Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung., 2024
Resistance of Talmudic law against Roman law? Introductory remarks based on the rules on liabilit... more Resistance of Talmudic law against Roman law? Introductory remarks based on the rules on liability for animals. It is sometimes assumed that Talmudic civil law was barely more than a copy of Roman law. Rabbis indeed lived in a Roman-law environment and a superficial look at Talmudic and Roman law does reveal many similarities. However, an attentive analysis of the rules on liability for animals unveils Talmudic law’s single characteristics and indeed its resistance to external influences in this context; verisimilar the rabbis endeavoured to preserve the independence of Talmudic law from the secular ruling authority rather than conforming with it.
Les progrès réalisés en matière de conduite automatisée suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt dans le mond... more Les progrès réalisés en matière de conduite automatisée suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt dans le monde entier, que ce soit dans les domaines de la technologie, de la politique ou de la science juridique. En 2021, l’Allemagne a adopté la première loi autorisant la conduite automatisée de niveau 4 en dehors des phases d’essai. Depuis lors, la loi allemande sur la circulation routière règlemente les exigences techniques, la nécessité d’un superviseur technique, le traitement des données et la responsabilité objective du détenteur du véhicule. Par rapport à d’autres pays, la réglementation relative à la gestion des situations dites de dilemme, en cas d’accident inévitable, est unique : la loi prévoit ici obligatoirement une intervention humaine de la part du superviseur technique. Cet article analyse le contenu de la loi, le replace dans le contexte du droit international et conclut en le comparant à d’autres approches réglementaires en Suisse et à Shenzen (Chine). L’importance grandissante du droit de la responsabilité du fait des produits impliquant les biens immatériels et pour l’intelligence artificielle en général sur le plan européen fait également partie de l’étude.
Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law.
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Pa... more Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law. Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1 Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner Graziano
Ralf Michaels macht für den Vergleich von religiösen Rechten den Gedanken Habermas’ einer postsäk... more Ralf Michaels macht für den Vergleich von religiösen Rechten den Gedanken Habermas’ einer postsäkularen Gesellschaft fruchtbar, wonach Religionen auch im säkularen Staat eine Bedeutungsrolle zukommt. An Habermas anknüpfend, können religiös begründete Argumente als Teil des deliberativen Diskurses begriffen werden. Dies bildet den Ausgangspunkt für die folgenden Überlegungen zur Rolle religiöser Rechtsauffassungen im Rahmen der Rechtsvergleichung und daraus resultierenden methodischen Anforderungen.
Ralf Michaels makes Habermas’ idea of a post-secular society fruitful for the comparison of religious rights, according to which religions also have a role of significance in the secular state. Following Habermas, arguments based on religion can be understood as part of deliberative discourse. This forms the starting point for the following considerations on the role of religious legal views in the context of comparative law and the resulting methodological requirements.
Ein Streit, fast so alt wie das BGB, handelt von der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung der betätigten I... more Ein Streit, fast so alt wie das BGB, handelt von der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung der betätigten Innenvollmacht und ihre möglichen Folgen. Schließt ein durch Innenvollmacht bevollmächtigter Stellvertreter für den Vertretenen einen Vertrag mit einem Dritten (Vertragspartner) ab und nach Vertragsschluss stellt sich heraus, dass der Vertretene durch Irrtum, Drohung oder Täuschung zur Abgabe der Innenvollmacht veranlasst wurde, stellt sich die grundsätzliche Frage danach, ob die betätigte Innenvollmacht angefochten werden darf. Sofern man dies bejaht, ist weiter zu überlegen, wem gegenüber die Anfechtung erklärt werden muss und welche Rechtsfolgen eine wirksame Anfechtung nach sich zieht. Die Kritik an der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung zielt im Wesentlichen darauf, dass der Stellvertreter in der Folge rückwirkend als falsus procurator gilt, seine Haftung nach § 179 BGB gegenüber dem Dritten aber als unangemessen empfunden wird. Auch die Interessen des Vertragspartners würden durch die Anfechtung verletzt, da er seinen Anspruch gegenüber dem Vertretenen verliert.
L’articolo si prefigge di approfondire il ruolo della comparazione
nelle celeberrime Istituzioni... more L’articolo si prefigge di approfondire il ruolo della comparazione nelle celeberrime Istituzioni gaiane ponendosi il quesito su quali fossero le finalità dell’utilizzo di questo strumento da parte di Gaio stesso. Dapprima vengono evidenziati i metodi e l’interpretazione che ne derivava in seguito alla sua applicazione dai giuristi dell’antica Roma, esplorando i motivi per cui il metodo comparatistico fosse poco e differentemente utilizzato nella giurisprudenza romana. In seguito si prosegue attraverso l’analisi dell’utilizzo del metodo comparatistico fatto da Gaio rispetto ad alcune norme straniere specifiche per poter spiegare e far comprendere alcune situazioni giuridiche. Particolarmente messo in luce risulta essere il tema della tutela mulierum, ove, tramite la comparazione con altre norme straniere, Gaio insinua il dubbio circa la sua efficacia. Ne emerge così una figura di Gaio come critico del diritto, oltre alla sua già nota figura come didatta e storico. Si potrà giungere infine alla conclusione di come Gaio non desideri apportare modifiche al sistema giuridico romano, tradizionalista per eccellenza, ma bensì spiegare, attraverso l’utilizzo del diritto straniero, il complesso sistema giuridico romano.
