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Jean Hersholt

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Jean Hersholt
Jean Pierre Carl Buron[1]

12-iyul 1886-yil
Copenhagen, Daniya
Vafoti 2-iyun 1956-yil(1956-06-02)
(69 yoshda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi Daniya va AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1906-1955
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Via Hersholt (turm. 1914)
Bolalari 2

Jean Pierre Carl Buron (talaffuzi: „Jan Per Karl Buron“, 1886-yil 12-iyul — 1956-yil 2-iyun), professional sifatida Jean Hersholt nomi bilan tanilgan, daniyalik aktyor edi. U „Doktor Christian“ (1937-1954) radioserialida va „Heidi“ (1937) filmidagi roli bilan mashhur[2]. Uning ismini qanday talaffuz qilish kerakligi haqidagi savolga u The Literary Digest ga shunday dedi: „Ingliz tilida, her’sholt ; Danishda, hairs’hult“[3]. Jeanning umumiy ijrolaridan 75 tasi ovozsiz va 65 tasi ovozli filmlar (jami 140 ta).

Hersholt Jan Pierre Carl Buron Daniyaning Kopengagen shahrida tugʻilgan. Hersholt aktyorlar oilasida tug‘ilganini daʼvo qilgan[4], lekin aslida uning otasi Henry Pierre Buron, fransuz katolik va daniyalik protestant, onasi esa Clara (niyasi Petersen) Daniyalik protestant sartarosh boʻlgan, ammo otasi keyinchalik sigaret va vino sotuvchisi boʻlgan[5]. Hersholt 1906-yilda Daniyaning Nordisk Film kinostudiyasining ikkita birinchi qisqa metrajli filmlarida suratga tushgan, ammo Daniyadagi ilk yillarida unchalik muvaffaqiyat qozonmagan[6]. U 1906- va 1907-yillardagi Kopengagendagi „katta jinsiy jinoyatlar boʻyicha sud“ bilan bogʻliq janjalga aralashgan edi[5]. Keyinchalik sodir boʻlgan axloqiy vahima politsiyaga xabar qilingan Hersholt (oʻsha paytda Buron) bilan bogʻliq. U fohishalik bilan shug‘ullanganligini tan oldi va 8 oylik qamoq jazosiga hukm qilindi[5]. Hersholt 1913-yilda Qoʻshma Shtatlarga hijrat qildi va faoliyatining qolgan qismini Amerikada oʻtkazdi.

Sietldagi KIRO stansiyasi uchun reklama flayeri

Hersholtning eng yaxshi eslab qolingan film rollari orasida Erich von Stroheimning 1924-yilgi Greed filmidagi Marcus Schouler va Shveysariya yozuvchisi Johanna Spyri tomonidan yozilgan 1880-yilgi bolalar kitobining 1937-yilgi film versiyasida Shirley Templning sevimli bobosi Heidi rolini kiritish mumkin. Kinodagi uzoq faoliyati davomida uning rollariga ovozsiz va yovuz qahramonlar kiradi. 

Jan Hersholtning qabri

Hersholt 1956-yilda Gollivudda saraton kasalligidan vafot etdi va Kaliforniyaning Glendeyl shahridagi Forest Lawn Memorial Park qabristoniga dafn qilindi.

