Papers by Wenceslao García Puchades
Routledge eBooks, Jun 3, 2024
Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health, Jun 29, 2024

Libro de actas. IV Congreso Internacional Estética y Política: Poéticas del desacuerdo para una democracia plural, 2019
Atendiendo a las premisas del IV Congreso Estética y Política se propone una comunicación en torn... more Atendiendo a las premisas del IV Congreso Estética y Política se propone una comunicación en torno a los trabajos que el filósofo francés Jean-Luc Nancy ha dedicado a la noción de democracia desde una perspectiva estética propia de la filosofía de este autor. Tomando como principal referencia la obra traducida al castellano La verdad de la democracia, la propuesta se centrará en la presencia de la noción heideggeriana ser-con (mit sein) en la elaboración del pensamiento de Nancy. Desde una comprensión del sentido atravesada por el estar juntos Nancy propone una vuelta de tuerca a la noción de democracia, instalándola en un régimen de inmanencia de sentido, más allá de ser entendida como un hecho histórico y administrativo. En este contexto el con que se articula en un régimen democrático adquiere unas características particulares que atañen directamente al ser de los entes. Ya en este nivel ontológico el filósofo pone el acento en la idea originaria de relación, superando la compren...
Intellect Books, Dec 1, 2014

REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria
La participación del alumnado en cuantas facetas de su educación sea posible está relacionada con... more La participación del alumnado en cuantas facetas de su educación sea posible está relacionada con una educación democrática, puede que incluso con intenciones de emancipación. Este artículo describe y valora críticamente una experiencia en la que futuro profesorado en formación discutió y decidió el sistema de evaluación de una asignatura, así como los criterios de calificación. Para ello, los docentes adoptaron la Pedagogía de la Ignorancia, basada en los postulados del filósofo francés Rancière. La innovación fue evaluada desde el paradigma interpretativo. Bajo este prisma, los datos se recogieron mediante diarios reflexivos tanto del alumnado participante como de los docentes e investigadores, así como con dos grupos de discusión. El análisis posterior de los datos evidencia la complejidad de la tarea de negociación, avalada por multitud de sesiones dedicadas a ella, al mismo tiempo que reflejan su utilidad para entender la evaluación, sus valores y bondades y su poder reflexivo....
El articulo presenta un cuento motor en el que se van planteando retos grupales que hay que super... more El articulo presenta un cuento motor en el que se van planteando retos grupales que hay que superar con la presencia de alumnado con diversidad funcional. Se pretende provocar una reflexion critica acerca de las emociones que el propio cuento evoca.
Environmental Education Research

El siguiente texto trata de responder a la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar políticamente el ci... more El siguiente texto trata de responder a la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar políticamente el cine. Pensar políticamente el cine, veremos, significa pensar en qué medida el cine puede tener efectos políticos y contribuir a la formación del sujeto político hoy en día. Para abordar esta tarea correctamente la hemos ubicado dentro de un marco más amplio, a saber, aquel que se cuestiona las relaciones entre arte y política. Pero, ¿por qué preguntarse por la relación entre arte y política? ¿En qué condiciones surge la pregunta por la relación entre arte y política? A lo largo de estas líneas veremos como sólo desde una actitud filosófica-pedagógica determinada tiene sentido preguntarse por los efectos políticos de las prácticas artísticas y cinematográficas. The following text tries to answer the question of how it is possible to think cinema politically. To think cinema politically, as we will see, signifies to think why cinema could have political effects and how it contributes to the...