The article aims to deepen the role of comparison in the famous Institutes of Gaius, by asking what were the objectives of the use of this instrument by Gaius himself. First of all, this article will highlight the methods and the interpretation that derived from its application by the jurists of ancient Rome and explore the reasons why the comparative method was little used and distrusted in Roman jurisprudence. We will then analyze Gaius’ use of the comparative method with respect to some specific foreign norms in order to explain and understand certain legal situations. In particular, it is necessary to highlight the institute of tutela mulierum through which, by comparing it with other foreign norms, Gaius casts doubt on its effectiveness. Thus, the figure of Gaius as a critic of law emerges, in addition to his already well-known figure as a teacher and historian. We can finally come to the conclusion that Gaius does not wish to make changes to the Roman legal system, the traditional legal system par excellence, but rather to explain, through the use of foreign law, the complexity of the Roman legal system.
The European Parliament has proposed legal personhood for artificial intelligence entities, to en... more The European Parliament has proposed legal personhood for artificial intelligence entities, to ensure honouring of rights and responsibility. The article discusses the question of legal personhood for non-human beings from a legal-historical and legal-sociological perspective. In addition, it examines legal personhood in the modern German legal system and discusses the implementation of a tertium genus for artificial intelligence as proposed by the European Parliament. This analysis leads to the conclusion that introduction of e-personhood would constitute a paradigm shift that blurs the boundaries between humans and machines.
Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils der Klausur ist der eher selten diskutierte Fall der Anfechtung des ... more Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils der Klausur ist der eher selten diskutierte Fall der Anfechtung des Verfügungsgeschäft. Die Lösung der vergleichsweise anspruchsvollen Fragestellung setzt die sichere Beherrschung des Trennungs- und Abstraktionsprinzips voraus. Im zweiten Teil stehen hingegen Fragen des Erlöschens der Vollmacht und Vertretungsmacht kraft Rechtsscheins im Vordergrund.
Der Fall greift ein aktuell in vielen Urteilen behandeltes Problem auf: die arglistige Täuschung ... more Der Fall greift ein aktuell in vielen Urteilen behandeltes Problem auf: die arglistige Täuschung über das Risiko einer Kapitalanlage durch den Anlagevermittler. Thematisch wird das Verständnis des Trennungs- und Abstraktionsprinzips anhand der Anfechtung des Verfügungs- und Verpflichtungsgeschäfts geprüft. Dabei stellt sich u.a. die Frage der Relevanz eines Irrtums nach § 119 Abs. 2 BGB für das Verfügungsgeschäft und der Anfechtung bei einer Täuschung durch Dritte gem. § 123 Abs. 2 BGB.
Während die Europäische Union den Weg zur Rechtsvereinheitlichung beschreitet, setzt sich in ihre... more Während die Europäische Union den Weg zur Rechtsvereinheitlichung beschreitet, setzt sich in ihrem Mitgliedsstaat Spanien die Rechtszersplitterung fort. Diese Entwicklung hat einen neuen Höhepunkt mit dem Abschluss der Kodifikation des katalanischen Zivilgesetzbuchs am 1. 1. 2018 erreicht. Dabei zeigt das katalanische Zivilrecht Parallelen zu anderen europäischen Zivilrechtsordnungen, wie bspw anhand der Rechtsfigur der laesio enormis sichtbar wird.
This article served as the prelude to an interdisciplinary
workshop for scholars of Judaism, Isla... more This article served as the prelude to an interdisciplinary workshop for scholars of Judaism, Islam and Catholic cannon law entitled “Legal scholarly responses in comparison”. It gives a short overview of the methods for comparative law research and aims to encourage awareness of the objectives of comparative law and the choice of methods.
Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner
Bénédict Winiger
Intr... more Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner Graziano
Bénédict Winiger Introduction 1
Christoph Oertel Strict Liability in the Principles of European Tort Law: The Black Hole and Central Building Site 4
Piotr Machnikowski The Principles of European Tort Law and Product Liability 31
Pascal Pichonnaz Contractual Limitations of Liability and their Impact on Tort Claims 44
Alex Geert Castermans The PETL and Corporate Liability for Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Duties and Remedies 63
Pierre Widmer † Some Reflections on the PETL and Proposals for their Revision 84
Pierre Widmer † The Ideal Tort Law and the PETL – Dreams of a Legal Escapist 99
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung., 2024
Resistance of Talmudic law against Roman law? Introductory remarks based on the rules on liabilit... more Resistance of Talmudic law against Roman law? Introductory remarks based on the rules on liability for animals. It is sometimes assumed that Talmudic civil law was barely more than a copy of Roman law. Rabbis indeed lived in a Roman-law environment and a superficial look at Talmudic and Roman law does reveal many similarities. However, an attentive analysis of the rules on liability for animals unveils Talmudic law’s single characteristics and indeed its resistance to external influences in this context; verisimilar the rabbis endeavoured to preserve the independence of Talmudic law from the secular ruling authority rather than conforming with it.