Tanlangan filmografiya

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Film Rol Rejissyor Izohlar
1915 The Disciple Mob aʼzosi akkreditivsiz
1916 Bullets and Brown Eyes
1916 Hell’s Hinges Barmen akkreditivsiz
1916 The Aryan Reginald BarkerClifford Smith
1916 Kinkaid, Gambler
1916 The Desert
1917 Black Orchids Rex Ingram
1917 Fighting for Love Ferdinand Raymond Wells
1917 Love Aflame Reginald Raymond Wells
1917 The Terror Jimm Raymond Wells
1917 The Saintly Sinner
1917 Pierreils of the Secret Service Shahzoda Feodor
1917 Southern Justice Caleb Talbot Lynn Reynolds
1917 The Greater Law Lynn Reynolds
1917 The Soul Herder Parson John Ford qisqa
1917 The Show Down Parkes Lynn Reynolds
1917 A Stormy Knight Doktor Fraser Elmer Clifton
1917 '49-'17 'Gentleman Jim' Raynor
1917 Princess Virtue Emile Carre Robert Z. Leonard
1918 Madame Spy Count Von Ornstorff Douglas Gerrard
1918 The Answer Shepard
1918 Little Red Decides Jack Conway
1919 Whom the Gods Would Destroy
1919 Loveʼs Prisoner Party Guest John Francis Dillion akkreditivsiz
1920 The Red Lane Vetal Beaulieu
1920 Merely Mary Ann Stranger Edward J. Le Saint
1920 The Golden Trail Harry Teal Lewis H. Moomaw
1920 The Deceiver
1921 The Servant in the House Manson, The Servant in the House Jack Conway
1920 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Professor von Hartrott Rex Ingram akkreditivsiz
1921 A Certain Rich Man Adrian Brownwell Howard Hickman
1921 The Man of the Forest Lem Beasley Howard Hickman
1922 When Romance Rides Joel Creech Jean Hersholt
1922 Heartʼs Haven Henry Bird Benjamin B. Hampton
1922 Tess of the Storm Country Ben Letts John S. Robertson
1922 The Strangers' Banquet Fiend Marshall Neilan
1923 Jazzmania Otto of Como Robert Z. Leonard
1923 Quicksands Ring Member Jack Conway
1923 Red Lights Ezra Carson Clarence G. Badger
1923 Souls for Sale Oʻzi RuPierret Hughes
1924 Torment Boris Scott R. Beal (assistant director)
1924 The Goldfish Herman Krauss Jerome Storm
1924 The Woman on the Jury Jury Foreman Harry O. Hoyt
1924 Sinners in Silk Doktor Eustace Hobart Henley
1924 Her Night of Romance Joe Diamond Sidney Franklin
1924 Greed Marcus Erich von Stroheim
1924 Cheap Kisses Gustaf Borgstrom Cullen Tate
1924 So Big Aug Hempel Charles Brabin
1925 Dangerous Innocence Gilchrist William A. Seiter
1925 Fifth Avenue Models Crook Svend Gade
1925 If Marriage Fails Doktor Mallini John Ince
1925 Don Q Son of Zorro Don Fabrique Donald Crisp
1925 A Womanʼs Faith Jules Cluny Edward Laemmle
1925 Stella Dallas Ed Munn Henry King
1926 The Greater Glory Gustav Schmidt Curt Rehfeld
1926 My Old Dutch 'Erb 'Uggins Laurence Trimble
1926 It Must Be Love Pop Schmidt Alfred E. Green
1926 Flames Ole Bergson Lewis H. Moomaw
1926 The Old Soak Clement Hawley, Sr. Edward Sloman
1927 The Wrong Mr. Wright Seymour White Scott Sidney
1927 Alias the Deacon George Caswell aka The Deacon Edward Sloman
1927 The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg Doktor Jüttner Ernst Lubitsch
1928 13 Washington Square 'Deaconʼ Pyecroft Melville W. Brown
1928 The Secret Hour Tony Rowland V. Lee
1928 Abieʼs Irish Rose Solomon Levy Victor Fleming
1928 Jazz Mad Franz Hausmann F. Harmon Weight
1928 The Battle of the Sexes William Judson D. W. Griffith
1928 Give and Take Factory Owner William Beaudine
1929 Girl on the Barge McCadden Edward Sloman
1929 The Younger Generation Pa Frank Capra
1929 Modern Love François Renault Arch Heath
1930 The Climax Luigi Golfanti Renaud Hoffman
1930 The Case of Sergeant Grischa Posnanski Ray Lissner (assistant)
1930 Mamba August Bolte Albert S. Rogell
1930 Hell Harbor Joseph Horngold Henry King
1930 East Is West Erkak Monta Bell
