IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Phase and Gain Imbalance Compensation in Low-IF Receivers
Teruji IDETakeo FUJIIMamiko INAMORIYukitoshi SANADA
Author information

2016 Volume E99.B Issue 1 Pages 211-223


In this paper, we present a modified image rejection method that uses imbalance compensation techniques for phase and gain in low-intermediate frequency (IF) software-defined radio (SDR) receivers. In low-IF receivers, the image frequency signal interferes with the desired signal owing to the phase and gain imbalances caused by analog devices. Thus, it is difficult to achieve the required image rejection ratio (IRR) of over 60dB without compensation. To solve this problem, we present modified blind compensation techniques based on digital signal processing using a feedback control loop with a practical computation process. The modified method can reduce the complexity when a hardware logic circuit is used, like an FPGA. The simulation and experimental results verify that the modified method achieves an IRR greater than 50-60dB for both the carrier and the modulated waves.

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