Stem may refer to:
The stem is the most forward part of a boat or ship's bow and is an extension of the keel itself. The stem is the curved edge stretching from the keel below, up to the gunwale of the boat. The stem is often found on wooden boats or ships, but not exclusively. The stem is part of the physical structure of a wooden boat or ship that gives it strength at the critical section of the structure, bringing together the port and starboard side planks of the hull.
There are two styles of stems: plumb and raked. When the stem comes up from the water, if it is perpendicular to the waterline it is "plumb." If it is inclined at an angle to the waterline it is "raked." (E.g., "The hull is single decked and characterized by a plumb stem, full bows, straight keel, moderate deadrise, and an easy turn of bilge.")
Because the stem is very sturdy, the top end of it may have something attached, either ornamental or functional in nature. On smaller vessels, this might be a simple wood carving (ornamental) or cleat (functional). On large wooden ships, figureheads can be attached to the upper end of the stem.
In linguistics, a stem is a part of a word. The term is used with slightly different meanings.
In one usage, a stem is a form to which affixes can be attached. Thus, in this usage, the English word friendships contains the stem friend, to which the derivational suffix -ship is attached to form a new stem friendship, to which the inflectional suffix -s is attached. In a variant of this usage, the root of the word (in the example, friend) is not counted as a stem.
In a slightly different usage, which is adopted in the remainder of this article, a word has a single stem, namely the part of the word that is common to all its inflected variants. Thus, in this usage, all derivational affixes are part of the stem. For example, the stem of friendships is friendship, to which the inflectional suffix -s is attached.
Stems may be a root, e.g. run, or they may be morphologically complex, as in compound words (e.g. the compound nouns meat ball or bottle opener) or words with derivational morphemes (e.g. the derived verbs black-en or standard-ize). Hence, the stem of the complex English noun photographer is photo·graph·er, but not photo. For another example, the root of the English verb form destabilized is stabil-, a form of stable that does not occur alone; the stem is de·stabil·ize, which includes the derivational affixes de- and -ize, but not the inflectional past tense suffix -(e)d. That is, a stem is that part of a word that inflectional affixes attach to.
Maché is a commune in the Vendée department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France.
This is a list of characters from the 1989 anime series Transformers: Victory.
Brainmasters were Transformers who came with an individual partner, who when combined formed the host's face.
The Multiforce consisted of six Autobots who could combine with each other as well as one entire entity. This technology is similar to the powerlinking process seen in Transformers: Energon. The following were the most common combinations used in the series. All the members of Multiforce can combine with any other member of Multiforce to form a larger robot, but Tackle most commonly combines with Mach to form Machtackle. All the Multiforce members can combine into Landcross.
In Greek mythology, the Makhai or Machai, Machae (Greek: Μάχαι, "battles"; singular: Μάχη Machê or Makhê) were the daemons (spirits) of battle and combat, and were sons or daughters of Eris, siblings to other vicious personifications like the Hysminai, the Androktasiai, and the Phonoi.
The daemons Homados (Battle-Noise), Alala (War-Cry), Proioxis (Onrush), Palioxis (Backrush) and Kydoimos (Confusion) were closely associated with the Makhai.
They were accompanied in battlefields by other deities and spirits associated with war and death, such as Ares, Phobos, Deimos, the Keres, Polemos, Enyo, and their mother Eris.