Les progrès réalisés en matière de conduite automatisée suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt dans le mond... more Les progrès réalisés en matière de conduite automatisée suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt dans le monde entier, que ce soit dans les domaines de la technologie, de la politique ou de la science juridique. En 2021, l’Allemagne a adopté la première loi autorisant la conduite automatisée de niveau 4 en dehors des phases d’essai. Depuis lors, la loi allemande sur la circulation routière règlemente les exigences techniques, la nécessité d’un superviseur technique, le traitement des données et la responsabilité objective du détenteur du véhicule. Par rapport à d’autres pays, la réglementation relative à la gestion des situations dites de dilemme, en cas d’accident inévitable, est unique : la loi prévoit ici obligatoirement une intervention humaine de la part du superviseur technique. Cet article analyse le contenu de la loi, le replace dans le contexte du droit international et conclut en le comparant à d’autres approches réglementaires en Suisse et à Shenzen (Chine). L’importance grandissante du droit de la responsabilité du fait des produits impliquant les biens immatériels et pour l’intelligence artificielle en général sur le plan européen fait également partie de l’étude.
Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law.
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Pa... more Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law. Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1 Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner Graziano
Ralf Michaels macht für den Vergleich von religiösen Rechten den Gedanken Habermas’ einer postsäk... more Ralf Michaels macht für den Vergleich von religiösen Rechten den Gedanken Habermas’ einer postsäkularen Gesellschaft fruchtbar, wonach Religionen auch im säkularen Staat eine Bedeutungsrolle zukommt. An Habermas anknüpfend, können religiös begründete Argumente als Teil des deliberativen Diskurses begriffen werden. Dies bildet den Ausgangspunkt für die folgenden Überlegungen zur Rolle religiöser Rechtsauffassungen im Rahmen der Rechtsvergleichung und daraus resultierenden methodischen Anforderungen.
Ralf Michaels makes Habermas’ idea of a post-secular society fruitful for the comparison of religious rights, according to which religions also have a role of significance in the secular state. Following Habermas, arguments based on religion can be understood as part of deliberative discourse. This forms the starting point for the following considerations on the role of religious legal views in the context of comparative law and the resulting methodological requirements.
Ein Streit, fast so alt wie das BGB, handelt von der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung der betätigten I... more Ein Streit, fast so alt wie das BGB, handelt von der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung der betätigten Innenvollmacht und ihre möglichen Folgen. Schließt ein durch Innenvollmacht bevollmächtigter Stellvertreter für den Vertretenen einen Vertrag mit einem Dritten (Vertragspartner) ab und nach Vertragsschluss stellt sich heraus, dass der Vertretene durch Irrtum, Drohung oder Täuschung zur Abgabe der Innenvollmacht veranlasst wurde, stellt sich die grundsätzliche Frage danach, ob die betätigte Innenvollmacht angefochten werden darf. Sofern man dies bejaht, ist weiter zu überlegen, wem gegenüber die Anfechtung erklärt werden muss und welche Rechtsfolgen eine wirksame Anfechtung nach sich zieht. Die Kritik an der Zulässigkeit der Anfechtung zielt im Wesentlichen darauf, dass der Stellvertreter in der Folge rückwirkend als falsus procurator gilt, seine Haftung nach § 179 BGB gegenüber dem Dritten aber als unangemessen empfunden wird. Auch die Interessen des Vertragspartners würden durch die Anfechtung verletzt, da er seinen Anspruch gegenüber dem Vertretenen verliert.
L’articolo si prefigge di approfondire il ruolo della comparazione
nelle celeberrime Istituzioni... more L’articolo si prefigge di approfondire il ruolo della comparazione nelle celeberrime Istituzioni gaiane ponendosi il quesito su quali fossero le finalità dell’utilizzo di questo strumento da parte di Gaio stesso. Dapprima vengono evidenziati i metodi e l’interpretazione che ne derivava in seguito alla sua applicazione dai giuristi dell’antica Roma, esplorando i motivi per cui il metodo comparatistico fosse poco e differentemente utilizzato nella giurisprudenza romana. In seguito si prosegue attraverso l’analisi dell’utilizzo del metodo comparatistico fatto da Gaio rispetto ad alcune norme straniere specifiche per poter spiegare e far comprendere alcune situazioni giuridiche. Particolarmente messo in luce risulta essere il tema della tutela mulierum, ove, tramite la comparazione con altre norme straniere, Gaio insinua il dubbio circa la sua efficacia. Ne emerge così una figura di Gaio come critico del diritto, oltre alla sua già nota figura come didatta e storico. Si potrà giungere infine alla conclusione di come Gaio non desideri apportare modifiche al sistema giuridico romano, tradizionalista per eccellenza, ma bensì spiegare, attraverso l’utilizzo del diritto straniero, il complesso sistema giuridico romano.
