I have been doing research and publishing scientific papers since 1994. I am also a consultant on aquaculture, nature conservation and zero waste integrated organic farming.
Buku ini membahas fisiologi hewan air. yang dibahas adalah nutrisi dan pencernaan, metabolisme da... more Buku ini membahas fisiologi hewan air. yang dibahas adalah nutrisi dan pencernaan, metabolisme dan anggaran energi, respirasi, darah dan sirkulasi, ekskresi, osmoregulasi, reproduksi, pergerakan dan koordinas
Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik enzim digesti, protease dan amilase pada ikan gur... more Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik enzim digesti, protease dan amilase pada ikan gurami, Osphronemus gouramy Lac., telah dilakukan dengan metode survey. Jumlah ikan yang digunakan untuk penelitian sebanyak 25 ekor yang dikelompokan menjadi tiga kelompok ukuran13,29, 35,86 dan 91,86 g/ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas protease digesti ikan gurami berbeda secara signifikan pada segmen usus dan pH buffer yang berbeda (P<.05). Aktivitas amilase digesti tidak berbeda secara signifikan diantara segmen usus yang diuji (P>.05), namun berbeda secara signifikan diantara ukuran ikan yang berbeda (P<.05), dan aktivitas amilase tertinggi dijumpai pada ikan dengan ukuran terkecil. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa aktivitas protease dan amilase dijumpai sepanjang saluran digestinya baik pada ikan yang berukuran kecil maupun besar. Aktivitas protease umumnya tinggi pada suasana asam dan netral pada usus depan dan tengah. Aktivitas protease ikan yang ...
works in the University of Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) Purwokerto as well as workshops attended b... more works in the University of Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) Purwokerto as well as workshops attended by scientists, students, non-government organizations, industry, local authorities and other stakeholders. The Segara Anakan consists of a lagoon isolated from the Indian Ocean by Nusakambangan island, mangrove forest areas, settlement areas, and rice field areas. In the north of Segara Anakan, there are agricultural areas, whereas in the south primarily rain forest is covering most parts of Nusakambangan island. In the east the lagoon is bordered by the city of Cilacap. The environmental changes due to natural causes as well as the impact of human activities are evident in this lagoon-mangrove ecosystem. The lagoon became narrower and shallower due to sedimentation in the west part, and the water condition has been deteriorated by pollution in the east part which is close to industrial and settlement areas. In addition, illegal logging resulted in the decrease of mangrove areas. The comp...
Two species of semelparity Nypa palm worms can only reproduce once during their lifetime lives sy... more Two species of semelparity Nypa palm worms can only reproduce once during their lifetime lives sympatrically. This reproductive is a unique strategy for allocating energy and fecundity to maximize fertility and larval survival. Information about energy allocation and fecundity of semelparity Nypa palm worms is not yet available. This study aimed to obtain data on the strategy of two species of sympatric Nypa palm worms related to total energy allocation, fecundity, and larval survival. Energy allocation determining by the proportion between reproductive energy and somatic energy. Fecundity was calculated based on the total number of oocytes obtained from the same individual samples used for energy measurement. Larvae survival was counting the trochophore and 3-setigers larvae resulting from fertilization. Energy allocation, fecundity, and survival were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that both sympatric species allocated energy for reproduction. The fecundity of Namalycas...
The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Cult... more The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Culturing the worm is one potential effort for its commercialization as well as to overcome the overexploitation of the worm which also brings about the degradation of its natural habitat. Samples of the worm were collected from mangrove forest area in Sungai Kakap, West Kalimantan. Fresh sample of gametes from coelomic fluid were observed carefully under compound microscope to determine phase of gamete development. Oogenesis consisted of three consecutive stages namely immature, submature, and mature with ≤40 μm, 40<x<120 μm, and ≥120 μm in diameter, respectively. The spermatogenesis phases consisted of, spermatogonia, spermatid tetrad and spermatozoa.
The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Cult... more The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Culturing the worm is one potential effort for its commercialization as well as to overcome the overexploitation of the worm which also brings about the degradation of its natural habitat. Samples of the worm were collected from mangrove forest area in Sungai Kakap, West Kalimantan. Fresh sample of gametes from coelomic fluid were observed carefully under compound microscope to determine phase of gamete development. Oogenesis consisted of three consecutive stages namely immature, submature, and mature with ≤40 μm, 40<x<120 μm, and ≥120 μm in diameter, respectively. The spermatogenesis phases consisted of, spermatogonia, spermatid tetrad and spermatozoa.
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 2007
Biology Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Central Java, Indonesia 1Center... more Biology Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Central Java, Indonesia 1Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Fahrenheitstrasse 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany 2Center for Tropical Coast and Marine Studies, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang ...
Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti benih ik... more Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti benih ikan gurame, Osphronemus gouramy Lac., dari fase pasca larva hingga berukuran panjang badan satu inci. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode survai. Sebanyak 200 ekor ikan gurame yang terdiri atas ikan fase pasca larva hingga berukuran panjang badan satu inci telah digunakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti di antara perbedaan fase pertumbuhan ikan dan buffer inkubasi (P<0,05). Aktivitas protease ikan gurame fase pasca larva dan ukuran sebesar biji oyong lebih rendah daripada ikan dengan ukuran lebih besar. Kondisi sebaliknya dijumpai pada aktivitas amilase yang menunjukkan adanya aktivitas yang lebih tinggi pada ikan, fase pasca larva, dan ukuran sebesar biji oyong dibandingkan pada ikan dengan ukuran yang lebih besar. Aktivitas protease dengan bufffer Tris-HCl (pH 6-7) juga lebih tinggi da...
Th e global ocean faces increasing pressures as human populations grow and demand for marine reso... more Th e global ocean faces increasing pressures as human populations grow and demand for marine resources expands. In semi-enclosed marine systems (SEMSs), stressors from human activities are concentrated and numerous pressures overlap in space and time, with complex, interacting eff ects on coastal and marine ecosystems, and feedbacks into the social realm. Chapter 2 provides greater detail of the stresses that impact SEMSs, and in this chapter we focus primarily on how these stresses aff ect the ability of humans to govern SEMSs eff ectively. Within the last decade there has been signifi cant recognition of the role that ecosystem services play in providing key benefi ts to human society (Daily 1997; Snelgrove et al. 1997; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; Duff y and Stachowicz 2006). Th e importance of ecosystem services of SEMSs, their regional diff erences, and long-term changes have been reviewed by Lotze and Glaser (Chapter 12, this volume). Moreover, recent experimental wor...
A study was done to find out food intake and growth of Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed pelleted fee... more A study was done to find out food intake and growth of Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed pelleted feed that contains ragworm meal as source of suplemental protein. Wet weight of fishes used in the experiment was 15±2 gr. During the experiment the fishes were kept in aquaria each of which contains 20 l aerated well water. The fishes were divided into four groups and each group consists of four individuals. Three experimental fish groups were fed pelleted feeds which contain 10, 20 and 30% ragworm meal respectively, and one group fed pelleted feed that does not contain ragworm meal as control. The results showed that food intake and growth of tilapia fed ragworm meal containing pellet were significantly higher than that of control.
Ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) telah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia walaupun produksin... more Ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) telah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia walaupun produksinya belum optimal, dikarenakan pertumbuhannya lambat. Pertumbuhan kompensatori adalah fase pertumbuhan yang cepat pada ikan sebagai respons terhadap pembatasan pakan, tetapi hal ini belum diteliti pada ikan gurami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembatasan pakan secara periodik terhadap pertumbuhan dan indeks kondisi tubuh ikan gurami. Percobaan terdiri atas kontrol (K), yaitu ikan gurami yang diberi pakan secara normal setiap hari, dan 2 macam perlakuan, yaitu ikan gurami yang mengalami daur pembatasan pakan periodik 1/1, sehari tidak diberi pakan dan sehari diberi pakan (P1), dan ikan gurami yang mengalami daur pembatasan pakan periodik 3/4, dalam seminggu 3 hari tidak diberi pakan dan 4 hari diberi pakan (P2). Pertambahan bobot dan panjang, laju pertumbuhan, indeks hepatosomatik, dan indeks visera somatik dievaluasi selama percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan...
The aim of this research was to know the effect of supplemented Spirulina in diet on nilem fish h... more The aim of this research was to know the effect of supplemented Spirulina in diet on nilem fish haematologys and to obtain the best dose. Pre-treated fishes were acclimated to the laboratory environment for 10 days then allocated randomly into 4 treatment groups. Each group consisted of three aquaria containing 100 L of water equipped with recirculatory system, 12 fishes were allocated into each aquarium. Fish in group A served as control given pellet without Spirulina. Fishes in -1 groups B, C, and D were given pellet supplemented with 2, 4, and 6 g.kg Spirulina, respectively, given daily at 07.30 and 16.00 at 5% of body weight. The results showed that haematologys profile on the nilem fish was affected by Spirulina. This was indicated by increasing erythrocyte counts, total leucocyte, and -1 haemoglobin level as well as haematocrite value. Supplement with 4 g.kg Spirulina was the best dose. ABSTRACT
The effect of preset periods of unfed-fed cycle on growth, feed efficiency and body condition ind... more The effect of preset periods of unfed-fed cycle on growth, feed efficiency and body condition indices of humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis was studied. The fish receiving non-feeding/feeding cycle of 1/2 day (T1); 1/2 and 3 days alternately (T2); 1/3 day (T3); were compared to that fed daily as a control (C). Each feeding treatment was assigned to five fiberglass tanks according to a completely randomized design. All fish was weighed to obtain final weight gain at the end of the experiment. Feeding rate (FR) was calculated during feeding period throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment all fish was weighed to obtain final fish weight. Absolute growth rate (AGR); survival; consumption; cumulative feed consumption, and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were calculated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and Tukey test (P<0.05). The results showed that humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis receiving preset unfed-fed cycle elicited compensatory growth and...
