The Alambagh in heavy seas |
The American ship ‚Olive S Southard‘ of San Francisco in French waters off Le Havre |
Amphitrite, trois-mâts de commerce |
The Atalanta running under reduced sail in a gale |
The auxiliary steamer County of Sutherland at sea under steam and sail |
The auxiliary steamer Rishanglys calling for a pilot off a headland |
La barque français „Charles“ au Le Havre, Capitaine G. Desmorest |
The Barque Victoria |
The barquentine HERDIS of the American Star Line |
The Blackwall Frigate ALUMBAGH at anchor |
Course de cotres, 1882 |
Le Diamant sortant du Havre |
The Espérance (1847) |
The first French steam battlefleet in formation at sea |
The full-rigger King Ceolric running down the coast under full sail |
Fulton, paquebot à vapeur américain |
'Glenorchy' |
Goélette marchande danoise |
'Hope' of Castletown |
'Inheritance' of London |
Kaleda off Le Havre |
'Knight Errant' in a Storm |
‚Menai Straits‘ off Cape de la Hève |
Navire de Bordeaux, construit en 1858 |
Navires entrant au Havre derrière un remorqueur |
Paquebot à propulsion mixte en carénage au Havre |
Le paquebot Paraguay, 1907 |
Het passagiersschip ss. Sindoro van de Rotterdamsche Lloyd |
'Polestar' |
Portrait of the Steamship Antinous |
'Pride of Wales' |
'Prince Louis' |
Prise de Makung par l'escadre de Courbet |
R. Bell & Co.'s steamship „Bothal“ in a heavy swell |
The “Richard Rylands” passing the Fastnet Rock |
Sailing Boats, Le Havre |
Saint-Simon, paquebot à hélice |
Le Saint-Thomas |
Schooner off the Coast |
Ship from Bordeaux, built in 1858 |
The ship 'Haddon Hall' |
Ships entering Le Havre, towed by a tugboat |
SS 'Bala' |
SS 'Inchmaree' |
SS 'Lilias' |
SS 'Newminster' |
SS 'Sir W. T. Lewis' |
Steam sailing ship Finsbury in a stormy sea |
The steamer Paraguay |
Steamship 'Ferrona' |
The three-master ‚Hahnemann‘ in full sail off a headland |
Trois-mâts anglais et brick français |
William D. Laurence, clipper de Maitland |