Books by Domenico Rosani
Paul Patreider, Domenico Rosani. In: P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, & G. Oberleitner (Eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023, Intersentia, Cambridge, 353-389, 2023
This contribution critically reviews the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the R... more This contribution critically reviews the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the Recognition of Parenthood between Member States, adopted at the end of 2022. The contribution focuses on how the draft text deals with the cross-border recognition of children born out of surrogacy, linking human rights perspectives with a private international law analysis. By doing so, the contribution provides an overview of the relevant provisions of the Proposal, highlights problematic aspects with regard to surrogacy and children’s rights, and tries to offer discussion points for the ongoing legislative procedure.
Margareth Helfer, Domenico Rosani. In: G. M. Caletti, K. Summerer (eds.), Criminalizing Intimate Image Abuse, Oxford University Press, 2024
The European Union and International Humanitarian Law: Implementing the EU Guidelines on the Promotion of Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in relation to Children in Armed Conflict, 2023
in F. Pocar, L. Guercio (eds.), The European Union and International Humanitarian Law: Implementi... more in F. Pocar, L. Guercio (eds.), The European Union and International Humanitarian Law: Implementing the EU Guidelines on the Promotion of Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in relation to Children in Armed Conflict, Gambini, 2023, pp. 35-41
in F. Pocar, L. Guercio (eds.), Girl Children in Armed Conflict, Apes, Roma, 2021, 203-225.
Domenico Rosani, Clara Rauchegger - Fundamental Rights Adjudication by European Supranational Cou... more Domenico Rosani, Clara Rauchegger - Fundamental Rights Adjudication by European Supranational Courts in Digital Media Cases - in E. Psychogiopoulou, S. de la Sierra (eds.), Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts. Selected Issues and Insights from the European Judiciary, E. Elgar, Cheltenham, 2022, pp. 199-212.
in P. Czech/L. Heschl/K. Lukas/M. Nowak/G. Oberleitner (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2020, Intersentia (Cambridge), 349-390, 2020
While the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) does not require states... more While the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) does not require states to elevate children’s rights to constitutional status, in recent years various European countries have discussed whether to include specific child rights in their constitutions. This contribution illustrates the remarkably different approach towards the constitutionalisation of the rights of the child shown by Austria, Germany and Italy. Against this background, this contribution explores how these different constitutional perspectives might impact the criminal regulation of ‘sexting’, that is, the consensual exchange of sexual content via information and communications technology. This emerging issue, at the crossroads of the recognition of children’s right to privacy and the need to protect them from sexual abuse and child pornography, provides an intriguing setting in which to examine the actual influence of children’s human rights. Drawing on this analysis, this contribution argues that a clear constitutional recognition of children’s rights may advance their actual implementation in legislation. Furthermore, it elaborates on some key requirements that a rights-based criminal regulation of consensual sexting should fulfil. Child participation in particular is needed in order for the legislator to appreciate the children’s situation in full and acknowledge children as full rights-holders. Linking constitutional and criminal law, this contribution provides a thorough analysis of the three countries’ stances towards the rights of the child, as well as their actual relevance as regards a highly sensitive issue with which most legislatures are currently struggling.
In S. Dalla Bontà/E. Mattevi (eds.), Conciliazione, mediazione e deflazione nel procedimento dava... more In S. Dalla Bontà/E. Mattevi (eds.), Conciliazione, mediazione e deflazione nel procedimento davanti al giudice di pace. Esperienze euroregionali, Quaderni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Trento (Trento), 2020, 85-115.
in M.A.K. Klaassen/T. Liefaard/S.E. Rap/P.R. Rodrigues (eds.), Safeguarding Children’s Rights in ... more in M.A.K. Klaassen/T. Liefaard/S.E. Rap/P.R. Rodrigues (eds.), Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law, Intersentia (Cambridge et al) 2020, 41-65.