The article aims to deepen the role of comparison in the famous Institutes of Gaius, by asking what were the objectives of the use of this instrument by Gaius himself. First of all, this article will highlight the methods and the interpretation that derived from its application by the jurists of ancient Rome and explore the reasons why the comparative method was little used and distrusted in Roman jurisprudence. We will then analyze Gaius’ use of the comparative method with respect to some specific foreign norms in order to explain and understand certain legal situations. In particular, it is necessary to highlight the institute of tutela mulierum through which, by comparing it with other foreign norms, Gaius casts doubt on its effectiveness. Thus, the figure of Gaius as a critic of law emerges, in addition to his already well-known figure as a teacher and historian. We can finally come to the conclusion that Gaius does not wish to make changes to the Roman legal system, the traditional legal system par excellence, but rather to explain, through the use of foreign law, the complexity of the Roman legal system.
The European Parliament has proposed legal personhood for artificial intelligence entities, to en... more The European Parliament has proposed legal personhood for artificial intelligence entities, to ensure honouring of rights and responsibility. The article discusses the question of legal personhood for non-human beings from a legal-historical and legal-sociological perspective. In addition, it examines legal personhood in the modern German legal system and discusses the implementation of a tertium genus for artificial intelligence as proposed by the European Parliament. This analysis leads to the conclusion that introduction of e-personhood would constitute a paradigm shift that blurs the boundaries between humans and machines.
Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils der Klausur ist der eher selten diskutierte Fall der Anfechtung des ... more Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils der Klausur ist der eher selten diskutierte Fall der Anfechtung des Verfügungsgeschäft. Die Lösung der vergleichsweise anspruchsvollen Fragestellung setzt die sichere Beherrschung des Trennungs- und Abstraktionsprinzips voraus. Im zweiten Teil stehen hingegen Fragen des Erlöschens der Vollmacht und Vertretungsmacht kraft Rechtsscheins im Vordergrund.
Der Fall greift ein aktuell in vielen Urteilen behandeltes Problem auf: die arglistige Täuschung ... more Der Fall greift ein aktuell in vielen Urteilen behandeltes Problem auf: die arglistige Täuschung über das Risiko einer Kapitalanlage durch den Anlagevermittler. Thematisch wird das Verständnis des Trennungs- und Abstraktionsprinzips anhand der Anfechtung des Verfügungs- und Verpflichtungsgeschäfts geprüft. Dabei stellt sich u.a. die Frage der Relevanz eines Irrtums nach § 119 Abs. 2 BGB für das Verfügungsgeschäft und der Anfechtung bei einer Täuschung durch Dritte gem. § 123 Abs. 2 BGB.
Während die Europäische Union den Weg zur Rechtsvereinheitlichung beschreitet, setzt sich in ihre... more Während die Europäische Union den Weg zur Rechtsvereinheitlichung beschreitet, setzt sich in ihrem Mitgliedsstaat Spanien die Rechtszersplitterung fort. Diese Entwicklung hat einen neuen Höhepunkt mit dem Abschluss der Kodifikation des katalanischen Zivilgesetzbuchs am 1. 1. 2018 erreicht. Dabei zeigt das katalanische Zivilrecht Parallelen zu anderen europäischen Zivilrechtsordnungen, wie bspw anhand der Rechtsfigur der laesio enormis sichtbar wird.
This article served as the prelude to an interdisciplinary
workshop for scholars of Judaism, Isla... more This article served as the prelude to an interdisciplinary workshop for scholars of Judaism, Islam and Catholic cannon law entitled “Legal scholarly responses in comparison”. It gives a short overview of the methods for comparative law research and aims to encourage awareness of the objectives of comparative law and the choice of methods.
Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner
Bénédict Winiger
Intr... more Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner Graziano
Bénédict Winiger Introduction 1
Christoph Oertel Strict Liability in the Principles of European Tort Law: The Black Hole and Central Building Site 4
Piotr Machnikowski The Principles of European Tort Law and Product Liability 31
Pascal Pichonnaz Contractual Limitations of Liability and their Impact on Tort Claims 44
Alex Geert Castermans The PETL and Corporate Liability for Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Duties and Remedies 63
Pierre Widmer † Some Reflections on the PETL and Proposals for their Revision 84
Pierre Widmer † The Ideal Tort Law and the PETL – Dreams of a Legal Escapist 99
Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law.
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Pa... more Special Issue: The Principles of European Tort Law. Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1 Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner Graziano
Ona'ah und laesio enormis. Preisgrenzen im talmudischen und römischen Kaufrecht, 2018
Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des jüdischen Rechts der Antike und ... more Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des jüdischen Rechts der Antike und zeigt insbesondere seine Verbindungen zum römischen Recht auf. Am Beispiel der talmudischen Preisregelung אונאה (sog. ona'ah), die im 2. Jahrhundert in Palästina entstand und zunächst große Unterschiede zur römischen Preissicherung bei Grundstücksverkäufen (CJ.4.44.2) aufwies, erläutert die Untersuchung, wie sich das jüdische Recht unter unterschiedlichen Herrschaftsbedingungen entwickelte. Gleichzeitig wird das römische Recht selbst durch die Einbeziehung zeitgebundener wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Rahmenbedingungen nicht bloß dogmatisch analysiert, sondern in seiner historischen Entwicklung und Vergleichbarkeit mit anderen Rechtskulturen erfasst.
