Papers by Marcos Hidemi Lima
Este artigo vale-se da logica do favor de Roberto Schwarz, dos conceitos nucleo/ nebulosa de Robe... more Este artigo vale-se da logica do favor de Roberto Schwarz, dos conceitos nucleo/ nebulosa de Roberto Reis e do binomio ordem/desordem de Antonio Candido, para discutir a permanencia de alguns valores patriarcais no romance S. Bernardo (1934), escrito por Graciliano Ramos.

We carry out a suite of cosmological simulations of modified action f(R) models where cosmic acce... more We carry out a suite of cosmological simulations of modified action f(R) models where cosmic acceleration arises from an alteration of gravity instead of dark energy. These models introduce an extra scalar degree of freedom which enhances the force of gravity below the inverse mass or Compton scale of the scalar. The simulations exhibit the so-called chameleon mechanism, necessary for satisfying local constraints on gravity, where this scale depends on environment, in particular the depth of the local gravitational potential. We find that the chameleon mechanism can substantially suppress the enhancement of power spectrum in the non-linear regime if the background field value is comparable to or smaller than the depth of the gravitational potentials of typical structures. Nonetheless power spectrum enhancements at intermediate scales remain at a measurable level for models even when the expansion history is indistinguishable from a cosmological constant, cold dark matter model. Simple scaling relations that take the linear power spectrum into a non-linear spectrum fail to capture the modifications of f(R) due to the change in collapsed structures, the chameleon mechanism, and the time evolution of the modifications.

Current Hematology Reports, Aug 1, 2004
High-dose chemoradiation therapy with autologous hematopoietic progenitor cell support is effecti... more High-dose chemoradiation therapy with autologous hematopoietic progenitor cell support is effective treatment for patients with a variety of high-risk malignancies. In this setting, tumor cell contamination of the hematopoietic progenitor cell product is a frequently observed problem. The malignant cells in the autograft may be a source of relapse after transplant. Purging the hematopoietic cell grafts ex-vivo may eradicate malignant cells that may contaminate the autologous product. This chapter describes the major purging strategies that have been investigated clinically over the past decade. This investigation includes negative purging with pharmacologic agents and monoclonal antibodies, positive selection with immunoadsorption, immunomagnetic and flow cytometric sorting techniques, ex-vivo culture method, treatment with cytotoxic T cells, and virally mediated purging methods.

Linguagens E Interfaces, Aug 13, 2014
Este artigo que busca empreender a análise dos contos "A surpresa" e "Craquinho", presentes em De... more Este artigo que busca empreender a análise dos contos "A surpresa" e "Craquinho", presentes em Desgracida (Dalton Trevisan, 2010), está vinculado ao projeto "A representação da violência na literatura brasileira contemporânea", financiado pela Fundação Araucária, cujo objetivo é verificar a representação da violência acima aludida, no período compreendido entre 1990 a 2010, apontando questões sociais complexas que constituem o perfil dos leitores atuais. Tal pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvido pelos integrantes do grupo de pesquisa "Crítica e Recepção Literária (CRELIT)", da Universidade Estadual Norte do Paraná (UENP), câmpus de Cornélio Procópio, contando não só com professores dessa instituição, mas também da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), dos campi de Cornélio Procópio, Campo Mourão e Pato Branco, além de contar com docentes vinculados à Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).
Ash Annual Meeting Abstracts, Nov 16, 2004

Leukemia and Lymphoma, May 1, 2004
The goal of this trial was to assess the toxicity and potential efficacy of high-dose topotecan, ... more The goal of this trial was to assess the toxicity and potential efficacy of high-dose topotecan, melphalan and cyclophosphamide as a preparative regimen for patients with multiple myeloma undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. Eighteen patients were treated, 8 for first remission consolidation, 4 with relapse sensitive disease, 3 primary refractory and 3 relapsed refractory. The median age was 56 (38 - 65) and the median number of prior regimens was 3 (1 - 8). Patients received cyclophosphamide 1 g/m2/d on days -6, -5, -4; melphalan 70 mg/m2 on days -3, -2 and topotecan 3.0 to 3.5 mg/m2/d on days -6 to -2. Peripheral blood stem cells were infused on day 0. Toxicity (Bearman Toxicity Criteria) was mostly limited to grade 1 - 2 mucositis and grade 1 diarrhea. There were no transplant-related deaths. The overall response rate at 3 months post transplantation was 89% with 17% CR, 2 of those in refractory patients. The overall response rate in refractory patients was 67%. With a median follow up of 12.3 months, 89% of patients are alive. The TMC regimen is well tolerated and produces high response rates. Further evaluation of TMC to fully assess response and survival is ongoing.
Ash Annual Meeting Abstracts, Nov 16, 2008
Blood, May 1, 2006
Chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major limitation of successful allogeneic hematopoi... more Chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major limitation of successful allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Europhysics Letters, 2004
Without abstract
Internet Journal of Hematology, 2009
Bronchoscopic BAL (B-BAL) is performed by physicians, using video-bronchoscope. Non-bronchoscopic... more Bronchoscopic BAL (B-BAL) is performed by physicians, using video-bronchoscope. Non-bronchoscopic BAL (NB-BAL) is performed by respiratory therapists (RT), without direct visualization of the lower airways. Generally, B-BAL is considered more effective than NB-BAL due to concern that NB-BAL performed by RT can be associated with higher incidence of complications, especially bleeding. We compared the two methods for obtaining BAL and studied the microbiological yield, safety and cost-effectiveness of B-BAL and NB-BAL in critically ill cancer patients.
Physical Review Letters, Jun 1, 2003
Comment on Dynamical Foundations of Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics. Fernando A. Oliveira, R... more Comment on Dynamical Foundations of Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics. Fernando A. Oliveira, Rafael Morgado, Marcos VBT Lima, and Bernardo A. Mello Institute of Physics and ICCMP University of Brasília CP 04513 70919-970, Brasília-DF, Brazil. ...
Ash Annual Meeting Abstracts, Nov 16, 2004

