Terms & Conditions

Terms of Service

1. The content available on this site is exclusively informative, not consisting in recommendations of financial, legal, fiscal, accounting or any other nature. Use of this material is solely of the user's responsibility.

2. Valor Econômico may change form and content, as well as as suspend and cancel, at any moment and at its own criteria, any services, products, tools or applications available on the site.

3. Information available on the site may be updated or changed periodically and shouldn't be taken as definitive.

4. Valor Econômico will do its best to keep information and material on this site as accurate, current and complete as possible.

5. Valor Econômico or its partners will not be liable, in contract or tort, for any loss, direct or indirect, resulting from:

5.1 Any inaccuracy or lack of completeness in information, delays, interruptions, errors or omissions in the supply of data available on this site;

5.2 Any decision or action taken by the user or a third party based on this information.

6. The content, images, brands, headlines, sounds, videos, data, charts, tables and services offered on the site are property of Valor Econômico or partners, and their reproduction, transmission, exploration, storage or any type of usage is not authorized. The user is completely liable, civil and criminally, for unauthorized usage of any or all of the site's material.

7. The site and its services are subject to ocasional instances of interruption, technical failure or temporary unavailability.