Papers by Colin Montpetit
Groupe sur les jeux éducatifs (The EGG) de l'Université d'Ottawa, Jul 20, 2020
Provient de la collection du eCampus Ontario. D'autres formats pourraient être disponibles (e... more Provient de la collection du eCampus Ontario. D'autres formats pourraient être disponibles (ex. EPUB).Game-based learning is a teaching approach that uses different forms of games, and the strategies or mechanics associated with them, for educational purposes. It advocates a student-centred approach that allows learners to explore, fail and take up challenges in a safe environment. Game-based learning also supports students in autonomously exploring situations created by their professor. Additionally, games are likely to reinforce the students’ commitment to the learning process. In an educational context, these characteristics and qualities can greatly enhance student engagement, motivation and learning. This collection of recipes has been created to present game-based strategies to make online learning more stimulating and engaging for students. In this cookbook, an interdisciplinary panel of experts offers recipes for integrating different types of game-based learning activities in the context of remote teaching. An overview of game-based learning strategies will be provided, including trivia games, escape games, co-operative games, crossword puzzles, and more
Groupe sur les jeux éducatifs (The EGG) de l'Université d'Ottawa, Jul 20, 2020
Provient de la collection du eCampus Ontario. D'autres formats pourraient être disponibles (e... more Provient de la collection du eCampus Ontario. D'autres formats pourraient être disponibles (ex. EPUB).L’apprentissage par le jeu est une approche pédagogique selon laquelle différentes formes de jeux, et les stratégies ou mécanismes qui y sont associés, sont utilisés à des fins éducatives. Cette forme d’enseignement préconise des activités centrées sur les apprenant.e.s leur permettant d’explorer, d’échouer et de relever des défis dans un environnement sécuritaire. L’apprentissage par le jeu permet également de favoriser l’autonomie des étudiant.e.s au sein d’univers créés par les professeur.e.s. De plus, les jeux sont de nature à renforcer l’engagement des étudiant.e.s dans le processus d’apprentissage. Dans le contexte éducatif, ces traits caractéristiques et ses qualités peuvent grandement favoriser l’engagement, la motivation et l’apprentissage des étudiant.e.s. Ce recueil de recettes a été créé afin de partager des stratégies d’enseignements par le jeu visant à rendre l’apprentissage en ligne plus stimulant et engageant pour les étudiant.e.s. À l’occasion de cette contribution, un panel interdisciplinaire d’experts propose des recettes pour intégrer différents types d’activités d’apprentissage par le jeu dans le contexte de l’enseignement de ligne. Une gamme d’activités vous sera proposée : du quiz jusqu’aux jeux d’évasion en passant par les jeux coopératifs ou encore les mots-croisés
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) angiotensin and adrenergic systems of rainbow trout Effects of chronic diet... more (Oncorhynchus mykiss) angiotensin and adrenergic systems of rainbow trout Effects of chronic dietary salt loading on the renin You might find this additional info useful... 61 articles, 25 of which you can access for free at: This article cites
Table 2. Description of factors included in three-level model. Introduction Recently, two-stage e... more Table 2. Description of factors included in three-level model. Introduction Recently, two-stage exams were introduced in two large enrolment second year genetic courses at two different universities. The two courses follow similar formats and use course learning outcomes, activities and materials developed by both instructors. Two-stage exams are those in which students first write an exam individually, followed immediately by a second stage in which they write the same, or similar, exam as part of a small group. Exam grades comprised 85% individual mark and 15% group mark. Overall, student exam grades were improved by the group portion of the exam, however, the extent of score improvement varied between groups, and for several teams, group scores were lower than the members’ individual scores. Past studies have highlighted the importance of the highest performing member of a group, but also indicate that other factors may be taken into account as well, such as average and heterogen...
AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2011
Previous studies have demonstrated that chronic dietary salt loading causes hypertension and a de... more Previous studies have demonstrated that chronic dietary salt loading causes hypertension and a decreased sensitivity of the systemic vasculature to α-adrenergic stimulation and other hypertensive stimuli (e.g. hypercapnia) in rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss). This reduced sensitivity to hypertensive stimuli is consistent with a possible blunting of homeostatic responses normally aimed at raising blood pressure. To test this idea, we examined the consequences of long-term salt feeding and the associated hypertension on the interactive capacities of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) and adrenergic systems to elevate blood pressure in trout. Secretion of catecholamines in response to a range of doses of homologous ANG II in vivo and in situ (using a perfused posterior cardinal vein preparation) was reduced in the salt-fed fish. The reduced sensitivity to ANG II could not be explained by alterations in stored catecholamine (adrenaline or noradrenaline) levels or the general respons...
The aim of this thesis was to study aspects of the neuronal control of catecholamine secretion in... more The aim of this thesis was to study aspects of the neuronal control of catecholamine secretion in a teleost, the rainbow trout. The development and validation of a nerve stimulation technique made it possible to determine that a portion of the neuronal control of catecholamine release, which prevailed at low frequency stimulation, could be attributed to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and/or pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP). On the other hand, cholinergic stimulation predominated during higher levels of neuronal activity. Fluorescent histochemical techniques in combination with pharmacological approaches provided direct evidence that VIP and PACAP can elicit the secretion of adrenaline, only, from the chromaffin tissue via specific VIP binding sites that exhibited properties of VPAC receptors. Using in situ perfused posterior cardinal vein preparations, evidence was provided that while the nicotinic receptor appears to be the predominant pathway mediating the effects of acetylcholine on catecholamine secretion, muscarinic receptor stimulation may augment the cellular response to nicotinic receptor activation. Under extreme conditions, muscarinic receptors may directly elicit the secretion of catecholamines. The impact of extracellular catecholamines on catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells was also investigated. Results revealed that the mechanisms of adrenergic inhibition of catecholamine secretion in response to cholinergic stimulation include activation of chromaffin cell membrane beta2-receptors and presynaptic alpha2-adrenergic receptors. However, catecholamine release in response to VIP appears to be insensitive to the adrenergic negative feedback mechanisms. Finally, despite the rapid progress in cDNA cloning, molecular information on the receptors mediating the effects of VIP and PACAP in fish is scant. In this thesis, I report preliminary findings of the cloning of the trout PAC1, VPAC1, and VPAC2 receptors from brain cDNA. In summary, VIP and PACAP appear to fun [...]
In response to calls from the higher education science community to increase student engagement i... more In response to calls from the higher education science community to increase student engagement in learning, scientific teaching (reflecting the true nature of science by capturing the process of discovery in the classroom) and reflective teaching (or scholarly teaching), a genetics course was redesigned as a blended learning course. The new course model has provided several opportunities to engage students in the 5E learning cycle and to redefine the classroom experience. Despite the growing literature on effective design of blended courses, very little research has been conducted and very little is known about the impact of components of blended courses for large enrolment courses in relation to student learning outcomes. The goal of this investigation was to assess the impact of an Echo360-ALP enabled classroom on learning gains in a large enrolment blended learning course.
presented by: Lovaye Kajiura (McMaster University) Julie Smit (University of Windsor) Colin Montp... more presented by: Lovaye Kajiura (McMaster University) Julie Smit (University of Windsor) Colin Montpetit (University of Ottawa) Fiona Rawle (University of Toronto) Tamara Kelly (York University) Michelle French (University of Toronto) Tom Haffie (Western University) Jennifer Waugh (Western University) Tanya Noel (University of Windsor) More Connecting with Less Boundaries: The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators Model
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2000
Experiments were performed on adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in vivo using chronically... more Experiments were performed on adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in vivo using chronically cannulated fish and in situ using a perfused posterior cardinal vein preparation (i) to characterise the desensitisation of chromaffin cell nicotinic receptors and (ii) to assess the ability of fish to secrete catecholamines during acute hypoxia with or without functional nicotinic receptors. Intra-arterial injection of nicotine (6.0×10(−)(7)mol kg(−)(1)) caused a rapid increase in plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline levels; the magnitude of this response was unaffected by an injection of nicotine given 60 min earlier. Evidence for nicotinic receptor desensitisation, however, was provided during continuous intravenous infusion of nicotine (1.3×10(−)(5)mol kg(−)(1)h(−)(1)) in which plasma catecholamine levels increased initially but then returned to baseline levels. To ensure that the decline in circulating catecholamine concentrations during continuous nicotine infusion was not related ...
