Privacy Policy

SIOS Technology Corp. (“us”, “we”, “SIOS”) is committed to respecting the privacy of our customers, visitors, and other users of SIOS websites, including,, (collectively, the “Site”). This notice describes our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), which covers the personal and other information that we collect on the Site. By visiting our Site, you accept the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy. If we do, we will notify you by posting the amended policy on our Site. In all cases, use of information we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.

As used in this Privacy Policy, “personal information” or “personal data” means information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context, such as an individual’s name, postal address, email address and telephone number.

How Personal Information is Collected Through the Site
We may receive and electronically store any personal information you enter on our Site or provide to us in any other way, including your personal information submitted when you request information about our products and services. SIOS may also receive and electronically store any personal information that you input to complete a registration process or create an account or profile, including when you register to participate in community forums or register/subscribe for (i) product support, (ii) free and trial versions of our products, (iii) access to restricted content, or (iv) our mailing lists.

Categories of Personal Information Collected Through the Site
SIOS may collect the following personal information from you in connection with your use of the Site, including when you complete a registration form, sign up to participate in our Open Forums or submit Your Content or Feedback through the Open Forums or the Site: (a) personal and/or company name, (b) postal address, (c) email address and (d) telephone number.

Purpose of Collecting Personal Information and How Your Personal Information is Used by SIOS
SIOS collects personal information for the purposes of serving the legitimate business interests of SIOS.
Such legitimate business interests include (i) responding to your requests for certain products and services (including technical support services), (ii) verifying your identity to allow you to access certain features on the Site, (iii) completing payment and billing transactions (including for the fulfillment of online product or service orders or requests), (iv) performing a credit check, (v) communicating with you about new products and service offerings and events (including via email) and (vi) sending targeted marketing emails. We also process personal data when you consent to allow us to do so, such as when we conduct market research analyses, including to analyze user characteristics and usage patterns in order to better understand how our Site is being used by visitors.

Automatically Collected Information
When you visit the Site, web servers may track and collect general information about your visit (for example, the time and date of your visit, or the address of the website from which you entered the Site), which is stored as anonymous, aggregate data (“Traffic Data”). The collection and tracking of such Traffic Data may entail the use of cookies, analytics software, IP addresses or other numeric codes used to identify a computer. SIOS may use Traffic Data to help diagnose problems with its server, analyze trends and visitor behavior on the Site and administer the Site. You may, at your option, expense and responsibility, set your browser to refuse cookies or delete cookies from your computer but doing so may prohibit you from making full use of the Site.

Cookies are small packets of data sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies can help a website recognize repeat users and allow a website to track web usage behavior. Cookies work by assigning a number to the user that has no value outside of our website. If a cookie is placed, thereafter when you visit a website, a message is sent back to the web server by the browser accessing the website. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, and you may also elect not to accept cookies by changing the designated settings on your web browser. However, not utilizing cookies may prevent you from using certain functions and features of the Site. SIOS uses cookies for such purposes as to (i) improve the safety, performance and security of our Site, (ii) remember information that you have submitted on forms when you request services on our Site, (iii) understand what interests our users, (iv) measure the effectiveness of our advertising and (v) track and analyze visitor behavior and trends.

Analytic Vendors
SIOS uses certain data analytics services provided by third-party vendors (collectively “Analytics Vendors”) to collect and analyze data concerning the characteristics and activities of users of our Site. Analytics Vendors may use cookies or analytics software. The information generated by a cookie about your use of our Site (including your IP address) and other inferred data, including data derived from your IP address such as your company name, ISP provider, city, state, region, country, area code and browsing history may be transmitted to or collected or stored by the Analytics Vendors on their respective servers, including on servers supplied by third party hosting vendors. Analytics Vendors may also collect or have access to personal information that you submit when you (i) request information about SIOS products and services or (ii) input information to complete a registration process or create an account or profile for the Site, and such information may be transmitted to and stored by Analytics Vendors on their respective servers, including on servers supplied by third party hosting vendors.

The Analytics Vendors will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of and behavior on our Site, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The Analytics Vendors may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on the Analytics Vendors’ behalf.

Sharing of Information
Currently, SIOS will not share your personal information with third parties except as set forth in this Privacy Policy. SIOS may share your personal information with Analytics Vendors who may use such information for purposes set forth in the last paragraph of the Analytics Vendors section immediately above. SIOS may also share your personal information with third parties (1) where reasonably necessary to provide requested services to you, (2) if authorized by you, for such purposes authorized by you, or (3) if SIOS is required to do so by law or regulation, or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary (a) to conform or comply with any legal, regulatory, law enforcement or similar requirement or investigation, (b) to enforce our Terms of Use, or (c) to protect or defend the rights or property of SIOS or any other user.

SIOS may transfer information about you, including personal information, to another company in connection with a merger, sale or acquisition by or of SIOS. In that event, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Review, Update, Correct, or Delete Personal Information
For certain portals on our Site that have user profiles, you may review, update, correct or delete your personal information on such user profile by logging into your profile. Note that we reserve the right to terminate or delete any registration or promotional entry if we believe the personal information submitted was knowingly false or fraudulent. To delete your personal information, you may also email us at [email protected].

Do Not Track Signals
The Site does not respond to DNT (Do Not Track) signals.

