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Relevant publications

Linda Paterson
  • ‘Occitan literature and the Holy Land’, in The World of Eleanor of Aquitaine: Literature and Society in Southern France between the Eleventh and Thirteenth Centuries, ed. M. Bull and C. Léglu, Woodbridge, 2005, pp. 83-99 (Italian version: ‘La letteratura occitanica e la Terra Santa’, Rivista di Studi Testuali, 5 (2003), pp. 73-98]
  • ‘Une perspective aquitaine des croisades? Le témoignage des troubadours’, in L'Aquitaine des littératures médiévales (XIe - XIIIe siècle), ed. Jean-Yves Casanova and Valérie Fasseur (dir.), Paris, 2011, pp. 181-199
  • ‘James the Conqueror, the Holy Land and the troubadours’, Cultura Neolatina, 71 (2011), 211-287
  • ‘Greeks and Latins at the time of the Fourth Crusade: Patriarch John X Kamateros and a troubadour tenso’, in Languages of Love and Hate. Conflict, Communication, and Identity in the Medieval Mediterranean, ed. S. Lambert and H. Nicholson, Turnhout, 2012, pp. 119-139
  • ‘Austorc de Segret, [No s]ai qui.m so tan suy [des]conoyssens, BdT 41.1’, Lecturae Tropatorum, 5, 2012,
  • ‘Calega Panzan, Ar es sazos c’om si deu alegrar (BdT 107.1), Lecturae tropatorum, 5, 2012,
  • ‘Guillem Fabre, Pus dels majors (BdT 216.2) Hon mais vey, pus truep sordeyor (BdT 216.1)’, Lecturae tropatorum, 6, 2013,
  • ‘Peire del Vilar, Sendatz vermelhs, endis e ros (BdT 365.1)’, Lecturae tropatorum, 6, 30 June 2013, pp. 1-18,
  • 'Anonimo, Finament (BdT 461.122)', Lecturae tropatorum, 7 (2014), 1-35,
  • ‘Lyric Responses to the Crusades. Parody and Dissent’, in Parodies courtoises, parodies de la courtoisie, ed. M. Madureira, C. Clamote Carreto and A. P. Morais, Paris, 2016, pp. 525-32
  • ‘Troubadour Responses to the Reconquista’, Romance Philology, 70 (2016), 181-202
Stefano Asperti
Ruth Harvey
  • J. Gillingham and R. Harvey, ‘Le Troubadour Giraut de Borneil et la troisième croisade’, Rivista di Studi Testuali, 5 (2003), 51-72
Anna Radaelli
  • Raimon Gaucelm de Béziers, Poesie, Florence, 1997
  • l canzoniere provenzale C (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 856), in INTAVULARE. Tavole di canzonieri romanzi, Modena, Mucchi, 2005, pp. 400 («Studi e Testi» dei Subsidia al Corpus des Troubadours, I. Canzonieri provenzali, 2. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale)
  • '«voil ma chançun a la gent fere oïr»: un appello anglonormanno alla crociata (London, BL Harley 1717, c. 251v)', Cultura Neolatina, 37 (2013), 361-400
Luca Barbieri
  • ‘Signori-trovieri in Borgogna: una lirica attribuita a Gautier de Berzé’, in Medioevo Romanzo, 21 (1997), 107-131
  • ‘Note sul “Liederbuch” di Thibaut de Champagne’, in Medioevo Romanzo, 23 (1999), 388-416
  • Le liriche di Hugues de Berzé, edizione critica, Milano, CUSL, 2001
  • «A mon Ynsombart part Troia: une polémique anti-courtoise dans le dialogue entre trouvères et troubadours», Medioevo Romanzo, 37 (2013), 264-295
  • «Un sirventese religioso di Thibaut de Champagne: Diex est ausis conme li pellicans (RS 273)», Cultura Neolatina, 73 (2013), 301-346
  • «Le canzoni di crociata e il canone lirico oitanico», Medioevi, 1 (2015), 45-74
Marjolaine Raguin
  • Lorsque la poésie fait le souverain : étude sur la Chanson de la Croisade albigeoise, préface de Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Paris : Honoré Champion, 2015.