Jo�o M. P. Cardoso
Computing Systems, Languages and Tools] |
Name: Jo�o Manuel Paiva Cardoso Position: Associate Professor Department of
Informatics Engineering (DEI), Faculty of Engineering, Porto, Portugal Office: I337 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Skype: jmcardo Phone: +351 916629046 Address: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 4200-465 Porto Portugal |
project), COBAYA (FCT),
II (Grices/CNPq), ACER (Grices/DAAD), UPCASE (PT Inova��o), CERMINES (LeME) |
18th IEEE International
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-2015), Porto, Portugal
on October 21-23, 2015, |
13th IEEE/IFIP International
Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-2015), Porto, Portugal
on October 21-23, 2015. |
Current Professional Activities: (TBD)
Recent Professional Activities:
- Program Co-Chair of RAW�2010,
April 19-20, 2010, Atlanta, USA
- Track Co-Chair of FPL2010, Milano,
Italy, Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2010
- Track Program Co-Chair of ReConFig�2010,
December 6-8, 2010, Cancun, Mexico
- Program Committees: SAMOS
XI, FPT2010, FPL2010, ARC2011,
ACM-SAC-EMBS2010, DIPES2010, ARCS2010,WCAE2009,SPL�2010.ICT2010
(rec. track), REC2010
Recent Teaching Activities:
- Theory of Computation (MIEIC, 2nd year, 1st
- Compilers (MIEIC, 3rd year, 2nd semester)
Short Biography:
I have been, since September
4th 2008, Associate Professor
in the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI), Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Before, I was Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Instituto Superior T�cnico (IST),
Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), in Lisbon (April 4, 2006- Sept. 3, 2008),
and Assistant Professor
(2001-2006) in the Department of Electronics and Informatics Engineering
(DEEI), Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
at the University of Algarve, and Teaching Assistant in the same
university (1993-2001). I have been a senior researcher
(Systems and Computer Engineering Institute) in Lisbon. I was member of INESC-ID from 1994 to 2009.
I received a PhD and an MSc degree in Electrical and
Computer Engineering both from the IST in
2001 and 1997, respectively, and a 5-year engineering degree in Electronic and Telecommunications from the University of Aveiro in 1993.
I worked during one year (2001-2002) for PACT XPP Technologies, Inc., Munich,
Germany. There I participated in the research and development of the C compiler
(XPP-VC) for the eXtreme Processing Platform (XPP), a
coarse-grained reconfigurable computing architecture.
I am a member of the steering committee of the International Workshop on Applied
Reconfigurable Computing (ARC). During recent years, I was general co-chair
of ARC 2006, held in Delft, The Netherlands, March 1-3, 2006; program chair of ARC 2005, held in
Algarve, Portugal, February 22-23, 2005; and general co-chair of the Jornadas sobre Sistemas
Reconfigur�veis (REC 2005), a scientific
meeting to discuss reconfigurable systems among Portuguese researchers. I was topic co-chair for �Design
Methods and Tools� of FPL�2008, co-chair
of the PhD forum of FPL�2007, and
Exhibition/Sponsorship Chair of FPL�2003. I have been serving
on various International Conferences as a Program Committee member and as a reviewer.
My research interests include: Compiler Techniques,
Reconfigurable Computing Platforms and Tools, and Design Automation for
Embedded Systems.
I am a Member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and a Senior Member
of ACM.
Five Publications Complete
Yiannis Sourdis, Jo�o
Bispo, Jo�o M. P. Cardoso, and Stamatis Vassiliadis, �Regular Expression Matching in Reconfigurable Hardware,� in The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Volume 51, Number 1, April, 2008, pp. 99-121.
Jo�o M. P. Cardoso,
Pedro Diniz, and Markus Weinhardt, Compiling
for Reconfigurable Computing: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol. 42, No. 4, Article 13, June 2010, pp. 1-65..
Jo�o M. P. Cardoso,
and Hor�cio C. Neto, �Compilation for FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Hardware,�
in IEEE Design & Test of Computers Magazine, March/April, 2003, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
Jo�o M. P. Cardoso, �On Combining Temporal Partitioning and
Sharing of Functional Units in Compilation for Reconfigurable Architectures,�
in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 1362-1375.
Jo�o M. P. Cardoso,
and Hor�cio C. Neto, "Macro-Based Hardware Compilation of Java(tm)
Bytecodes into a Dynamic Reconfigurable Computing System," In Proc.
7th IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'99), Napa Valley, California, USA, April 21 - 23, 1999, Kenneth L. Pocek
and Jeffrey M. Arnold, Editors, IEEE
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA,
USA, pp. 2-11.
Reconfigurable Computing, Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines (FCCMs)
Computing Machines, new Architectures, and Mapping
Compilation Techniques and Code
of Software and Hardware Engineering Tasks
Also applied to Embedded Systems design
High-Performance Embedded Computing
Compilation Techniques and Code Optimization
Hardware Accelerators
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), Tools and
Recent Talks:
- Compilation for Embedded
Reconfigurable Computing Architectures, 3rd Summer School on Generative and
Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE�2009), 6�11 July,
2009, Braga, Portugal.
Computing: Challenges, Session: Computing in the Nanoera, High Level Conference on Nanotechnologies,
an EU2007.PT Event, Braga, Portugal, November 20-21, 2007.
Data-Driven Approach for Pipelining Sequences of Data-Dependent LOOPs, ITIV, University of Karlsruhe,
July 2, 2007.
Recent Conferences:
International Conference on
Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL�2013), Sept. 2-4, 2013, Porto,
Portugal, |
International Symposium on Applied
Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), [ARC�2014,
Algarve, Portugal, April 14-16, 2013] |
[Last update on March, 2015]