Welcome to the Department of Art

The Department of Art at the University of Maine offers dynamic, interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs: the B.A. in Art History; B.A. in Art Education; B.A. & B.F.A. in Studio Art; M.A., M.F.A., & Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Intermedia; and minors in Art History, Graphic Design & Studio Art.

Our undergraduate, graduate, and gallery programming is at the forefront of contemporary concerns in art practices; art history, criticism, and theory; and art pedagogy. The department balances a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences with intensive study of the visual arts. By researching, critiquing, producing, exhibiting, and teaching art, our students become informed and creative contributors to 21st-century global culture.

See what our students say!

Read more about the Department of Art

Lord Hall Gallery presents ORBITS

The University of Maine’s Lord Hall Gallery presents ORBITS, an exhibition featuring the work of three Maine-based artists who are invested in material re-use and sustainability: Tom Jessen, Isabelle Maschal O’Donnell, and Ian Trask from February 3 – March 14, 2025. A reception will be held on February 7, 2025 from 5-7pm. During the reception, six Maine-based poets will read ekphrastic poems which they wrote about the artwork in ORBITS. The reading will take place at 6pm. Participating poets include Matt Bernier, Monique Bouchard, Sylvia Godreaux, Annaliese Jakimides, Carl Little, and Leslie Moore. All events are free and the public is warmly welcomed.

Learn more about ORBITS.

Featured Student: Chantelle Flores

Chantelle Flores is an Honors College student pursuing degrees in Art History and English. She is an ENG 101 and Writing Center tutor, sings alto in the University of Maine Singers, and volunteers with the Fogler Library Ambassadors. 

In May 2024, Chantelle published an essay in Aisthesis: The Interdisciplinary Honors Journal, published by the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Her essay, titled “A Fusing of Horizons: Approaching Rosenberg’s ‘American Action Painters’ Through a Hermeneutical Lens,” is here.