Phys Rev D, 2009
The statistical properties of dark matter halos, the building blocks of cosmological observables ... more The statistical properties of dark matter halos, the building blocks of cosmological observables associated with structure in the universe, offer many opportunities to test models for cosmic acceleration, especially those that seek to modify gravitational forces. We study the abundance, bias and profiles of halos in cosmological simulations for one such model: the modified action f (R) theory. In the large field regime that is accessible to current observations, enhanced gravitational forces raise the abundance of rare massive halos and decrease their bias but leave their (lensing) mass profiles largely unchanged. This regime is well described by scaling relations based on a modification of spherical collapse calculations. In the small field regime, enhanced forces are suppressed inside halos and the effects on halo properties are substantially reduced for the most massive halos. Nonetheless, the scaling relations still retain limited applicability for the purpose of establishing conservative upper limits on the modification to gravity.
We study anomalous diffusion for one-dimensional systems described by a generalized Langevin equa... more We study anomalous diffusion for one-dimensional systems described by a generalized Langevin equation. We show that superdiffusion can be classified in normal superdiffusion and fast superdiffusion. For fast superdiffusion, we prove that the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem does not hold, which induces an effective temperature in the system. This effective temperature is a signature of metastability found in many complex system such as Spin-Glass and granular material.

Blood, Dec 15, 1997
CR. Fifteen patients developed 18 invasive cancers (expected cures, in a small minority of patien... more CR. Fifteen patients developed 18 invasive cancers (expected cures, in a small minority of patients with acute myeloid number of patients, 8.8; observed/expected, 1.70; 95% CI, leukemia (AML). We explored whether potentially cured pa-0.96 to 2.84; P ! .06). Patients initially treated between 1973 tients were at increased risk of subsequent invasive cancer to 1979, patients above the potentially cured cohort's meand were able to return to work. Potentially cured patients dian age of 40 years, and those who presented with abnorwere defined as those in first or second complete remission malities of chromosomes 5 and/or 7 were more likely to (CR) for at least 3 years based on hazard rates for recurrence develop subsequent cancer, whereas the observed/expected or death in CR, which declined sharply after this time. Paratio for younger patients was 1.05 (95% CI, 0.13 to 3.80; P tients who received allogeneic marrow transplant were ex-! .56). Seventy-four percent of the patients who were workcluded. We used questionnaires, phone contact, and chart ing full-time and who were under age 50 at time of treatment review to obtain information about subsequent cancer and for AML have been working full-time in the last 6 months. work status. The number of patients who developed inva-Only 17 of 56 patients who are currently not working cited sive cancer was compared with the number expected based physical limitation as the reason. Patients with potentially on age, gender, and years of follow-up using the Connecticut cured AML are likely to be able to return to work, and at Tumor Registry. A total of 215 patients met our criteria for least if younger do not, on average, have an increased risk potential cure: 203 in first CR and 12 in second CR (of 1,663 of invasive cancer. treated between 1965 and December, 1992). At a median of ᭧ 1997 by The American Society of Hematology. 9.2 years from first or second CR, 163 (76%) remain alive in treated on common protocols until 1979, all such patients received
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia, May 1, 2014
Linguagens E Interfaces, Aug 13, 2014
No romance S. Bernardo (1934), de Graciliano Ramos, existe uma ótica extremamente misógina por pa... more No romance S. Bernardo (1934), de Graciliano Ramos, existe uma ótica extremamente misógina por parte do narrador-personagem Paulo Honório, seja em relação à sua esposa (Madalena), seja relacionada à mulher jovem, de ascendência negra (Germana). Nessa narrativa cujos acontecimentos ocorrem entre 1920 e 1930, o ambiente ainda está fortemente marcado pela ordem patriarcal, transformando o narrador num sujeito que não só mantém vivo o velho ditado patriarcal "Branca para casar, mulata para f..., negra para trabalhar" ([1990?], p. 48), apresentado em Casa-grande e senzala, de Gilberto Freyre, bem como o transforma em prática de avaliação das mulheres que o cercam, dividindo-as em mulheres esposáveis e mulheres comíveis, de acordo com a terminologia empregada por Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna, em O canibalismo amoroso.
We study anomalous diffusion for one-dimensional systems described by a generalized Langevin equa... more We study anomalous diffusion for one-dimensional systems described by a generalized Langevin equation. We show that superdiffusion can be classified in slow superdiffusion and fast superdiffusion. For fast superdiffusion we prove that the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem does not hold. We show as well that the asymptotic behavior of the response function is a stretched exponential for anomalous diffusion and an exponential only for normal diffusion.
