Papers by Myroslava Chekh
Стратегія Розвитку України Економіка Соціологія Право, 2011
Hybrid Threats Glossary / Глосарій з гібридних загроз, 2021
Deliverable 5.5 " WARN environment" Результат 5.5 "WARN-середовище" VERSIONING AND CONTRIBUTION H... more Deliverable 5.5 " WARN environment" Результат 5.5 "WARN-середовище" VERSIONING AND CONTRIBUTION HISTORY Version Date Revision Description Responsible Partner 01 Creation of document NURE (Svitlana Gryshko) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Актуальні питання у сучасній науці, Jan 22, 2023
Наукові інновації та передові технології. Державне управління, економіка, право, педагогіка, психологія, Jan 16, 2023
Naukovì perspektivi, Aug 1, 2022
Naukovì perspektivi, Oct 30, 2021
Наукові праці МАУП, Oct 7, 2022
Naukovì perspektivi, Mar 8, 2022
Наукові праці Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом. Політичні науки та публічне управління
Досліджуються основні причини та способи поширення інституційних фетишів у публічному управлінні ... more Досліджуються основні причини та способи поширення інституційних фетишів у публічному управлінні України. Наводяться основні приклади негативного впливу інституційних фетишів на ефективність публічного управління. Основну увагу приділено сучасним аспектам фетишизації інституту стратегічного планування у сфері публічного управління. Показано негативні наслідки його поширення на різних щаблях владної ієрархії. Акцентовано увагу на етичних і професійних проблемах публічного управління, пов’язаних з перетворенням стратегічного планування на інституційний фетиш. Здійснено огляд літературних джерел, присвячених проблемам фетишизації сфери публічного управління загалом та розвитку стратегічного планування в Україні зокрема. Метою статті визначено обґрунтування пріоритетних напрямів і першочергових засобів запобігання фетишизації стратегічного планування в публічному управлінні України. До головних чинників фетишизації стратегічного планування в публічному управлінні України віднесено: інст...
Наукові перспективи (Naukovì perspektivi)
Наукові перспективи (Naukovì perspektivi), 2022
Наукові перспективи (Naukovì perspektivi), 2021
This article starts with defining the variants of irregular status and the paths through which a ... more This article starts with defining the variants of irregular status and the paths through which a migrant may become irregular. We explore how immigration enforcement is perceived by Ukrainian irregular migrants in the UK. The result of the study indicates that immigration enforcement is perceived as omnipresent. At the same time many Ukrainian irregular migrants believe that as white Europeans they are at lower risk in terms of checks/raids compared to 'dark skin' migrants. Our research suggests that irregular Ukrainians were more likely to display stress at the beginning of their irregular position and became more resilient the longer they managed to stay in the UK. We conclude that the interviewees were generally considering-or had already developed-strategies in terms of their residence, work, and other areas of their lives which they believed would help prevent detection. It is based on qualitative interviews of irregular Ukrainian migrants in the UK: for the ESRC-funded project "Does immigration enforcement matters? Irregular immigrants and control policies in the UK" (2013-2017).
This essay is written as an urgent call for collaboration. It is a provocation for academics in n... more This essay is written as an urgent call for collaboration. It is a provocation for academics in non-crisis environments to proactively reach out to our academic colleagues in Ukraine and other severely disrupted crisis environments around the world to work together to create and extend knowledge and understanding about interpersonal and organizational phenomena during extreme circumstances. Wethose of us who are higher education practitioners living within noncrisis environments-have colleagues around the world who are navigating through fractured and uncertain contexts. They are calling out to be seen, to be heard, to be engaged and partnered with in generative and holistic ways. In this essay, we begin a conversation about potential topics for collaborative exploration in our learning and teaching spaces with the hope that they will inspire action and connection between academics living within relative peace and privilege and those living within severe disruption and crisis.
