Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs Workshop

Co-located with the ISWC 2024

Baltimore - November 2024

See Call for Papers

SofLiM4KG Call for Papers

Knowledge graphs are digital artifacts with a complex construction process utilizing numerous tools and data sources. They are generated in elaborate pipelines utilizing a wide variety of semantic technologies, for example mapping languages, such as RML or OTTR, or validation languages, such as SHACL. Further semantic technologies are used to describes the used ontology, such as OWL, and the adjacent queries, such as SPARQL. Far from a linear process, multiple data sources must be mapped into the target knowledge graph.
All the involved artifacts, ontologies, mapping scripts, graph shapes, etc., are interdependent and changes in one of them require the adjustment in others. The building and maintenance of a knowledge graph needs to apply the artifacts and tools in the correct order in the right context, e.g., staging and production contexts, as well as manage the intermediate artifacts generated in substeps.
In current practice, managing the dependencies is a manual process and general management of artifacts and changes is done using ad hoc approaches. Despite the numerous work on knowledge graph construction, there is a focus on the technical aspects of the single steps and little attention has been paid to the practical aspects of (a) organizing and managing knowledge graphs projects in terms of change management, dependencies between semantic artifacts, as well as DevOps for knowledge graphs, and (b) automating building and deploying of the resulting knowledge graph and adjacent artifacts. Similarly, connections to project management in software engineering, where a rich body of experience in DevOps, building, maintaining and deploying of digital artifacts exists are not systematically explored.
The Software Lifecicly Management for KG workshop (SofLiM4KG) aims to collect experiences in successful and abandoned knowledge graph projects from this perspective to (a) carve out the specifics in knowledge graph engineering that pose challenges beyond software engineering practices, (b) to establish best practices and anti-patterns for the community, and (c) build the foundations for the systematic investigation of the connection to software engineering, as well as qualitative and quantitative studies in project management of knowledge graphs.


  • Best practices and experience reports from managing knowledge graph projects
  • Reports of problems and hindrances in abandoned knowledge graph projects
  • Tools for mechanizing building of knowledge graphs
  • Tools for mechanizing maintenance of knowledge graphs
  • Applications of DevOps or agile patterns in development
  • Connections to software engineering practices, such as build tools
  • Dependency management among semantic artifacts used in knowledge graph construction and maintenance
  • Methods of testing applications based on knowledge graphs

Authors Guideline


Authors can choose the best way to express their work, such as HTML or PDF. However, a CEUR layout must be provided


  • Full research papers (12-15 pages)
  • In Use and Experience papers (12-15 pages)
  • Short research papers (5-8 pages)
  • Challenge papers (6-8 pages)
  • Position and Vision papers (4-6 pages)
  • System/demo papers (4-6 pages)
  • Abstract from journal papers (2-4 pages)

Review and Publication

Please, share your contribution before the deadline through the Easychair platform. The accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the workshop through CEUR-WS. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors at the workshop (virtual presentations are not allowed).


Session 1 (14:00 - 15:30)

  • Welcome to the Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs Workshop.
  • Intro to the keynote speaker
  • Keynote: Automated Knowledge Graph Construction from Medical Transcripts: A Pipeline Approach to Graph RAG. Tom Smoker.
  • Wrap up

15:30 - 16:00: Coffee Break

Session 2 (16:00 - 17:20)

Each paper has 20 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes of Q/A

  • RDF-Connect: A declarative framework for streaming and cross-environment data processing pipelines. Arthur Vercruysse, Jens Pots, Julian Rojas Melendez and Pieter Colpaert.
  • Generating Transparent and Query-Based RDF Layers. Nils Rollshausen, Eduard Kamburjan and Martin Giese.
  • Vision of Knowledge Graph Lifecycle Management within Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Solutions Romana Pernisch, Hennie Huijgens, Stefan Schlobach, Ruud Mattheij, Frank Benders, Hubert van Beusekom and Freek Bomhof.
  • Discussion
  • Wrap up


Automated Knowledge Graph Construction from Medical Transcripts: A Pipeline Approach to Graph RAG Tom Smoker

While Large Language Models have transformed how we process unstructured text, creating structured knowledge graphs from this data remains a significant challenge. This keynote presents an automated pipeline for converting unstructured medical transcripts into queryable knowledge graphs optimized for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). We demonstrate a Python-based process that handles the complete workflow: from initial text processing using medical-domain LLMs, through automated schema generation incorporating standard medical ontologies, to final graph construction and validation. The presentation includes practical implementations, common pitfalls, and solutions for scaling these systems in production environments. Our approach reduces manual intervention while maintaining medical accuracy and answering temporal questions in a scalable way, providing a blueprint for similar efforts in other domains requiring structured knowledge representation from unstructured sources.

About the speaker

Responsive image

Tom is the Technical Founder of WhyHowAI. He holds a PhD in Computer Science, specializing in Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graph Embeddings. He has more than 8 years of experience as Machine Learning Engineer. He is most interested in decision making under uncertainty.

Important dates

8 August, 2024

Submission papers

Submit your paper

6 September, 2024


The notification and reviews from our Program Committee will be available.

13 September, 2024

Submission camera ready

Time to have your paper ready for being published. All the accepted paper will be published in the proceedings.

11 Nov, 2024


Keynote, papers presentations, and a lot of discussion. Remember! If your contribution is accepted, it needs to be presented by one of the authors at the event.


Eduard Kamburjan

Senior Researcher, University of Oslo

David Chaves Fraga

Assistant Professor, CiTIUS - USC

Paco Nathan

Managing Partner,

Coen De Roover

Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Oscar Corcho

Full Professor, OEG - UPM

Program Committee

  • Wouter Beek, Triply
  • Juan F. Sequeda,
  • Pieter Colpaert, Ghent University
  • Mario Scrocca, CEFRIEL
  • Paola Espinoza-Arias, BASF
  • Carlos Buil Aranda, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
  • Umutcan Serles, STI Innsbruck
  • Martin G. Skjæveland, University of Oslo
  • Richard Bubel, TU Darmstadt
  • Romana Pernisch, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Louis Guitton, Free Consultant