in R. Leenes/D. Hallinan/S. Gutwirth/P. De Hert (eds.), Privacy and Data Protection: Data Protect... more in R. Leenes/D. Hallinan/S. Gutwirth/P. De Hert (eds.), Privacy and Data Protection: Data Protection and Democracy, Hart Publishing (Oxford) 2020. *** When speaking of children’ s activities on the internet, the public focus has so far mostly been on online risks. However, the internet plays a paramount positive role in enhancing children’s participation in society and fulfilling their rights. Despite the pivotal relevance the digital environment has for children and the difficult balance between protection and participation components in an online setting,
such topics have long been neglected. Finally, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has sparked an imperative public discussion on this issue. Against this background, the goal of this chapter is to highlight the new pathways opened by the regulation to concretely support the achievement of children’s rights in the
digital environment. Despite lacking involvement from experts and children in its drafting and the reprehensible age requirement to give consent to data processing, the regulation does provide important normative tools to empower children online. To this end, its practical implementation – which needs to go beyond a merely legal approach – will be decisive. This chapter follows a multi-stakeholder approach, taking into account the different actors playing an important role in
this regard, such as families, educational actors and civil society, business, public authorities, academia and research institutes. The author particularly advocates a stronger evidence-based cooperation among these actors and offers a few practical suggestions to achieve this.
in Happacher/Toniatti (eds.), Gli ordinamenti dell'Euregio. Una comparazione, FrancoAngeli, Milan... more in Happacher/Toniatti (eds.), Gli ordinamenti dell'Euregio. Una comparazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2018
In S. Niccolai/E. Olivito (eds.), "Maternità filiazione genitorialità. I nodi della maternità sur... more In S. Niccolai/E. Olivito (eds.), "Maternità filiazione genitorialità. I nodi della maternità surrogata in una prospettiva costituzionale", Jovene 2017
Papers by Domenico Rosani
Matthias Haller, Domenico Rosani. In: Common Market Law Review, 2024
This article examines the instrument of document registers as a pivotal medium for ensuring the r... more This article examines the instrument of document registers as a pivotal medium for ensuring the right of access to EU documents and public accountability. While the general right of access to documents has been extensively analysed, document registers and especially their practice are still under-examined. This article specifically focuses on the registers of the Parliament, the Council and the Commission, highlighting two striking gaps. The first gap exists between the strict rules of the Access Regulation and the softer rules of the institutions, the second between what is provided on the abstract level by these rules and the practical level. As shown by an empirical study of the user-friendliness, completeness and proactivity of the registers, their current design and limited content severely limit people's right of access. In light of these shortcomings, this article recommends different practical approaches to increase the effectiveness of document registers. This would significantly improve the actual implementation of the right of public access to documents, while at the same time reducing the administrative burden on EU public institutions.
Conseil de l'Europe, 2023
Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale, 2023
La pornografia minorile domestica. Prospettive comparate per una disciplina normativa, in Rivista... more La pornografia minorile domestica. Prospettive comparate per una disciplina normativa, in Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale, 4/2022, 1631-1673
Nonostante la crescente armonizzazione delle discipline penali a contrasto della pornografia minorile, gli Stati europei presentano tuttora approcci alquanto diversi riguardo alla c.d. pornografia consensuale, in cui il minore liberamente crea materiali pornografici che lo raffigurano. Sebbene l'Italia non differenzi normativamente tali scenari dalle fattispecie di pornografia minorile, nel febbraio 2022 le Sezioni unite hanno interpretato la disciplina codicistica sì da ampiamente escludere la rilevanza penale della pornografia consensuale. In tal luce, il contributo propone l'introduzione di una disciplina normativa che definisca, in maniera comprensibile al cittadino, in particolare ai minori di età, i limiti di liceità della pratica. A tal fine vengono esaminate le normative che Germania, Austria, Svizzera e Liechtenstein da svariati anni presentano a riguardo, illustrando le difficoltà esegetiche ed applicative che esse hanno mostrato e l'elaborazione dogmatica che le ha interessate.
Self-Generated Child Pornography. A Comparative Perspective for a Future Regulatory Framework in Italy.
