

Senate President Pacheco’s proposal alters indexation, freezes payments, and sets debt at R$700bn to be repaid over a span of 30 years

Bill favors states indebted to federal government


Brazil’s bold government action on tobacco saved countless lives. Now the country has another opportunity to promote public health and economic development

Selective Alcohol Tax: A simple choice hounded by false dilemmas


Taxation included in draft of bill was removed at President Lula’s request

Tax reform to include private pension taxation


Probe reveals luxury gifts sold abroad, funds allegedly used for U.S. stay

Federal Police say Bolsonaro embezzled $1.2m in jewelry


Inclusion of meat in the tax-exempt basic basket still under negotiation

Controversial points of tax reform left out of advisory opinion


Finance minister anticipates a R$25.9bn cut in mandatory expenses, after thorough review of social benefits

Haddad affirms Lula’s commitment to fiscal responsibility


Amidst this turmoil, positive developments in Brazil’s economy are overshadowed


President’s proposal comes amid discussions on the regulation of tax reform

Lula wants to include meat in tax-exempt basic food basket


President hints at Executive Branch action on currency issues; Finance Minister Haddad refutes potential changes to the Financial Operations Tax on foreign exchange transactions

Real depreciates after Lula’s comments on exchange rate, Central Bank


Economic team has been working on expenditure review agenda for 60 days

Haddad to present fiscal adjustment measures to Lula