The Journal of Development Studies, 2023
The escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war poses a serious threat to achieving the United Nation... more The escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war poses a serious threat to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The challenges to meeting the SDGs by 2030 will be even greater, considering the current conditions. The consequences have spread not only to the countries directly involved in the war, but also to a global level. Before the full-scale invasion in 2022, Ukraine had made progress in 15 of the 17 SDGs. However, the war nullified all previous achievements in Ukraine’s development progress. Yet, despite these negative tendencies, the SDGs provide a good basis for determining Ukraine’s development priorities, and are also an effective way to attract financial support to increase the country’s resilience and recovery. Although war complicates the movement toward the goals of sustainable development, it necessitates the socially responsible position of different states, businesses, and international organisations. The paper aims to assess the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on indicators that characterize the economic dimension of SDGs, based on a comprehensive analysis of the available data, a literature review, and empirical estimations. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) methodology for time series data was used to estimate the main functional dependencies. The investigation proves the destructive impact of war on the global economy, seen mostly through increases in commodity prices, trade, and supply chain distraction. The obtained results confirm the need to support sustainable development as a foundation for peaceful societies, national resilience, and recovery at the local and global levels.
Efficiency of public administration
Досліджено основні проблеми функціонування державного сектору України на різних етапах його розви... more Досліджено основні проблеми функціонування державного сектору України на різних етапах його розвитку після відновлення незалежності у 1991 році. Зокрема, до таких періодів віднесено: етап ринкового транзиту радянських інститутів, етап подальших інституційних експериментів, а також етап адаптації державного сектору України до інституційних вимог і стандартів розвитку, притаманних країнам-членам ЄС. Акцентовано на важливості інституційних чинників, які визначають характер розвитку державного сектору, зокрема якості системотворчих формальних інститутів, а також характеру неформальних інституційних процесів, які виникають за використання державної власності та під час її приватизації. Досліджено інституційні аспекти розвитку людського та соціального капіталу державного сектору, а також механізми впливу опортуністичної поведінки на його функціонування. Приділено увагу виявленню наявного взаємозв'язку між розвитком інституційного середовища державного сектору та морально-етичними заса...
The article aims to study the impact of technological transfer on the export structure in seven C... more The article aims to study the impact of technological transfer on the export structure in seven Central European countries, namely Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Theoretical approaches to the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the economic development of the host country are generalized. The Flying Geese Model (FGM), that reflects the state of a new paradigm of multinational development and global value chains (GVC) theory is analysed. The structure of export and import of CEE countries is analysed. On the basis of the panel framework over the period of 2001–2016 for selected countries an empirical estimation using correlation and regression analysis is conducted. Regression analysis within four specifications with regard to the exports structure is performed and verified on the basis of principal panel methods: OLS with pooled data, panel data with fixed effects and dynamic panel-data model. Obtained results stay in line with th...
Introduction. Today, academic circles are voicing an idea about the need to switch over to an alt... more Introduction. Today, academic circles are voicing an idea about the need to switch over to an alternative economic strategy prioritising the stimulation of the domestic market, because the existing potential for the development based on the export model has been exhausted. World experience and some economic realities in Ukraine induce to believe that such a strategy could be viable, although not without numerous risks. Usually, a decline in the current balance signals is the end of the ambitious experiments on demand stimulation. In such a case, it is essential to analyse the interaction of internal and external sectors of the economy, to provide an effective demand and separate balance of payment accounts. The purpose of the research is to study the interaction between different segments of the domestic market and the balance of payments in terms of the economy with a dependent production structure. Results. By using two statistical techniques, namely, the two-stage least square (2...
Market Infrastructure
In the context of world economy globalization, competition between producers exceeds the establis... more In the context of world economy globalization, competition between producers exceeds the established framework. In particular, the situation is exacerbated between the biggest countries. The world's leading economy, the United States, has lost some of its position in recent decades due to China's intensification in many markets. The deepening of negative trends such as negative trade balance, the loss of export markets, and the growing dependence on China stimulated the introduction of protectionist measures against China and beginning of a trade war between these countries. Such measures affect not only the participating countries, but also have unpredictable consequences for the rest of the globalized world. The article provides a retrospective analysis of the trade war between the United States and China, examines the opinions and forecasts of experts on the consequences of such a confrontation. Based on the analysis of theoretical approaches, it is appropriate to disting...
Papers by Myroslava Chekh