1017 Records, also known as 1017 Brick Squad Records, is an American record label founded by Gucci Mane after his departure from Mizay Entertainment and the closing of So Icey Entertainment. The label has been a home to artists such as Waka Flocka Flame, Young Thug, Young Scooter, and Chief Keef among others. Atlantic Records was hitherto been a distributor but the label parted ways with Atlantic in late 2013. 1017 Records is currently distributed By 101 Distribution.
Gucci Mane opened the record label after signing with Mizay Entertainment in 2007, following the release of his independent album Trap-A-Thon. On May 4, 2010, Mane announced he had closed So Icey Entertainment and left Mizay Entertainment due to business problems with Debra Antney.
Gucci Mane stated that he was starting his own record label and that his employer, Jerry Alvarado, was already signing a distribution deal with Asylum Records. The first artists to sign up to 1017 Brick Squad were OJ Da Juiceman and Waka Flocka Flame, who signed up whilst they were still signed to Mizay Entertainment.
Söz: Ercan Saatçi
Müzik: Ercan Saatçi - Ufuk Yýldýrým
Düzenleme: Ercan Saatçi - Ufuk Yýldýrým
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