Bloom or blooming may refer to:
The annual growth cycle of grapevines is the process that takes place in the vineyard each year, beginning with bud break in the spring and culminating in leaf fall in autumn followed by winter dormancy. From a winemaking perspective, each step in the process plays a vital role in the development of grapes with ideal characteristics for making wine. Viticulturalists and vineyard managers monitor the effect of climate, vine disease and pests in facilitating or impeding the vines progression from bud break, flowering, fruit set, veraison, harvesting, leaf fall and dormancy-reacting if need be with the use of viticultural practices like canopy management, irrigation, vine training and the use of agrochemicals. The stages of the annual growth cycle usually become observable within the first year of a vine's life. The amount of time spent at each stage of the growth cycle depends on a number of factors-most notably the type of climate (warm or cool) and the characteristics of the grape variety.
Bloom was the fourth album released by Jeff Coffin, released in 2005. This album was the second album recorded and released with the Mu'tet, a constantly changing group of guest musicians that play with Coffin.
All tracks by Jeff Coffin except were noted
Je tire cent fois, sans foi ni loi
Le souffle alerte, cours ma perte
En apne, la gorge noue
Faire table rase du pass A quoi je sers ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou sommes-nous les eaux troubles
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
L'esprit amer, mes rves la mer
Je ne sais mme plus, pour qui, pourquoi ?
Je marche encore et je me bats
Soldat en vain sans lendemain
A quoi a sert ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
(Je suis) lass qu'on m'appelle
Et qu'on me manque de respect
Rendez moi mon bleu ciel
Car je n'aime gure que la paix !
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que des pions ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande.
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande?