Juliana (variants Julianna, Giuliana, Iuliana, Julijana, Yuliana, Uljana, Xuliana or Xhuliana, etc.; in English Jillian, Gillian) is a feminine given name. It is the feminine form of the Roman cognomen Julianus, which gave rise to the masculine given name Julian.
Julian was the name of a number of early saints, notably Saint Julian the Hospitaller, which went to ensure the name's continued popularity in the medieval period.
People with the given name Juliana
Juliana of Paul and Juliana (died 270), Christian martyr during the Aurelian persecution
St. Juliana of Nicomedia (died 304), Christian martyr during the Diocletian persecution in 304
St. Juliana of Liège (1193–1252), nun and visionary from Retinnes in Fléron in the Bishopric of Liège, now in Belgium
St. Juliana Falconieri (1270–1341), Italian foundress of the Servite Third Order
Julian of Norwich (1342–1416), one of the greatest English mystics
Juliana Holszanska (1375–1448), third wife of Vytautas the Great, Grand Duke of Lithuania