Abstract. Junardi, Anggraeni T, Ridwan A, Yowono E. 2020. Larval development of nypa palm worm Na... more Abstract. Junardi, Anggraeni T, Ridwan A, Yowono E. 2020. Larval development of nypa palm worm Namalycastis rhodochorde (Polychaeta: Nereididae). Nusantara Bioscience 12: 148-153. Namalycastis intensive culture is still facing problems in mass production due to limited information on reproduction, especially in fertilization and production of larvae. The present research was designated to find out optimum salinity for fertilization and the production of nypa palm worm larvae (Namalycastis rhodochorde). Gamete samples were collected using a capillary glass tube inserted into ventro-lateral part of a body segment of a mature worm. Artificial fertilization was done by mixing the sperms and oocytes in a fertilization dish containing sterilized seawater as the medium. The larval development was observed until the benthic phase larvae (3-setigers). Fertilization was performed in medium salinity of 7-21‰ and water temperature of 25-29°C. The cleavage and larva stage occurred respectively w...
Buku ini membahas fisiologi hewan air. yang dibahas adalah nutrisi dan pencernaan, metabolisme da... more Buku ini membahas fisiologi hewan air. yang dibahas adalah nutrisi dan pencernaan, metabolisme dan anggaran energi, respirasi, darah dan sirkulasi, ekskresi, osmoregulasi, reproduksi, pergerakan dan koordinas
Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik enzim digesti, protease dan amilase pada ikan gur... more Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik enzim digesti, protease dan amilase pada ikan gurami, Osphronemus gouramy Lac., telah dilakukan dengan metode survey. Jumlah ikan yang digunakan untuk penelitian sebanyak 25 ekor yang dikelompokan menjadi tiga kelompok ukuran13,29, 35,86 dan 91,86 g/ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas protease digesti ikan gurami berbeda secara signifikan pada segmen usus dan pH buffer yang berbeda (P<.05). Aktivitas amilase digesti tidak berbeda secara signifikan diantara segmen usus yang diuji (P>.05), namun berbeda secara signifikan diantara ukuran ikan yang berbeda (P<.05), dan aktivitas amilase tertinggi dijumpai pada ikan dengan ukuran terkecil. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa aktivitas protease dan amilase dijumpai sepanjang saluran digestinya baik pada ikan yang berukuran kecil maupun besar. Aktivitas protease umumnya tinggi pada suasana asam dan netral pada usus depan dan tengah. Aktivitas protease ikan yang ...
works in the University of Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) Purwokerto as well as workshops attended b... more works in the University of Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) Purwokerto as well as workshops attended by scientists, students, non-government organizations, industry, local authorities and other stakeholders. The Segara Anakan consists of a lagoon isolated from the Indian Ocean by Nusakambangan island, mangrove forest areas, settlement areas, and rice field areas. In the north of Segara Anakan, there are agricultural areas, whereas in the south primarily rain forest is covering most parts of Nusakambangan island. In the east the lagoon is bordered by the city of Cilacap. The environmental changes due to natural causes as well as the impact of human activities are evident in this lagoon-mangrove ecosystem. The lagoon became narrower and shallower due to sedimentation in the west part, and the water condition has been deteriorated by pollution in the east part which is close to industrial and settlement areas. In addition, illegal logging resulted in the decrease of mangrove areas. The comp...
Two species of semelparity Nypa palm worms can only reproduce once during their lifetime lives sy... more Two species of semelparity Nypa palm worms can only reproduce once during their lifetime lives sympatrically. This reproductive is a unique strategy for allocating energy and fecundity to maximize fertility and larval survival. Information about energy allocation and fecundity of semelparity Nypa palm worms is not yet available. This study aimed to obtain data on the strategy of two species of sympatric Nypa palm worms related to total energy allocation, fecundity, and larval survival. Energy allocation determining by the proportion between reproductive energy and somatic energy. Fecundity was calculated based on the total number of oocytes obtained from the same individual samples used for energy measurement. Larvae survival was counting the trochophore and 3-setigers larvae resulting from fertilization. Energy allocation, fecundity, and survival were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that both sympatric species allocated energy for reproduction. The fecundity of Namalycas...