Beschäftigte sich die bisherige Forschung eingehend mit der römischen laesio enormis (der Begriff stammt aus dem Mittelalter), die garantierte, dass bei Landverkäufen der vereinbarte Preis die Hälfte des Wertes nicht unterschritt, fand die zeitgleiche talmudische Preisgrenze von einem Sechstel bislang kaum Beachtung. Obwohl Grundstücksgeschäfte von der אונאה (ona’ah) ausgenommen waren, liegen beiden Rechtsnormen ähnliche Vorstellungen von materiellem Wert und seiner Preisrelation zugrunde. Die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen römischem und jüdischem Recht werden anhand der schriftlichen Thora, der Tosefta, der Mischna, des palästinischen und babylonischen Talmuds, sowie anhand des Corpus Iuris Civilis, des diokletianischen Höchstpreisedikts und des Codex Theodosianus erläutert.
This edited collection on Roman law is a "legal anthology" presenting papers from the top young G... more This edited collection on Roman law is a "legal anthology" presenting papers from the top young German speaking Roman legal historians. The papers are thematically grouped so as to allow for a coherent narrative thread and combine (1) the methodologies of Gaius and the Roman jurists, (2) a legal anthropological discussion of two of the 'legis actiones' (3) vows in the context of 'ius sacrum', (4) an epigraphical focus on the 'lex Tabulae Heracleensis' and municipal legislation, (5) a debate on the status of burial sites and 'res religiosae', (6) the stigmatisation of (female) artists and the question of 'infamia', (7) 'displeasing' slaves in the edict of the 'aediles curules', (8) the question of ownership in the context of 'in diem addictio', (9) liability for the actions of another within 'locatio conductio (rei)', (10) a hermeneutic and semantic analysis of 'satisfactio pro solutione est', (11) the means of recourse for a co-guardian, (12) a diachronic and synchronic approach to 'fideicommissum hereditatis' and its form in the Austrian and Czech civil codes, and (13) a plea for the re-introduction of 'superficies solo cedit' in the Slovak civil code to align with continental European legal standards.
The publication is based on papers delivered at the annual international conference of "Das Collegium Junger Romanisten" held at the University of Vienna from 5th to 7th April 2018.
Le Prof. Enrico al Mureden de l'Université de Bologne, expert renommé en droit des véhicules auto... more Le Prof. Enrico al Mureden de l'Université de Bologne, expert renommé en droit des véhicules automatiques, interviendra sur les enjeux juridiques entourant cette technologie en plein essor.
Cette conférence fait partie d’une série de cours conjoints de l’Université de Bologne et de l’Université de Genève organisée par la Prof. Doris Forster et le Prof. Enrico al Mureden qui précède leurs deux interventions lors du « 89th Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety » à l'ONU et constitue une occasion d'approfondir les débats autour de la régulation des voitures automatiques.
Colloque en l’honneur de la Professeure Christine Chappuis
Droit des obligations: back to the fut... more Colloque en l’honneur de la Professeure Christine Chappuis Droit des obligations: back to the future ? - Mardi 20 juin 2023 Auditoire MR280, Uni Mail, Genève
Can the law meaningfully contribute to come to grips with the global challenges, particularly cli... more Can the law meaningfully contribute to come to grips with the global challenges, particularly climate change? How to strike a fair balance between the hugely diverging intra and inter-generational interests? How to keep the floodgates shut without compromising the most vulnerable countries and people and the environment?
Les documents de mariage d'Alexandrie, rédigés sous la forme de συγχώρησις, prouvent qu'à l'époqu... more Les documents de mariage d'Alexandrie, rédigés sous la forme de συγχώρησις, prouvent qu'à l'époque augustéenne, une protection procédurale particulière était accordée à l'épouse par rapport à son mari. L'inclusion dans ces actes de clauses exécutoires d'origine ptolémaïque est très intéressante à la fois pour l'avantage procédural qu'elles offrent par rapport au mari et comme preuve de leur application effective à l'époque romaine.
Ces clauses ont été maintenues pendant toute la période romaine, mais on peut se demander aujourd'hui si cette protection particulière a été conservée ou si elle a été remplacée par des systèmes spécifiquement romains.
Automobiles are the technological innovation that has most influenced the 20th century’s social, ... more Automobiles are the technological innovation that has most influenced the 20th century’s social, economic, and legal structure. More than 100 years after the introduction of the auto, in an era again displaying extensive technological change, vehicular traffic is set to undergo major, radical, abrupt transformations. This book describes the scenarios and prospects stemming from the emergence of highly automated, connected driving. The key contribution of artificial intelligence will usher in an unprecedented mobility paradigm combining efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Current and forthcoming problems, challenges, and at times tragic choices associated with the imminent “mobility revolution” are analyzed in the light of the Law and Economics method, of which the author Guido Calabresi (Yale University) is one of the founding fathers and (for over the past 50 years) a visionary scholar, and in the perspective of a dialogue between law and technology conducted by Enrico Al Mureden (University of Bologna) - professor of Civil Law and Product Safety, Product Liability and Automotive - through a systematic reading of the traditional categories of civil law and the harmonized technical standardization that dominates the automotive sector globally.
Presentation of the book by Enrico Al Mureden
2.12.2021 - 10 am - Geneva University
The development of law in continental Europe has relied heavily on the Latin language and the sys... more The development of law in continental Europe has relied heavily on the Latin language and the system of concepts based on Roman Law. Historically, Latin has been extremely closely connected with the development of European law. In the past centuries, Latin used to play the role of a common legal language, which was applied across the boundaries of local law. In a way, Latin can be called the common mother tongue of European legal culture: the bulk of legal literature as well as legislation was compiled in Latin. On the basis of Latin, jurisprudence has developed over the centuries, even at the time when national languages became more dominating in science. Although Latin ceased to be the language of law and legal science in the 21st century, its significance as a technical means of communication between lawyers in Europe remains. The presentation of Merike Ristikivi will focus on the Latin terms used in the decisions of the European Court of Justice and aims at exploring the vocabulary employed by European legal practitioners when formulating their decisions. The special attention will be paid to the Latin terms which judges have adopted in their active vocabulary in recent years. Merike Ristikivi will observe the connection between the usage of these new terms and the terms which carry the historical tradition of European law.
08 Décembre 2021| 10h15 Uni-Mail Salle R380 (live streamed)
The advancement of technology that makes it possible to entrust tasks traditionally performed by ... more The advancement of technology that makes it possible to entrust tasks traditionally performed by the driver to automated systems increasingly connected with road infrastructures requires a reconsideration of the rules governing road traffic and civil liability in the event of accidents.
The main legal issues generated by the spread of highly automated vehicles and the solutions that are emerging in the context of the European Union and the US will be reconstructed on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach.
at the University of Geneva, 3rd December 2020
invited by Doris Forster
Introduction to Chinese Tort Law by Nijie Wang, Fudan University, Shanghai
at the University of G... more Introduction to Chinese Tort Law by Nijie Wang, Fudan University, Shanghai at the University of Geneva, 29th Oct 2020 invited by Doris Forster
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 2023, vol. 140, S. 447-459, 2023
„Legal engagement“ – hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich keine geringere Fragestellung als die nach... more „Legal engagement“ – hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich keine geringere Fragestellung als die nach der identitätsstiftenden Funktion des römischen Rechts für die römische Gesellschaft und das römische Reich. Inwieweit sahen sich die Römer aufgrund der rechtlichen Verfasstheit ihrer Gesellschaft gegenüber anderen Völkern als überlegen an? In welcher Form haben sich demgegenüber die Reichsbewohner behauptet?
The International Academy of Comparative Law is celebrating its 100 years in Paris this year. In ... more The International Academy of Comparative Law is celebrating its 100 years in Paris this year. In the panel "History of Comparative Law" I will give a talk about comparative law in the Institutes of Gaius.
Progress around automated driving is attracting significant attention worldwide, in the domains o... more Progress around automated driving is attracting significant attention worldwide, in the domains of technology, politics, but also legal science. In 2021, Germany enacted the first law allowing level 4 automated driving outside of test phases. The law governs the technical requirements, the need for a technical supervisor, data handling, and the strict liability of the owner. Particularly noteworthy, as this is globally unique, is the fact that it regulates so-called ‘dilemma situations’ in the event of unavoidable accidents, for which it provides for mandatory human intervention by the technical supervisor. The talk analyzes the contents of the law, places it in the context of international law, and concludes by comparing it with other regulatory approaches in Switzerland and Shenzhen (China). The growing importance of product liability for intangible goods and for IA in general on the European scale is also part of the study.
Related publication :
FORSTER, Doris. La nouvelle loi allemande sur les « voitures autonomes » : analyse comparative. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé, 2024, vol. 76, n° 1, p. 141–166.
Le restatement en common law : un instrument méconnu d'amélioration de la qualité du droit (le dé... more Le restatement en common law : un instrument méconnu d'amélioration de la qualité du droit (le déjeuner-débat se déroulera en anglais)
Mardi 11 octobre 2022, 12h15-13h45 Unimail, Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, Genève, salle 3050.
Le prochain déjeuner-débat du CETEL portera sur un instrument légistique informel qui vise à systématiser le droit afin d'en améliorer sa qualité : le restatement. Grandement méconnu des juristes continentaux, cet instrument sera présenté par un ponte de la discipline, le prof. Henry E. SMITH (Harvard Law School). La prof. Doris FORSTER (Université de Genève) lancera ensuite le débat en replaçant le restatement dans une perspective continentale plus familière des divers outils d'amélioration de la qualité du droit (codification, refonte, consolidation, évaluation, etc.). Henry E. SMITH est professeur à la Harvard Law School. Il est un spécialiste du droit et de l'économie de la propriété. L'American Law Institute l'a nommé rapporteur pour un quatrième Restatement du droit de la propriété.