1930 A Soldier’s Plaything Bobo Rittner Michael Curtiz akkreditivsiz
1930 The Cat Creeps Doktor Patterson RuPierret Julian
1930 The Third Alarm Frank 'Dad' Morton Emory Johnson
1930 Viennese Nights Elsaʼs Father Alan Crosland
1931 Daybreak Herr Schnabel Jacques Feyder
1931 Transatlantic Rudolph aka Jed Kramer William K. Howard
1931 The Phantom of Paris Herman John S. Robertson
1931 Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) Carl Ohlin Robert Z. Leonard
1931 The Sin of Madelon Claudet Doktor Dulac Edgar Selwyn
1931 Private Lives Oscar Sidney Franklin
1932 Emma Mr. Frederick Smith Clarence Brown
1932 The Beast of the City Sam Belmonte Charles Brabin
1932 Are You Listening? George Wagner
1932 Grand Hotel Senf, the Porter Edmund Goulding
1932 Night Court the Janitor W. S. Van Dyke
1932 New Morals for Old James Hallett Charles Brabin
1932 Unashamed Heinrich Schmidt Harry Beaumont
1932 SkyscraPierre Souls Jake Sorenson Edgar Selwyn
1932 Hearts of Humanity Sol Bloom Christy Cabanne
1932 The Mask of Fu Manchu Von Berg Charles Vidor
1932 Flesh Mr. Herman John Ford
1933 The Crime of the Century Doktor Emil Brandt William Beaudine
1933 Song of the Eagle Otto Hoffman Ralph Murphy
1933 Dinner at Eight Jo Stengel George Cukor
1933 Christopher Bean Rosen Sam Wood
1934 The Cat and the Fiddle Professor Sam Wood (akkreditivsiz)
1934 Men in White Doktor 'Hockieʼ Hochberg Ryszard Bolesławski
1934 The Fountain Baron Van Leyden John Cromwell
1934 The Painted Veil Herr Koerber Richard Boleslawski
1935 Mark of the Vampire Baron Otto Tod Browning
1935 Break of Hearts Professor Thalma Philip Moeller
1935 Murder in the Fleet Victor Hanson Edward Sedgwick
1936 Tough Guy Veterinarian Chester Franklin
1936 The Country Doctor Doktor John Luke Henry King
1936 Sins of Man Christopher Freyman Gregory Ratoff
1936 His Brother’s Wife Professor Fahrenheim W. S. Van Dyke
1936 Reunion Doktor John Luke
1936 One in a Million Heinrich Muller Sidney Lanfield
1937 Seventh Heaven Father Chevillon Henry King
1937 Heidi Adolph Kramer / Grandfather Allan Dwan
1938 Happy Landing Herr Lars Ericksen Roy Del Ruth
1938 Alexander’s Ragtime Band Professor Heinrich Henry King
1938 I’ll Give a Million Victor Walter Lang
1938 Five of a Kind Doktor John Luke Herbert I. Leeds
1939 Mr. Moto in Danger Island Sutter Herbert I. Leeds
1939 Meet Doktor Christian Doktor Paul Christian Bernard Vorhaus
1940 The Courageous Doktor Christian Doktor Paul Christian Bernard Vorhaus
1940 Doktor Christian Meets the Women Doktor Paul Christian William C. McGann
1940 Remedy for Riches Doktor Paul Christian Erle C. Kenton
1941 Melody for Three Doktor Paul Christian Erle C. Kenton
1941 They Meet Again Doktor Paul Christian Erle C. Kenton
1943 Stage Door Canteen Himself Frank Borzage
1949 Dancing in the Dark Jean Hersholt Irving Reis
1955 Run for Cover Mr. Swenson Nicholas Ray
  1. According to the State of California. California Death Index, 1940–1997. Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California. Searchable at http://www.familytreelegends.com/records/caldeaths
  2. Obituary Variety, 6 June 1956, p. 63.
  3. Funk, Charles Earle. What's the Name, Please? A Guide to the Correct Pronunciation of Current Prominent Names. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1936. OCLC 1463642. 
  4. Current biography yearbook, Volume 5. H. W. Wilson Co., 1945 — 288-bet. 
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 Kastrup, Kim. „Dansk Hollywood-stjerne var trækkerdreng“ (da). Ekstra Bladet (2017-yil 28-sentyabr). Qaraldi: 2019-yil 1-avgust.
  6. „Jean Hersholt“ (DA). Danish Film Institute. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 1-mart.