The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Cult... more The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Culturing the worm is one potential effort for its commercialization as well as to overcome the overexploitation of the worm which also brings about the degradation of its natural habitat. Samples of the worm were collected from mangrove forest area in Sungai Kakap, West Kalimantan. Fresh sample of gametes from coelomic fluid were observed carefully under compound microscope to determine phase of gamete development. Oogenesis consisted of three consecutive stages namely immature, submature, and mature with ≤40 μm, 40<x<120 μm, and ≥120 μm in diameter, respectively. The spermatogenesis phases consisted of, spermatogonia, spermatid tetrad and spermatozoa.
The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Cult... more The Nypha Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde has been used as bait for fishing in Pontianak. Culturing the worm is one potential effort for its commercialization as well as to overcome the overexploitation of the worm which also brings about the degradation of its natural habitat. Samples of the worm were collected from mangrove forest area in Sungai Kakap, West Kalimantan. Fresh sample of gametes from coelomic fluid were observed carefully under compound microscope to determine phase of gamete development. Oogenesis consisted of three consecutive stages namely immature, submature, and mature with ≤40 μm, 40<x<120 μm, and ≥120 μm in diameter, respectively. The spermatogenesis phases consisted of, spermatogonia, spermatid tetrad and spermatozoa.
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 2007
Biology Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Central Java, Indonesia 1Center... more Biology Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53122, Central Java, Indonesia 1Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Fahrenheitstrasse 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany 2Center for Tropical Coast and Marine Studies, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang ...
Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti benih ik... more Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti benih ikan gurame, Osphronemus gouramy Lac., dari fase pasca larva hingga berukuran panjang badan satu inci. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode survai. Sebanyak 200 ekor ikan gurame yang terdiri atas ikan fase pasca larva hingga berukuran panjang badan satu inci telah digunakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan aktivitas protease dan amilase digesti di antara perbedaan fase pertumbuhan ikan dan buffer inkubasi (P<0,05). Aktivitas protease ikan gurame fase pasca larva dan ukuran sebesar biji oyong lebih rendah daripada ikan dengan ukuran lebih besar. Kondisi sebaliknya dijumpai pada aktivitas amilase yang menunjukkan adanya aktivitas yang lebih tinggi pada ikan, fase pasca larva, dan ukuran sebesar biji oyong dibandingkan pada ikan dengan ukuran yang lebih besar. Aktivitas protease dengan bufffer Tris-HCl (pH 6-7) juga lebih tinggi da...
Th e global ocean faces increasing pressures as human populations grow and demand for marine reso... more Th e global ocean faces increasing pressures as human populations grow and demand for marine resources expands. In semi-enclosed marine systems (SEMSs), stressors from human activities are concentrated and numerous pressures overlap in space and time, with complex, interacting eff ects on coastal and marine ecosystems, and feedbacks into the social realm. Chapter 2 provides greater detail of the stresses that impact SEMSs, and in this chapter we focus primarily on how these stresses aff ect the ability of humans to govern SEMSs eff ectively. Within the last decade there has been signifi cant recognition of the role that ecosystem services play in providing key benefi ts to human society (Daily 1997; Snelgrove et al. 1997; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; Duff y and Stachowicz 2006). Th e importance of ecosystem services of SEMSs, their regional diff erences, and long-term changes have been reviewed by Lotze and Glaser (Chapter 12, this volume). Moreover, recent experimental wor...
A study was done to find out food intake and growth of Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed pelleted fee... more A study was done to find out food intake and growth of Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed pelleted feed that contains ragworm meal as source of suplemental protein. Wet weight of fishes used in the experiment was 15±2 gr. During the experiment the fishes were kept in aquaria each of which contains 20 l aerated well water. The fishes were divided into four groups and each group consists of four individuals. Three experimental fish groups were fed pelleted feeds which contain 10, 20 and 30% ragworm meal respectively, and one group fed pelleted feed that does not contain ragworm meal as control. The results showed that food intake and growth of tilapia fed ragworm meal containing pellet were significantly higher than that of control.
Ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) telah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia walaupun produksin... more Ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) telah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia walaupun produksinya belum optimal, dikarenakan pertumbuhannya lambat. Pertumbuhan kompensatori adalah fase pertumbuhan yang cepat pada ikan sebagai respons terhadap pembatasan pakan, tetapi hal ini belum diteliti pada ikan gurami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembatasan pakan secara periodik terhadap pertumbuhan dan indeks kondisi tubuh ikan gurami. Percobaan terdiri atas kontrol (K), yaitu ikan gurami yang diberi pakan secara normal setiap hari, dan 2 macam perlakuan, yaitu ikan gurami yang mengalami daur pembatasan pakan periodik 1/1, sehari tidak diberi pakan dan sehari diberi pakan (P1), dan ikan gurami yang mengalami daur pembatasan pakan periodik 3/4, dalam seminggu 3 hari tidak diberi pakan dan 4 hari diberi pakan (P2). Pertambahan bobot dan panjang, laju pertumbuhan, indeks hepatosomatik, dan indeks visera somatik dievaluasi selama percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan...
The aim of this research was to know the effect of supplemented Spirulina in diet on nilem fish h... more The aim of this research was to know the effect of supplemented Spirulina in diet on nilem fish haematologys and to obtain the best dose. Pre-treated fishes were acclimated to the laboratory environment for 10 days then allocated randomly into 4 treatment groups. Each group consisted of three aquaria containing 100 L of water equipped with recirculatory system, 12 fishes were allocated into each aquarium. Fish in group A served as control given pellet without Spirulina. Fishes in -1 groups B, C, and D were given pellet supplemented with 2, 4, and 6 g.kg Spirulina, respectively, given daily at 07.30 and 16.00 at 5% of body weight. The results showed that haematologys profile on the nilem fish was affected by Spirulina. This was indicated by increasing erythrocyte counts, total leucocyte, and -1 haemoglobin level as well as haematocrite value. Supplement with 4 g.kg Spirulina was the best dose. ABSTRACT
The effect of preset periods of unfed-fed cycle on growth, feed efficiency and body condition ind... more The effect of preset periods of unfed-fed cycle on growth, feed efficiency and body condition indices of humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis was studied. The fish receiving non-feeding/feeding cycle of 1/2 day (T1); 1/2 and 3 days alternately (T2); 1/3 day (T3); were compared to that fed daily as a control (C). Each feeding treatment was assigned to five fiberglass tanks according to a completely randomized design. All fish was weighed to obtain final weight gain at the end of the experiment. Feeding rate (FR) was calculated during feeding period throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment all fish was weighed to obtain final fish weight. Absolute growth rate (AGR); survival; consumption; cumulative feed consumption, and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were calculated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and Tukey test (P<0.05). The results showed that humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis receiving preset unfed-fed cycle elicited compensatory growth and...
Abstract. Junardi, Anggraeni T, Ridwan A, Yowono E. 2020. Larval development of nypa palm worm Na... more Abstract. Junardi, Anggraeni T, Ridwan A, Yowono E. 2020. Larval development of nypa palm worm Namalycastis rhodochorde (Polychaeta: Nereididae). Nusantara Bioscience 12: 148-153. Namalycastis intensive culture is still facing problems in mass production due to limited information on reproduction, especially in fertilization and production of larvae. The present research was designated to find out optimum salinity for fertilization and the production of nypa palm worm larvae (Namalycastis rhodochorde). Gamete samples were collected using a capillary glass tube inserted into ventro-lateral part of a body segment of a mature worm. Artificial fertilization was done by mixing the sperms and oocytes in a fertilization dish containing sterilized seawater as the medium. The larval development was observed until the benthic phase larvae (3-setigers). Fertilization was performed in medium salinity of 7-21‰ and water temperature of 25-29°C. The cleavage and larva stage occurred respectively w...
Cacing welur Dendronereis pinnaticirris adalah hewan invertebrata bentik anggota kelas Polychaeta... more Cacing welur Dendronereis pinnaticirris adalah hewan invertebrata bentik anggota kelas Polychaeta yang banyak hidup di dalam lumpur berpasir di perairan payau di Jawa dan Sumatera. Di bagian kepala (prostomium) dilengkapi dengan siri prostomial, memiliki sepasang mata rudimenter. Di bagian dorsal terdapat saluran darah utama yang tampak seperti garis merah. Tubuhnya terdiri atas ruas (segment) dan setiap ruas memiliki sepasang parapodia, yaitu kaki yang dapat digunakan juga untuk berenang, dan ruas paling posteriornya tidak memiliki parapodia tetapi pada ujungnya terdapat siri anal didekat anus. Cacing welur ini berwarna merah kecoklatan dan saat menjelang pemijahan warnanya agak kehijauan. Hewan jantan dan betina mengeluarkan sel gamet yang telah matang ke perairan dan pembuahan terjadi secara eksternal.
Papers by Edy Yuwono