El siguiente texto trata de responder a la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar políticamente el ci... more El siguiente texto trata de responder a la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar políticamente el cine. Pensar políticamente el cine, veremos, significa pensar en qué medida el cine puede tener efectos políticos y contribuir a la formación del sujeto político hoy en día. Para abordar esta tarea correctamente la hemos ubicado dentro de un marco más amplio, a saber, aquel que se cuestiona las relaciones entre arte y política. Pero, ¿por qué preguntarse por la relación entre arte y política? ¿En qué condiciones surge la pregunta por la relación entre arte y política? A lo largo de estas líneas veremos como sólo desde una actitud filosófica-pedagógica determinada tiene sentido preguntarse por los efectos políticos de las prácticas artísticas y cinematográficas. The following text tries to answer the question of how it is possible to think cinema politically. To think cinema politically, as we will see, signifies to think why cinema could have political effects and how it contributes to the...
Tándem: Didáctica de la educación física, 2021

"Our educative innovative project through technologies is grounded in the contemporary socio... more "Our educative innovative project through technologies is grounded in the contemporary socio-economic situation and tries to teach students of Fine Arts and Audio-visual Communication how it is possible to get a innovative cultural project off the ground thanks to Web 2.0 tools. The economic crisis, which is installed in some European countries and the United States, has reduced drastically the funding aimed to the cultural field. In this way cultural production is shown monopolized by big private companies which are minimizing risks because of their fear to lose money. The consequence is a cultural panorama in which innovation is getting more and more difficult. However, in the middle of such a distressing panorama, some cultural projects are arising as an alternative to the dominant model of cultural production. Their power is based on the fact that they do not depend either on public resources or on the law of supply and demand, but on the resources and interests shared by a crowd of individuals. These cultural projects have appeared in the last years thanks to communication technologies and Web 2.0 development. In the last years, the improvements in social networks, open contents software and P2P networks have modified the traditional model of production. In Web 2.0, many innovative projects have found the chance for self-management by getting the material and the human resources (crowdsourcing) and funding (crowdfunding) from different users and institutions to achieve their aim. Hence this model of cultural production arises as one of the best alternatives to face the contemporary cultural panorama. Our educative innovative project is grounded in this socio-economic situation. Our objective is to offer Fine Arts and Audiovisual Communication students the knowledge and tools that Web 2.0 can give them to develop their own projects. In order to achieve that, our e-learning methodology will be developed in the following way: 1. We will start by letting students know about those cultural projects that have been developed successfully in Web 2.0, so they will be able to analyze both their crowdsourcing and crowdfounding strategies and the online platforms and tools that have been used. 2. Students will experience the use of some of the collaborative tools that they have identified in those projects. 3. They will familiarize themselves with some online platforms –as Wikis– that allow them to make a collaborative space to create, develop and spread their own projects. 4. They will be asked to analyze the stages of development of an innovative collaborative project in Web 2.0 and to identify which tools are the most appropriated for each stage. 5. Students will be asked to create an innovative cultural project through an online platform by using crowdsourcing and crowdfounding strategies. In order to achieve this, they will have to use as many collaborative tools as necessary. 6. Finally, they will be taught to viralize their projects by using different web positioning strategies. The assessment of this innovative project will be based on the use of two main tools: on the one hand students will fill in an objective-based achievement test; on the other hand teachers together with students will analyze the relevance and applicability of the proposed projects. Lastly, we would like to apply this educative proposal to other areas such as the business or scientific field."