Despite the increasing harmonisation of criminal law provisions against child pornography, European States still address self-generated child pornography very differently. Italy, for instance, does not differentiate between self-generated child pornography and child sexual abuse materials. Yet, in February 2022, the Italian Supreme Court interpreted the criminal offence of child pornography in a way that largely excludes criminal liability for such self-generated contents. Against this background, this contribution advocates for the introduction of legal provisions that clarify the limits of legality of self-generated child pornography in a way that is understandable to the public and to minors. To this end, this paper examines the regulations introduced in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, exploring their implementation challenges and their interpretation by legal scholarship.
Diritto pubblico comparato europeo, 2022
Diritto pubblico comparato europeo, 1/2022, 19-52. | Long rarely investigated, the inclusion ... more Diritto pubblico comparato europeo, 1/2022, 19-52. | Long rarely investigated, the inclusion of children's rights in constitutions has received renewed interest in recent years. Although the focus is frequently on Germany and the planned reform of its Basic Law, Europe's other German-speaking countries have much more experience in this regard. The contribution analyses the specific provisions for children enshrined in the constitutions of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany and Italy, taking account of relevant discussions in scholarship and jurisprudence. The comparative analysis highlights crucial discussion points and identifies cornerstones of any meaningful constitutional provision on children's rights.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (ZStW), 2022
Ungeachtet der völker- und unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben, die zu einer größeren Einheitlichkeit bei ... more Ungeachtet der völker- und unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben, die zu einer größeren Einheitlichkeit bei der strafrechtlichen Erfassung von Kinder- und Jugendpornographie in Europa beigetragen haben, weisen die einschlägigen Regelungen der Staaten weiterhin beträchtliche Unterschiede auf. Insbesondere das Sexting, d. h. das freiwillige Erstellen und der Austausch von selbst produzierten pornographischen
Inhalten durch Minderjährige, erfährt eine unterschiedliche normative Behandlung.
Man denke an zwei Jugendliche, die intime Aufnahmen voneinander
erstellen und sie miteinander teilen. Während entsprechende Sachverhalte in Deutschland vom Anwendungsbereich der Jugendpornographie ausgenommen sind, finden die italienischen Strafbestimmungen zur Pornographie mit Minderjährigen auch auf Sexting und ähnliche Szenarien Anwendung. Dies führte in der Rechtsanwendung in Italien zu zahlreichen Auslegungsschwierigkeiten und praktischen Problemen.
Sistema penale, 2022
Come da più tempo auspicato, le Sezioni unite si sono espresse sulla legittimità della c.d. "porn... more Come da più tempo auspicato, le Sezioni unite si sono espresse sulla legittimità della c.d. "pornografia minorile domestica". Da anni si susseguivano decisioni di legittimità, tra loro non sempre coerenti, sulla questione se un minore potesse acconsentire alla realizzazione di immagini e video di contenuto intimo, qualora la situazione fosse priva di abusività. Si pensi a due giovani fidanzati che si realizzino a vicenda foto osé, e magari - come non è infrequente accada - inviino gli scatti a terzi. Nel porre un punto fermo alla questione, la decisione della Cassazione non è tuttavia priva di elementi critici. Essa adombra infatti alcuni aspetti che, nel prossimo futuro, è facile daranno adito a nuove diatribe.
Rivista del Gruppo di Pisa, 2/2021, quaderno n. 3, pp. 229-241.
Books by Domenico Rosani
such topics have long been neglected. Finally, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has sparked an imperative public discussion on this issue. Against this background, the goal of this chapter is to highlight the new pathways opened by the regulation to concretely support the achievement of children’s rights in the
digital environment. Despite lacking involvement from experts and children in its drafting and the reprehensible age requirement to give consent to data processing, the regulation does provide important normative tools to empower children online. To this end, its practical implementation – which needs to go beyond a merely legal approach – will be decisive. This chapter follows a multi-stakeholder approach, taking into account the different actors playing an important role in
this regard, such as families, educational actors and civil society, business, public authorities, academia and research institutes. The author particularly advocates a stronger evidence-based cooperation among these actors and offers a few practical suggestions to achieve this.
