The Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L) focuses its research on understanding the transformative role of technology in education.

C3L's research expertise spans key areas, including:

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
    • Learning Analytics
    • Digital Learning
    • Networked Learning
    • Augmented Learning
    • Capability Development 
    • Complexity Leadership

C3L collaborates with students, educators, leaders, education systems, government departments, and organisations to investigate how emerging technologies and digital learning approaches are being implemented in educational, professional and lifelong learning settings. By collaborating with educators and leveraging research-backed tools, C3L helps unlock learner potential, highlights the transformative power of AI in education, and equips educators with the resources they need to create innovative and engaging learning environments and designs that benefit all learners.

Explore our research

We are focused on partner-driven research around on use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in education. Check our our projects page for more information.

UniSA Video

Contact us

We welcome inquiries from prospective industry and research partners interested in collaborating on research projects, grant applications, or exploring other partnership opportunities. Please visit our dedicated research partnership page for an overview of collaboration possibilities. Contact us at [email protected] or visit our office at the UniSA City West campus in Adelaide CBD.


Prospective students interested in pursuing a PhD or Masters by Research (HDR) are encouraged to explore potential opportunities at our research centre. Please visit our dedicated prospective students page for detailed information and application instructions.

Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning

Location BH Building UniSA City West Campus, GPO Box 2471, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia

We would like to have you visit our research centre! Our main research office is located on the third floor of the Barbara Hanrahan building at the City West Campus of the University of South Australia. 

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