"Contemporary cities are experienced as a confluence between horizontal and vertical movemen... more "Contemporary cities are experienced as a confluence between horizontal and vertical movements. The first one is represented by different global flows of money, bodies and objects as a consequence of the creation of communication and transport networks worldwide; the second one is represented by different processes of localization where each person develops various ways of living and creates links of identity with the environment. The polyphonic, hybrid and continuously dynamic nature of these sites make their «grammar» undecipherable and invisible for conventional urban, ethnographic and cartographic studies. All this makes it necessary to revise their methodologies and to look for new more collaborative and participative strategies in describing the city we experienced. Therefore, new mobile devices and web 2.0 emerge as the most suitable tools to develop new trends in cartographic creation beyond conventional proposals. On the one hand, social networks and web 2.0 tools offer us the possibility of thinking an open relational and communicative space. On the net a digital map and be explored, expanded and modified by anyone, thus it can stop being a closed object determined by the will of an author and become an open, continuous and infinite process. On the other hand, the incorporation of mobile technologies with GPS navigation systems, interactive positioning software, video and images capture devices and the development of 3G technology offer users not only the possibility of making their own cartographic creations, but also to upload them immediately. This way, the personalization of the experienced city is not only democratized, but also shared. Our project on innovative education intends to encourage the development of these new ways of writing about the experienced space through the combination of mobile technology (iPhones/iPads), the use of the Internet and web 2.0. We will borrow a set of new trends developed by contemporary artists, ethnographers, cartographers and documentalists in order to offer students a set of conceptual and practical tools that will allow them to develop a collaborative project to identify and describe the interaction with the different narratives in the contemporary city. Somehow, this project on collaborative cartographies through mobile devices aims to question the concept of authorship in map creation. Our collaborative methodology is based on a process of democratic communication open to anybody, aiming to achieve a cartography of the experienced city constantly under construction. Given the generic and open nature of our proposal, previous computer programming and specific multimedia design experience are not required since the digital tools that will be used and the multimedia production that will be developed will be accessible to any user. Students will be encouraged to learn by practicing and by sharing their skills with other students. The emphasis of this project will not only be on mastering technical abilities, but on being able to use multimedia and digital technology for artistic purposes. This way our project does not merely favour the experience with new forms of creative writing about the urban space through new technologies, but it also favours the student’s experimentation with egalitarian communication through the creation of common spaces open to anybody’s participation."

cultura_ciencia_deporte, 2018
The concept of "play" has a long trajectory within the educational philosophical discourse in Wes... more The concept of "play" has a long trajectory within the educational philosophical discourse in Western culture. This article makes a genuine contribution to this discourse with the objective of justifying the educational value of play within the Physical Education curriculum. This article presents and classifies previous educational philosophical discourses that have justified the presence of play in the curriculum of Physical Education up to today; namely, socializing, functional, experiential, and vitalist justifications of play. Then, after having provided an overview of the issue, we will describe to what extent it is possible to conceive of play as a process of subjectivation with the potential to integrate the different curricular justifications. To do so, we will present and explain our understanding of the process of subjectivation in education, then, we will identify different philosophical attitudes implicit in such a process, and we will relate them to each of the curricular justifications discussed. To conclude, we will argue that this pedagogical approach provides a good starting point to analyze the future of Physical Education.
Res Publica, 2015
El siguiente texto surge como consecuencia de aceptar un reto lanzado por el propio Jacques Ranci... more El siguiente texto surge como consecuencia de aceptar un reto lanzado por el propio Jacques Ranciere en unos de sus textos. En dicho texto, el filosofo frances, haciendose eco de unas palabras de Jean Borreil en L’Artiste Roi, caracteriza la situacion filosofica actual como aquella que se desarrolla posicionandose frente a Platon. La tarea que realizaremos en este texto consistira en abordar la obra de Ranciere desde este prisma, preguntandonos en que medida elige a Platon contra Platon. El reto, por tanto, es proponer una lectura de su teoria politica, pedagogica y artistica como aquellos lugares del pensamiento rancierano en los que se desarrollan en un debate implicito con y contra Platon.

Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2019
Although a large number of theories justify the presence of games in school, all of them converge... more Although a large number of theories justify the presence of games in school, all of them converge in two of the educational functions described by Biesta, socialization and qualification. In contrast to this instrumental educational approach, the present article aims to develop the bases for a philosophy of physical education (PE) oriented toward the game as an object. This proposal is supported by Suits' theory of games and the object-oriented philosophy (OOP) introduced by Harman. The text presents a justification for games in the school setting by defending its intrinsic value. First, the instrumentalist justifications for games are presented in order to establish the state of the art. Second, an explanation is provided about the degree to which the object-oriented philosophy can complement these justifications. Third, the article explains why Suits' theory of games establishes the conceptual bases for developing what we could call a philosophy of PE oriented toward the game as an object. Finally, an example is provided of how this philosophy can guide the PE practice.
Res Publica Revista De Historia De Las Ideas Politicas, Jan 22, 2015
Papers by Wenceslao García Puchades