Papers by Domenico Rosani
Nonostante la crescente armonizzazione delle discipline penali a contrasto della pornografia minorile, gli Stati europei presentano tuttora approcci alquanto diversi riguardo alla c.d. pornografia consensuale, in cui il minore liberamente crea materiali pornografici che lo raffigurano. Sebbene l'Italia non differenzi normativamente tali scenari dalle fattispecie di pornografia minorile, nel febbraio 2022 le Sezioni unite hanno interpretato la disciplina codicistica sì da ampiamente escludere la rilevanza penale della pornografia consensuale. In tal luce, il contributo propone l'introduzione di una disciplina normativa che definisca, in maniera comprensibile al cittadino, in particolare ai minori di età, i limiti di liceità della pratica. A tal fine vengono esaminate le normative che Germania, Austria, Svizzera e Liechtenstein da svariati anni presentano a riguardo, illustrando le difficoltà esegetiche ed applicative che esse hanno mostrato e l'elaborazione dogmatica che le ha interessate.
Self-Generated Child Pornography. A Comparative Perspective for a Future Regulatory Framework in Italy.
Despite the increasing harmonisation of criminal law provisions against child pornography, European States still address self-generated child pornography very differently. Italy, for instance, does not differentiate between self-generated child pornography and child sexual abuse materials. Yet, in February 2022, the Italian Supreme Court interpreted the criminal offence of child pornography in a way that largely excludes criminal liability for such self-generated contents. Against this background, this contribution advocates for the introduction of legal provisions that clarify the limits of legality of self-generated child pornography in a way that is understandable to the public and to minors. To this end, this paper examines the regulations introduced in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, exploring their implementation challenges and their interpretation by legal scholarship.
Inhalten durch Minderjährige, erfährt eine unterschiedliche normative Behandlung.
Man denke an zwei Jugendliche, die intime Aufnahmen voneinander
erstellen und sie miteinander teilen. Während entsprechende Sachverhalte in Deutschland vom Anwendungsbereich der Jugendpornographie ausgenommen sind, finden die italienischen Strafbestimmungen zur Pornographie mit Minderjährigen auch auf Sexting und ähnliche Szenarien Anwendung. Dies führte in der Rechtsanwendung in Italien zu zahlreichen Auslegungsschwierigkeiten und praktischen Problemen.
such topics have long been neglected. Finally, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has sparked an imperative public discussion on this issue. Against this background, the goal of this chapter is to highlight the new pathways opened by the regulation to concretely support the achievement of children’s rights in the
digital environment. Despite lacking involvement from experts and children in its drafting and the reprehensible age requirement to give consent to data processing, the regulation does provide important normative tools to empower children online. To this end, its practical implementation – which needs to go beyond a merely legal approach – will be decisive. This chapter follows a multi-stakeholder approach, taking into account the different actors playing an important role in
this regard, such as families, educational actors and civil society, business, public authorities, academia and research institutes. The author particularly advocates a stronger evidence-based cooperation among these actors and offers a few practical suggestions to achieve this.
Nonostante la crescente armonizzazione delle discipline penali a contrasto della pornografia minorile, gli Stati europei presentano tuttora approcci alquanto diversi riguardo alla c.d. pornografia consensuale, in cui il minore liberamente crea materiali pornografici che lo raffigurano. Sebbene l'Italia non differenzi normativamente tali scenari dalle fattispecie di pornografia minorile, nel febbraio 2022 le Sezioni unite hanno interpretato la disciplina codicistica sì da ampiamente escludere la rilevanza penale della pornografia consensuale. In tal luce, il contributo propone l'introduzione di una disciplina normativa che definisca, in maniera comprensibile al cittadino, in particolare ai minori di età, i limiti di liceità della pratica. A tal fine vengono esaminate le normative che Germania, Austria, Svizzera e Liechtenstein da svariati anni presentano a riguardo, illustrando le difficoltà esegetiche ed applicative che esse hanno mostrato e l'elaborazione dogmatica che le ha interessate.
Self-Generated Child Pornography. A Comparative Perspective for a Future Regulatory Framework in Italy.