Open Forums
Please note that any information you post to a public/community bulletin board, blog or chat room, is available to all persons accessing that location, and your e-mail address and other personal information or content you upload may also be posted on the Open Forums. The information you share, including your name, email address or other contact information, would then be available to all persons accessing the Open Forums, and such information may be read, collected or used by others for any purpose, including sending you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for any information you elect to submit in or to the Open Forums or the use of such information.

Use of Your Content and Feedback
SIOS does not claim ownership of any information, data, documents, images, photographs, graphics, audio, video or webcasts that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available through your use of the website, via our services, or on the Open Forums (“Your Content”). However, you grant SIOS a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub-licensable license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display Your Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate Your Content into other materials or works in any format or medium. If you are in the European Union or Your Content is otherwise governed under the GDPR, and Your Content contains personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing noted within this section. You may also request that such personal information contained in Your Content be corrected or deleted by sending an email to [email protected].

By submitting ideas, suggestions, comments, posts or proposals (“Feedback”) and Your Content to SIOS through its suggestion, feedback, or similar web pages, including the Open Forums, you acknowledge and agree that (i) neither the Feedback nor Your Content contains your or third party confidential or proprietary information; (ii) SIOS is not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the Feedback or Your Content; (iii) SIOS, in its discretion, shall be entitled to use and disclose such Feedback and Your Content to improve or modify products and services, and to develop new features; (iv) SIOS may have something similar to the Feedback or Your Content already under consideration or in development; (v) the Feedback automatically becomes SIOS’s property without any obligation to you; and (vi) you are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from SIOS for the Feedback or Your Content under any circumstances. If you are in the European Union or Your Content or Feedback is otherwise governed under the GDPR, and Your Content or Feedback contains personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent to this processing, as well as the right to request that such personal information contained in Your Content and/or Feedback be corrected or deleted by sending an email to [email protected].

You agree that SIOS may derive revenue and/or other remuneration from Your Content or the Feedback that you make available via our website, including the Open Forums, without payment to you.

Email Communications
You may receive emails from us if you subscribe to our mailing lists or otherwise request information regarding our products, services, or specific SIOS events. If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of any email to opt out of receiving future messages. You may also request at any time to be removed from our contact database by sending an email to [email protected]. All such requests are honored within 5 business days.

Your California Privacy Rights
Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, customers, prospective customers, and visitors of our Site who are residents of the State of California have the right to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and wish to request such information email us at [email protected] with “California Privacy Rights” in the subject line.

Your EU General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Rights
If you are in the European Union or your personal information is otherwise governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), you have the following rights with respect to your personal information, including where such personal information is contained in Your Content of Feedback:
 The right to request a copy of your personal information which SIOS holds about you;
 The right to request that SIOS correct any personal information if it is inaccurate or out of date;
 The right to request your personal information be erased where it is no longer necessary for SIOS to retain such data;
 The right to restrict the processing of personal information;
 The right to receive the personal information you provided SIOS in a commonly used and machine-readable format, or to have such data transmitted to another company;
 The right to object to the processing of personal information;
 The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time; and
 The right to lodge a complaint with the European data protection authority in the country in which you reside. The contact information for the applicable European data protection authority for your jurisdiction is set forth on this link:

Please note, that should you decide to withdraw consent for processing or request the deletion of your data, you may not be able to access some or all of SIOS’ services.

Compliance with GDPR Requirements
If you are in the European Union or your personal information is otherwise governed by the GDPR, please be aware of the following:

(a) Data Retention. SIOS will retain your personal information no longer than is reasonably necessary, except as required by applicable law or to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

(b) Security Measures. SIOS complies with its obligations under the GDPR by: (1) keeping personal information up to date; (2) storing it securely; (2) not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of personal information; (3) protecting personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access and disclosure; and (4) ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

(c) Corrections/Deletions of Personal Information. If you would like your personal information to be corrected or deleted, SIOS will correct/delete such personal information upon your request, please contact SIOS at [email protected].

Information collected by SIOS is housed in secure databases, equipment, and servers. The databases, equipment, and servers we utilize may be owned by third-party providers. Although we take reasonable precautions against possible security breaches of our Site, databases, equipment or servers, and records, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other security breaches and factors beyond our control will never take place and result in disclosure of your personal information. Accordingly, we disclaim any guarantees, warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of any personal information collected from you. Please further be aware that no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, SIOS cannot ensure the security of any information you provide, and you do so at your own risk. Once SIOS receives your transmission, it will make reasonable efforts to ensure its security on its systems as required under applicable law.

Third Party Sites
The Site may permit you to link to other websites on the internet, and other websites may contain links to our Site. These other websites are not under SIOS’ control. The privacy and security practices of websites linked to or from the Site are not covered by this Privacy Policy, and SIOS is not responsible for the privacy or security practices or the content of such websites. We encourage you to visit those third-party websites for more information regarding their specific practices.

Governing Law
SIOS is incorporated in Delaware (U.S.A.) and its business operations are primarily conducted in the State of California, U.S.A. We operate our company and administer this Privacy Policy under applicable U.S. and California laws and regulations.

SIOS Contact Information
If you have any comments, concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Representative at [email protected] or at 4 West 4th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA.

Last updated: 12/2022