Oncology, Feb 1, 2003
High-dose myeloablative therapy with allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation is an effective tre... more High-dose myeloablative therapy with allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation is an effective treatment for hematologic malignancies, but this approach is associated with a high risk of complications. The use of relatively nontoxic, nonmyeloablative, or reduced-intensity preparative regimens still allows engraftment and the generation of graft-vs-malignancy effects, is potentially curative for susceptible malignancies, and reduces the risk of treatment-related morbidity. Two general strategies along these lines have emerged, based on the use of (1) immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic drugs, usually a purine analog in combination with an alkylating agent, and (2) low-dose total body irradiation, alone or in combination with fludarabine (Fludara).
Papers by Marcos Hidemi Lima
O texto que abre este volume se intitula “Ambiguidade em três sambas de Noel Rosa”, dedicando-se a discutir a ambiguidade e o binômio ordem/desordem presente nos sambas “Com que roupa?”, “Fui louco” e “Filosofia”, o primeiro de autoria de Noel Rosa apenas, os outros dois feitos respectivamente em parceria com Bide e André Filho.
O segundo artigo, “O lirismo de um ‘poeta sem alma’”, é fruto de parceria com Robson Deon, egresso da graduação e do mestrado em Letras da UTFPR-Pato Branco. O texto – que é um recorte do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso orientado por mim – analisa o poema de João Cabral de Melo Neto “Forte de Orange, Itamaracá”.
Em “Mulheres sob a ordem patriarcal”, o artigo composto em parceria com Letycia Fossatti Testa, também egressa da graduação e do mestrado em Letras da UTFPR-Pato Branco, a discussão – feita quando ela era voluntária de meu projeto de pesquisa – centra-se na representação de Isaltina e Adélia, protagonistas dos romances Lucas Procópio e Um cavalheiro de antigamente, de Autran Dourado.
O quarto artigo, “A ascensão social em Helena”, foi escrito em parceria com Vanessa Fátima Moraes de Souza, que estudou na UTFPR-Pato Branco, onde fez graduação em Letras, especialização em Literatura Brasileira e foi orientada por mim no mestrado em Letras. O texto apresentado foi extraído de sua dissertação e analisa, dentro da lógica da ordem patriarcal, a figura de Helena, personagem do romance homônimo de Machado de Assis.
“Transgressão feminina em Crônica da casa assassinada” é um artigo que trata a respeito de Nina e Ana, personagens centrais deste romance de Lúcio Cardoso. Casadas com Valdo e Demétrio, ambas vivem no fechado mundo da Chácara dos Meneses e subvertem a ordem patriarcal que os dois homens buscam a todo custo impor às duas mulheres.
Com foco na literatura brasileira contemporânea, no sexto artigo, que se intitula “Olho por olho, dente por dente”, procuro analisar a violência cotidiana nas grandes cidades do país nos contos de Dalton Trevisan “A surpresa” – que tematiza adultério e assassinato – e “Craquinho” – que mostra o delírio de um usuário de droga.
A discussão empreendida em “Uma interpretação do Brasil em Zero” diz respeito ao conhecido romance de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, publicado e censurado na década de 1970, cujo assunto principal era a repressão, a perseguição política, a tortura, a violência etc. empregados como instrumentos de coerção pelo governo civil-militar brasileiro para coibir os que não concordavam com o estado de exceção vivido no país.
“Machado cronista: diálogos do cotidiano” é o oitavo artigo deste volume. Nele, procuro analisar como a questão do negro escravizado aparece com bastante destaque nalgumas crônicas de Machado de Assis, pondo por terra a ideia bastante arraigada de que na literatura do escritor não havia espaço para os afrodescendentes.
A relação conflituosa vivida pelo casal de S. Bernardo, romance de Graciliano Ramos publicado em 1934, é o assunto sobre o qual me detenho no artigo “Paulo Honório versus Madalena”. Minha análise busca evidenciar como, num universo patriarcal que conspira contra a mulher, o relacionamento afetivo entre os dois é inviável, uma vez que vêm de esferas culturais e socioeconômicas muito diferentes.
Em “Afrânio Coutinho e o New Criticism”, último artigo deste volume, a discussão se volta para os esforços do fundador da Universidade do Rio de Janeiro em propor uma crítica voltada para a valorização da qualidade estética da obra literária, pondo de lado elementos históricos e biográficos, comumente empregados pela chamada crítica de rodapé.
Os dez artigos que compõem este volume – abordando desde uma modalidade analítica empregada pela crítica literária, passando por cinco romances, até chegar ao conto, à crônica, ao poema e à canção – têm o objetivo de poder oferecer um leque de interpretações àqueles que se interessam pela literatura para que eles mesmos façam leituras mais aprofundadas das obras literárias.
Marcos Hidemi de Lima