UCUM Documentation
Changes to Documentation
This documentation exists in a wiki-like state where change proposals are encouraged.Common UCUM units
This list makes it easy for your typical reporting units of measure.Education, Promotion and Outreach
Efforts to promote the UCUM standard.External Relationships
Documenting relations with other organizations and SDOs.Formal Grammar for UCUM
A short summary to follow.Functional Tests
A short summary to follow.Implementation Support
Resources to help with UCUM adoption and implementation.Internationalization
A summary of efforts to translate UCUM into numerous non-English languages.Organization and Procedures
Defining the governance and maintenance structure of UCUM.Procedure Defined Units
Discussion of issues related that lead to arbitary units.Requests for Units
How to request new units and report issues.UCUM Committee Charter
Documenting roles and operations within UCUM's committee.Using Issues in GitHub
Labels are used to mark status of issues as they are reviewed.This documentation is also included within the UCUM repository on GitHub.