Journal of Experimental Biology, 1999
The goal of the present investigation was to assess the relative involvement of nicotinic and mus... more The goal of the present investigation was to assess the relative involvement of nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the neuronal control of catecholamine secretion from the chromaffin tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). This was accomplished by first developing and validating a nerve-stimulating technique able specifically to activate the nerve fibres innervating the chromaffin cells in order to elicit secretion of catecholamines. Using an in situ saline-perfused posterior cardinal vein preparation, it was demonstrated that whole-body field stimulation caused specific voltage-dependent neuronal stimulation of adrenaline and noradrenaline secretion. The contribution of non-specific depolarization was negligible. Several experimental results confirmed the specificity of the field stimulation technique. First, pre-treatment with neostigmine (an anticholinesterase) prolonged and more than doubled the amount of adrenaline secreted in response to electrical stimul...
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2000
The potential direct and modulating effects of acute hypoxia on catecholamine secretion in rainbo... more The potential direct and modulating effects of acute hypoxia on catecholamine secretion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were assessed in situ, using a perfused cardinal vein preparation, and in vivo, using chronically cannulated fish. Acute (10 min) perfusion with hypoxic (P(O2)<10 mmHg) saline or homologous hypoxic blood did not have a statistically significant effect on basal (non-stimulated) catecholamine secretion. A field stimulation technique was used to excite the sympathetic nerves innervating the chromaffin cells electrically in situ under conditions of high-P(O2) (saline P(O2)=152 mmHg; 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa) or low-P(O2) (saline P(O2)<10 mmHg) perfusion at constant P(CO2) (2.3 mmHg). The results demonstrated that neuronally evoked catecholamine secretion was significantly lowered by 50 % during perfusion with hypoxic saline. To assess whether the inhibitory effect of hypoxia during neuronal stimulation in situ resulted from modulation of nicotinic and/or muscarini...
Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 2014
The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) bringstogether over 50 biology ... more The Ontario Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE) bringstogether over 50 biology educators from 18 Ontario universities with the commongoal to improve the biology undergraduate experience for both students andeducators. This goal is achieved through an innovative mix of highlyinteractive face-to-face meetings, online conferencing platforms (wiki andvideo conferencing), monthly online newsletters, and other activities. The beautyof the oCUBE model is that it meshes with the active learning methods that itsmembers use in their own teaching. It also creates a community of practice withintra- and inter-institutional collaborations that assist in resolving educationalissues of both common and immediate importance to oCUBE members. oCUBE membersreport that oCUBE activities and resources are very effective in helping themlearn new teaching strategies and in developing professionally.
Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 2012
Case-based teaching and learning strategies can offer instructors effective pedagogical tools to ... more Case-based teaching and learning strategies can offer instructors effective pedagogical tools to scaffold student learning through activities designed to fulfill teaching objectives and desired student learning outcomes. In science disciplines, programs strive to impart knowledge in addition to providing students environments through which they can learn through collaboration. Case-based studies can effectively expose students to the process of science and encourage them to work through facts, analyze data, formulate solutions, draw conclusions, and predict consequences. Despite the versatility of case studies as teaching and learning tools, many factors influence their implementation in a given teaching environment. Inasmuch, the manner in which they are used is typically dependent upon specific teaching and learning objectives and the historical context of the course (e.g., student enrolment, year of instruction, lecture vs. lab vs. tutorial settings). In this article, we discuss ...
Papers by Colin Montpetit