The Flemish Peace Institute is an independent
institute for peace research at the Flemish Parliament.
New Project D-TECT-publication
Examining technologies to counter the diversion of components of conventional weapons

Current armed conflicts are also driven and aggravated by weapons that - in whole or in part - ended up in the wrong hands after being diverted. Yet in the fight against the diversion of (components of) conventional weapons, relatively little use is made of new technologies. What potential do certain new technologies have to counter the diversion of weapons and weapon components? Read our newest project D-TECT publication.

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Peace in foreign policy
Check out our newest analysis zooming in on peace nations in times of crisis

This analysis by Merel Selleslach and Maarten Van Alstein looks at how different states (Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland) and sub-state regions (Catalonia, Emilia-Romagna, Flanders, Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Wales) in Europe developed a peace orientation in their foreign policy. It also examines how the war in Ukraine has impacted these approaches. Confronted with shifting foreign policy priorities, the analysis explores novel pathways for shaping peace policy in Europe.

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Firearms and Drugs: Partners in Transnational Crime
Explore the intricate relationship between illicit drug trafficking and the proliferation of illegal firearms

The multifaceted links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms present a global challenge requiring a clear understanding and integrated responses. Read this new report, authored by the Flemish Peace Institute and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

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Gun violence in the EU
Discover the new online knowledge portal

* Freely available to policymakers, police officers, strategic analysts, researchers, journalists & media.
* Central to this platform: an AI-powered online Incident Monitor that collects up-to-date information on firearms incidents in 27 EU-member states,.
* With key data on gun violence in every EU member state, a thematic research overview & 8 new research reports on European trends in firearm violence.

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Commemoration and remembrance

Memories of wars and political violence continue to deeply move us, long after the occurrence of these events. Violent conflicts create deep divides and rifts, between states and groups of people.

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Radical ideas can have a place in a democratic society. They are part of the democratic difference of opinions and ensure that new themes and interests are taken into account. A more serious problem arises when radicalisation processes give rise to violent forms of extremism.

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Peace education

Since our inception we conduct research into peace education and conflict management. We explore what peace education means and how it can be given substance in the educational system. One of our main themes is dealing with controversy in class.

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Conventional weapons

Weapons are strategic goods. They play an important role in law enforcement and national defence. At the same time, there are risks associated with the trade in these products.

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The government regulates the arms trade and the use of firearms. The regulation covers legal forms of possession, use and trade, but it also aims to combat the illegal trade and misuse.

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Dual use goods

The trade of dual-use items is controlled in order to prevent nuclear, chemical and biological products from falling into the wrong hands. These items were not developed specifically for military purposes but may nevertheless have a military application.

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Talk with us

Missed out on the side-event?
Discover 👇 the newest analysis by @Diederik_Cops focusing on the diversion of conventional #weapons components.
Kon je er niet bij zijn?
Ontdek 👆onze nieuwste publicatie over de afwending van conventionele #Wapens

Join our researcher @Diederik_Cops for 👇 side event at #armstradetreaty #CSP10 on Thursday, focusing on how technology can help to counter the diversion of components of conventional weapons. Or read all about it in his new DTECT-📖 at after the event!

In haar #11juli -toespraak pleit @LiesbethHomans , voorzitter van @vlaparl voor een belangrijke rol van vredesregio Vlaanderen in het vertolken van de stem van de #vrede, mensenrechten en democratie.

De EU maakt zich op voor enorme #defensie-investeringen. Toch zijn er, voor wie momenteel onderhandelt over regeerakkoorden, kansen om ook momentum voor #vrede te creëren. Lees hoe in 👇opiniestuk @tijd van onze directeur @NDuquet.

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