Despite the increasing harmonisation of criminal law provisions against child pornography, European States still address self-generated child pornography very differently. Italy, for instance, does not differentiate between self-generated child pornography and child sexual abuse materials. Yet, in February 2022, the Italian Supreme Court interpreted the criminal offence of child pornography in a way that largely excludes criminal liability for such self-generated contents. Against this background, this contribution advocates for the introduction of legal provisions that clarify the limits of legality of self-generated child pornography in a way that is understandable to the public and to minors. To this end, this paper examines the regulations introduced in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, exploring their implementation challenges and their interpretation by legal scholarship.
Inhalten durch Minderjährige, erfährt eine unterschiedliche normative Behandlung.
Man denke an zwei Jugendliche, die intime Aufnahmen voneinander
erstellen und sie miteinander teilen. Während entsprechende Sachverhalte in Deutschland vom Anwendungsbereich der Jugendpornographie ausgenommen sind, finden die italienischen Strafbestimmungen zur Pornographie mit Minderjährigen auch auf Sexting und ähnliche Szenarien Anwendung. Dies führte in der Rechtsanwendung in Italien zu zahlreichen Auslegungsschwierigkeiten und praktischen Problemen.
Sistema penale, 29.09.2021
Con la sentenza qui in esame la terza sezione penale della Cassazione rivede l’interpretazione finora data all’art. 600 ter c.p. Per la configurabilità delle ipotesi di cui ai commi da due a cinque (nel caso in oggetto: la cessione di materiali pedopornografici) non viene più richiesto che il materiale pedopornografico sia stato prodotto da persona diversa dal soggetto minorenne ritratto. Anche immagini pornografiche autoscattate dalla persona offesa, e poi illegittimamente da altri diffuse, rientrano pertanto nell’alveo di tale disposizione. Il requisito dell’alterità tra soggetto ritratto e autore delle immagini rimane invece per il reato di produzione di pornografia minorile, di cui al primo comma.
italiana alle fattispecie di pedopornografia; recenti decisioni hanno tuttavia riconosciuto che esso, qualora scevro da comportamenti abusivi, non meriti una repressione penale. A tentare di ovviare alla lacuna che, in aperta violazione degli obblighi di diritto internazionale ed europeo di protezione dei minori contro l’abuso sessuale, lasciava sguarnita di appropriata tutela l’eventuale non consensuale diffusione che di tali materiali intimi si dovesse fare, è intervenuto il recentissimo art. 612-ter c.p. nell’ambito della riforma del c.d. “codice rosso”.
Both the international and the European legal systems acknowledge important rights of underage people (also) in the digital environment, granting them increasing autonomy according to their evolving capacities. However, an implementation of such a rights-based approach in the criminal system has so far been rather difficult. This
paper focuses in particular on “sexting” among underage persons, i.e. the consensual exchange of self-produced pornographic material. This relatively new phenomenon was initially traced back by Italian case-law to the crime of child pornography. However, recent decisions have recognized that sexting, if without coercion or harassment, does not always deserve criminal sanction. As a consequence, the non-consensual diffusion of such intimate materials as well was not appropriately punished. In an effort to remedy such an open violation of the international and European obligation to protect children against sexual abuse, a specific offence is now provided for by the Italian Criminal Code (Art. 612-ter).
Italy has discussed a radical deflation of criminal litigation since the preparatory works of the current code of criminal procedure. In this respect, Austria shows a profound experience. Its criminal procedure provides both for the possibility to dismiss a case due to the pettiness of the crime and for various diversion procedures. While dismissal leads directly to the termination of the proceedings, diversion involves a waiver of prosecution if the charged person has fulfilled certain obligations. These instruments, having general applicability, make it possible to terminate the proceedings without a ruling on criminal liability. This article aims to explore the main features of the widely applied Austrian provisions on dismissal for pettiness and diversion, which could be of inspiration to the Italian legislator. By doing this, it will point out some critical elements and shortcomings of their application by Austrian judges and public prosecutors, particularly with regard to the presumption of innocence. Nonetheless, these instruments give a resolute implementation to the principles of proportionality and extrema ratio, avoiding a criminal trial for petty cases. In terms of procedural economy, they also decisively contribute to the expedited pace of Austrian criminal proceedings. Finally, empirical analyses suggest that these instruments have a clear positive impact on recidivism.