Papers by Doris Forster
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1
Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner
Ralf Michaels makes Habermas’ idea of a post-secular society fruitful for the comparison of religious rights, according to which religions also have a role of significance in the secular state. Following Habermas, arguments based on religion can be understood as part of deliberative discourse. This forms the starting point for the following considerations on the role of religious legal views in the context of comparative law and the resulting methodological requirements.
nelle celeberrime Istituzioni gaiane ponendosi il quesito su quali fossero
le finalità dell’utilizzo di questo strumento da parte di Gaio stesso.
Dapprima vengono evidenziati i metodi e l’interpretazione che ne
derivava in seguito alla sua applicazione dai giuristi dell’antica Roma,
esplorando i motivi per cui il metodo comparatistico fosse poco e
differentemente utilizzato nella giurisprudenza romana. In seguito si
prosegue attraverso l’analisi dell’utilizzo del metodo comparatistico fatto
da Gaio rispetto ad alcune norme straniere specifiche per poter spiegare
e far comprendere alcune situazioni giuridiche. Particolarmente messo
in luce risulta essere il tema della tutela mulierum, ove, tramite la
comparazione con altre norme straniere, Gaio insinua il dubbio circa la
sua efficacia. Ne emerge così una figura di Gaio come critico del diritto,
oltre alla sua già nota figura come didatta e storico. Si potrà giungere
infine alla conclusione di come Gaio non desideri apportare modifiche
al sistema giuridico romano, tradizionalista per eccellenza, ma bensì
spiegare, attraverso l’utilizzo del diritto straniero, il complesso sistema
giuridico romano.
The article aims to deepen the role of comparison in the famous
Institutes of Gaius, by asking what were the objectives of the use of this
instrument by Gaius himself. First of all, this article will highlight the
methods and the interpretation that derived from its application by the
jurists of ancient Rome and explore the reasons why the comparative
method was little used and distrusted in Roman jurisprudence. We will
then analyze Gaius’ use of the comparative method with respect to some
specific foreign norms in order to explain and understand certain legal
In particular, it is necessary to highlight the institute of tutela mulierum
through which, by comparing it with other foreign norms, Gaius casts
doubt on its effectiveness. Thus, the figure of Gaius as a critic of law
emerges, in addition to his already well-known figure as a teacher and
historian. We can finally come to the conclusion that Gaius does not wish to make changes to the Roman legal system, the traditional legal
system par excellence, but rather to explain, through the use of foreign law, the complexity of the Roman legal system.
workshop for scholars of Judaism, Islam and
Catholic cannon law entitled “Legal scholarly
responses in comparison”. It gives a short overview
of the methods for comparative law research and
aims to encourage awareness of the objectives of
comparative law and the choice of methods.
Books by Doris Forster
Bénédict Winiger
Introduction 1
Christoph Oertel
Strict Liability in the Principles of European Tort Law: The Black Hole and
Central Building Site 4
Piotr Machnikowski
The Principles of European Tort Law and Product Liability 31
Pascal Pichonnaz
Contractual Limitations of Liability and their Impact on Tort Claims 44
Alex Geert Castermans
The PETL and Corporate Liability for Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Duties and
Remedies 63
Pierre Widmer †
Some Reflections on the PETL and Proposals for their Revision 84
Pierre Widmer †
The Ideal Tort Law and the PETL – Dreams of a Legal Escapist 99
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1
Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner
Ralf Michaels makes Habermas’ idea of a post-secular society fruitful for the comparison of religious rights, according to which religions also have a role of significance in the secular state. Following Habermas, arguments based on religion can be understood as part of deliberative discourse. This forms the starting point for the following considerations on the role of religious legal views in the context of comparative law and the resulting methodological requirements.
nelle celeberrime Istituzioni gaiane ponendosi il quesito su quali fossero
le finalità dell’utilizzo di questo strumento da parte di Gaio stesso.
Dapprima vengono evidenziati i metodi e l’interpretazione che ne
derivava in seguito alla sua applicazione dai giuristi dell’antica Roma,
esplorando i motivi per cui il metodo comparatistico fosse poco e
differentemente utilizzato nella giurisprudenza romana. In seguito si
prosegue attraverso l’analisi dell’utilizzo del metodo comparatistico fatto
da Gaio rispetto ad alcune norme straniere specifiche per poter spiegare
e far comprendere alcune situazioni giuridiche. Particolarmente messo
in luce risulta essere il tema della tutela mulierum, ove, tramite la
comparazione con altre norme straniere, Gaio insinua il dubbio circa la
sua efficacia. Ne emerge così una figura di Gaio come critico del diritto,
oltre alla sua già nota figura come didatta e storico. Si potrà giungere
infine alla conclusione di come Gaio non desideri apportare modifiche
al sistema giuridico romano, tradizionalista per eccellenza, ma bensì
spiegare, attraverso l’utilizzo del diritto straniero, il complesso sistema
giuridico romano.
