys carried out by IRAS, Akari, WISE and NEOWISE, with the IRAS figure being an outlier.
The minor planet was named after the ancient province of the Roman Empire, Pannonia, which was partially located over the territory of the present-day western Hungary.
Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me, for me, for me
Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient for me
My God shall supply all my needs
According to His Riches and Glory
He will give His angels
Charge over me
Jehovah Jireh cares
For me, for me, for me