1208 Troilus, provisional designation 1931 YA, is a heavily tilted, large and dark Jupiter trojan, about 103 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by German astronomer Karl Reinmuth at Heidelberg Observatory in southern Germany on 31 December 1931.
The carbonaceous asteroid has a relatively rare F-type spectrum, classified as a FCU-type in the Tholen taxonomy system. It orbits the Sun at a distance of 4.8–5.7 AU once every 12.03 years (4,394 days). Its orbit shows an eccentricity of 0.09 and is significantly inclined by 34 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. It has a rotation period of 56 hours with a more recent but provisional 2014-measurement of 63 hours. The body's albedo amounts to 0.04, according to the surveys carried out by the space-spaced missions, IRAS, Akari, and WISE/NEOWISE.
The minor planet was named after the young Trojan prince Troilus, from Greek mythology. He is the son of King Priam (also see 884 Priamus), who in a medieval legend loved Cressida (see 548 Kressida) and lost her to Diomedes (see 1437 Diomedes). Troilus was killed by Achilles (see 588 Achilles) in the Trojan War.
Troilus (English pronunciation: /ˈtrɔɪləs/ or /ˈtroʊələs/; Ancient Greek: Τρωΐλος Troïlos; Latin: Troilus) is a legendary character associated with the story of the Trojan War. The first surviving reference to him is in Homer's Iliad, which scholars believe was composed by bards and sung in the late 9th or 8th century BC.
In Greek mythology, Troilus is a young Trojan prince, one of the sons of King Priam (or sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba. Prophecies link Troilus' fate to that of Troy and so he is ambushed and murdered by Achilles. Sophocles was one of the writers to tell this tale. It was also a popular theme among artists of the time. Ancient writers treated Troilus as the epitome of a dead child mourned by his parents. He was also regarded as a paragon of youthful male beauty.
In Western European medieval and Renaissance versions of the legend, Troilus is the youngest of Priam's five legitimate sons by Hecuba. Despite his youth he is one of the main Trojan war leaders. He dies in battle at Achilles' hands. In a popular addition to the story, originating in the 12th century, Troilus falls in love with Cressida, whose father has defected to the Greeks. Cressida pledges her love to Troilus but she soon switches her affections to the Greek hero Diomedes when sent to her father in a hostage exchange. Chaucer and Shakespeare are among the authors who wrote works telling the story of Troilus and Cressida. Within the medieval tradition, Troilus was regarded as a paragon of the faithful courtly lover and also of the virtuous pagan knight. Once the custom of courtly love had faded, his fate was regarded less sympathetically.
Troilus of Constantinople was a sophist from Side in Pamphylia of the late 4th and early 5th century. He taught in Constantinople.
Troilus is a legendary character associated with the story of the Trojan War. Troilus may also refer to:
My love it's been such a long long time
One day I always knew I'd hear from you again
But I'm sorry to find you're having such hard times
But you thought of me in your time of need
So I say,
Build me a road dear, and I will come running
No matter how long or how hard it may be
I have a light from your love dear to guide me
I promise I'll be there whenever you need
Who'd have thought it would ever come to this
One last letter but no one last kiss
As the seasons go by, everyday you're on my mind babe
I long one day to be with you
So I say,
Build me a road dear and I will come running
No matter how long or how hard it may be
I have a light from your love dear to guide me
I promise I'll be there whenever you need
You promised me I promised you
Our love for one another was true
But somewhere there in time, we went on with our lives
No we're all so far apart
Too far to make a start
Too long to make it end
I must see you again
Build me a road dear and I will come running
No matter how long or how hard it may be
(wherever you are)
I have a light from your love dear to guide me
I promise I'll be there whenever you need