The article aims to deepen the role of comparison in the famous
Institutes of Gaius, by asking what were the objectives of the use of this
instrument by Gaius himself. First of all, this article will highlight the
methods and the interpretation that derived from its application by the
jurists of ancient Rome and explore the reasons why the comparative
method was little used and distrusted in Roman jurisprudence. We will
then analyze Gaius’ use of the comparative method with respect to some
specific foreign norms in order to explain and understand certain legal
In particular, it is necessary to highlight the institute of tutela mulierum
through which, by comparing it with other foreign norms, Gaius casts
doubt on its effectiveness. Thus, the figure of Gaius as a critic of law
emerges, in addition to his already well-known figure as a teacher and
historian. We can finally come to the conclusion that Gaius does not wish to make changes to the Roman legal system, the traditional legal
system par excellence, but rather to explain, through the use of foreign law, the complexity of the Roman legal system.
workshop for scholars of Judaism, Islam and
Catholic cannon law entitled “Legal scholarly
responses in comparison”. It gives a short overview
of the methods for comparative law research and
aims to encourage awareness of the objectives of
comparative law and the choice of methods.
Bénédict Winiger
Introduction 1
Christoph Oertel
Strict Liability in the Principles of European Tort Law: The Black Hole and
Central Building Site 4
Piotr Machnikowski
The Principles of European Tort Law and Product Liability 31
Pascal Pichonnaz
Contractual Limitations of Liability and their Impact on Tort Claims 44
Alex Geert Castermans
The PETL and Corporate Liability for Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Duties and
Remedies 63
Pierre Widmer †
Some Reflections on the PETL and Proposals for their Revision 84
Pierre Widmer †
The Ideal Tort Law and the PETL – Dreams of a Legal Escapist 99
Where are the gaps – and how to fill them, Part 1
Guest Editor: Christine Chappuis, Doris Forster and Thomas Kadner
Beschäftigte sich die bisherige Forschung eingehend mit der römischen laesio enormis (der Begriff stammt aus dem Mittelalter), die garantierte, dass bei Landverkäufen der vereinbarte Preis die Hälfte des Wertes nicht unterschritt, fand die zeitgleiche talmudische Preisgrenze von einem Sechstel bislang kaum Beachtung. Obwohl Grundstücksgeschäfte von der אונאה (ona’ah) ausgenommen waren, liegen beiden Rechtsnormen ähnliche Vorstellungen von materiellem Wert und seiner Preisrelation zugrunde. Die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen römischem und jüdischem Recht werden anhand der schriftlichen Thora, der Tosefta, der Mischna, des palästinischen und babylonischen Talmuds, sowie anhand des Corpus Iuris Civilis, des diokletianischen Höchstpreisedikts und des Codex Theodosianus erläutert.
The publication is based on papers delivered at the annual international conference of "Das Collegium Junger Romanisten" held at the University of Vienna from 5th to 7th April 2018.
Cette conférence fait partie d’une série de cours conjoints de l’Université de Bologne et de l’Université de Genève organisée par la Prof. Doris Forster et le Prof. Enrico al Mureden qui précède leurs deux interventions lors du « 89th Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety » à l'ONU et constitue une occasion d'approfondir les débats autour de la régulation des voitures automatiques.
Droit des obligations: back to the future ?
Mardi 20 juin 2023
Auditoire MR280, Uni Mail, Genève
Ces clauses ont été maintenues pendant toute la période romaine, mais on peut se demander aujourd'hui si cette protection particulière a été conservée ou si elle a été remplacée par des systèmes spécifiquement romains.
Presentation of the book by Enrico Al Mureden
2.12.2021 - 10 am - Geneva University
The presentation of Merike Ristikivi will focus on the Latin terms used in the decisions of the European Court of Justice and aims at exploring the vocabulary employed by European legal practitioners when formulating their decisions. The special attention will be paid to the Latin terms which judges have adopted in their active vocabulary in recent years. Merike Ristikivi will observe the connection between the usage of these new terms and the terms which carry the historical tradition of European law.
08 Décembre 2021| 10h15 Uni-Mail Salle R380 (live streamed)
The main legal issues generated by the spread of highly automated vehicles and the solutions that are emerging in the context of the European Union and the US will be reconstructed on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach.
at the University of Geneva, 3rd December 2020
invited by Doris Forster
at the University of Geneva, 29th Oct 2020
invited by Doris Forster
Related publication :
FORSTER, Doris. La nouvelle loi allemande sur les « voitures autonomes » : analyse comparative. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé, 2024, vol. 76, n° 1, p. 141–166.
Mardi 11 octobre 2022, 12h15-13h45 Unimail, Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, Genève, salle 3050.
Le prochain déjeuner-débat du CETEL portera sur un instrument légistique informel qui vise à systématiser le droit afin d'en améliorer sa qualité : le restatement. Grandement méconnu des juristes continentaux, cet instrument sera présenté par un ponte de la discipline, le prof. Henry E. SMITH (Harvard Law School). La prof. Doris FORSTER (Université de Genève) lancera ensuite le débat en replaçant le restatement dans une perspective continentale plus familière des divers outils d'amélioration de la qualité du droit (codification, refonte, consolidation, évaluation, etc.). Henry E. SMITH est professeur à la Harvard Law School. Il est un spécialiste du droit et de l'économie de la propriété. L'American Law Institute l'a nommé rapporteur pour un quatrième Restatement du droit de la propriété.