In the light of the recent General Data Protection Regulation, the debate on child’s participation and protection online is taking on a new legal framework that needs to be addressed. While several provisions could be widely criticized, others might open up new ways for a better consideration of the child’s position and the es- tablishment of a protective digital environment. However, a sincere and thorough exchange between educational and legal experts and children is urgently needed.
Im Lichte der kürzlich in Kraft getretenen Datenschutz-Grundver- ordnung nimmt die Debatte über Kinderpartizipation und -schutz im Netz neue rechtliche Gestalt an, mit der es sich auseinanderzu- setzen gilt. Wenngleich mehrere Bestimmungen kritikwürdig sind, ebnen andere den Weg hin zu einer verbesserten Berücksichtigung von Kinderanliegen und der Errichtung eines schützenden Digital- umfeldes. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist jedoch der umfängliche Austausch zwischen Fachleuten der Erziehungs- und Rechtswissen- schaften und Kindern unabdingbar.
Nach einem einführenden Teil, der sich hauptsächlich mit der verwendeten Terminologie und der derzeitigen Rechtslage beschäftigt, werden die wichtigsten in die Thematik involvierten Rechtsinteressen grob skizziert. Anschließend wird dargestellt, wie die jüngste Rechtsprechung der drei analysierten Länder und des EGMR dazu tendiert, das Kindeswohl bzw das Wohl des jeweiligen Kindes als ausschlaggebendes Argument zu verwenden. Diese Forschungsergebnisse werden dann einer kritischen Analyse unterzogen. Die Arbeit wird mit einigen Gedanken de jure condendo abgeschlossen.
Titolo tradotto: "Il diritto a conoscere le proprie origini in caso di procreazione medicalmente assistita di tipo eterologo: considerazioni giuscostituzionalistiche riguardo alla situazione italiana dopo la sentenza della Corte Cost. n. 162/2014"
Tema della presente tesi di laurea è il diritto del nato da procreazione medicalmente assistita (PMA) eterologa a conoscere la propria ascendenza e, in particolare, i propri genitori genetici.
A seguito della sentenza 162/2014 della Corte costituzionale (Corte cost.), che ha dichiarato illegittimo il divieto di PMA eterologa previsto dalla legge 40/2004, la regolamentazione e pure l'esistenza in Italia di un tale diritto è infatti quantomai incerta.
La presente ricerca ha analizzato la tematica da un punto di vista essenzialmente giuscostituzionalistico e comparatistico (Austria, Germania, Svizzera, Regno Unito).
Scientific committee: Prof. Silvia Niccolai (Cagliari University), Prof. Elisa Olivito (Rome University "La Sapienza").
The conference proceedings have been published in January 2018.
"Healthcare in Europe - a Safe Haven? Standard of Care from a Multidisciplinary Perspective"
Innsbruck, September 26-27, 2016
In the last few decades people show interest in becoming parents at a late age. As consequence, reproductive care is going to become in the next years a central effort for the health systems in all Europe. In particular, the donation of gametes for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) will raise.
Due to the different legal standards among the European countries, future parents may be tempted to choose among them according to their own needs and expectations.
For example, it is possible to select the gametes in light of the donor´s anonymity. In Europe the right to know one’s origins is regulated in different ways: Some countries acknowledge it, others instead do not. Moreover, further countries allow the parents to choose between anonymous and non-anonymous donors. As a consequence, offsprings might be easily facing different legal treatments in their home countries, due to the “reproductive tourism” of their parents.
Although the ECtHR has never clearly judged on the interest of donor-conceived people to know their own genetic parents, its case law shows a tendency in favor of this interest. In Odièvre v. France and Godelli v. Italy, regarding anonymous births, the Court underlined the importance to know the own origins for one´s identity and psychological balance. At the same time, many legal systems state that this interest is protected by their national constitutions or international conventions.
For this reason, common standards of protection of the interest to know one´s origins and coordination among countries are required. This will lead to restricted standards of care provided for patients. Nevertheless, regarding reproductive care, not only the parents’ expectations should be in focus, but also the offsprings’ best interests.