Books by Joan Ramon
Books chapters by Joan Ramon
Homenatge a Miquel Tarradell (1920-1995) en ocasió del centenari del seu naixement, IEC, MEMÒRIES DE LA SECCIÓ HISTÒRICO-ARQUEOLÒGICA, CXVI, 2021
La figura del professor Miquel Tarradell ha estat objecte d'una multitud de reconeixements; uns, ... more La figura del professor Miquel Tarradell ha estat objecte d'una multitud de reconeixements; uns, per fortuna, anteriors a la seva mort, i altres, la majoria, com ara mateix el present, en posterioritat. Tot i que la seva vida i obra han estat abordades des de tots el angles imaginables, per poc que s'esbrini en la seva trajectòria professional i en la seva personalitat, incommensurables totes dues, és difícil no trobar-hi sempre trets diferencials i matisos nous; ho és encara més per a qui, com és el meu cas, escriu amb l'honor i el privilegi d'haver-lo tengut de professor. Però, entre tanta literatura positiva, que ben merescudament ha generat el nostre personatge (cf. en darrer lloc Sanmartí, 2020 i 2021), hi ha dos aspectes que considero que ressalten insuficientment i que per això seran el centre del meu discurs. Un és l'interès particular de Tarradell-que per tot on passà, tot ho tocà-pel món púnic sense constrènyer-se mai a límits geogràfics reduïts. L'abordà primer al Marroc-on, per raons d'exercir en la pràctica de veritable arqueòleg territorial (d'un territori, dit sigui de passada molt, tal vegada massa gran), altres temàtiques requeriren al mateix temps el seu esforç-i, anys després, encara que en un context sempre molt diferent de l'anterior, a Eivissa. I ni així es pot reduir la seva figura als territoris esmentats, ja que Tarradell tractà el tema fenici i púnic en l'àmbit de tota la Mediterrània centreoccidental, inclosa la important projecció atlàntica. De fet, treballs seus com l'apèndix a la versió castellana del llibre de Harden (Tarradell, 1967), potser una mica infravalorats o simplement oblidats, reflecteixen una capacitat d'anàlisi, de reflexió i, en suma, d'ordre d'idees-de cara a un estat de la qüestió del que jo qualificaria com a arqueologia històricad'una maduresa i una vigència per desgràcia poc comuna. El segon aspecte que he de mencionar són les seves projeccions-sempre en relació amb el tema tractat aquí, la recerca del món púnic-que tingueren com a escenari no només el Marroc, sinó una bona part de la costa mediterrània de migjorn o, per dir-ho amb altres paraules, el Magrib occidental, que el converteixen, al meu parer, en un veritable africanista. En aquest sentit, però, vull aclarir que considero aquestes projeccions com les d'algú que estudia temes africans sense les connotacions colonialistes que llargament van adquirir (cf., per exemple, Ramos et al. 2008).
Research in Althiburos and its surroundings has allowed to complete the excavation of the Numidia... more Research in Althiburos and its surroundings has allowed to complete the excavation of the Numidian defensive wall and to fix its construction date in the third century BC. It has also provided extensive archaeobiological data and valuable information on building techniques
and ceramic typology from levels immediately to the NW of the Capitol that are dated between the seventh century BC and the early third
century BC. We have also completed the
excavation of mound D-53, confirmed its imperial era dating and completed the knowledge about its structure. Another smaller tumulus (M-42) has been fully excavated; its basic structure and dating are similar to those of D-53. Finally, the exploration of the protohistoric necropolis has been extended to reach an area of about 20 km2, with a total of 855 recorded structures.
Tipologically, all of them can be considered as tumuli, but certain morphological peculiarities, often linked to their dimensions, lead to distinguish the existence of six types.
SES PAÏSSES (Artà, Mallorca) EXCAVACIONES EN EL EDIFICIO 25 ( “Climent Garau”) Campañas 2004, 2005, 2006
Contextos ceràmics d'Època Tardana i de l'Alta Edad Mijana (segles IV-X)', Arqueomediterrània 2, 1997
AUTEURS DIVERS: Althiburos I. La fouille dans l’aire du capitole et dans la nécropole méridionale, 2011
Papers by Joan Ramon
Cartagine, il Mediterraneo centro-occidentale e la Sardegna. Società, economia e cultura materiale tra Fenici e autoctoni. Studi in onore di Piero Bartoloni I, 2020
The Phoenicians were always seen as a trading and peaceful people, away from wars. In the case of... more The Phoenicians were always seen as a trading and peaceful people, away from wars. In the case of Ibiza, especially in the 6th century BC, the situation was probably much more unstable. With the analysis of two
kinds of data, it is proposed here to demonstrate that this era was marked by acts of violence and armed conflicts.
These data, which are strictly archaeological, because the historical sources do nothing say, consist, on the one hand to the destruction of sacred monuments and on the other to the traces left by the use of weapons, especially arrowheads.
The archaeological elements subject of this study comes from an emergency digging made in 1994 on... more The archaeological elements subject of this study comes from an emergency digging made in 1994 on the occasion of the reform of a building located between Sa Drassaneta Square and the Alley of el
Gall, in the neighborhood of Sa Penya (Ibiza). Is mainly composed by vascular ceramics of very different origins, but also construction ceramics and other architectural elements, in addition to glass vessels.
Highlights in this context the presence of a balista missile and some human bones. The training chronology of the stratum that contained them, and meant the amortization of one of the cisterns, is located in
the first thirty years of the second half of the 3rd century AD. All in all, some questions arise in relation to the urban collapse of Ebusus and even the possibility of attacks performed by Germanic peoples at the beginning
of the late Roman imperial period.
Books by Joan Ramon
Books chapters by Joan Ramon
and ceramic typology from levels immediately to the NW of the Capitol that are dated between the seventh century BC and the early third
century BC. We have also completed the
excavation of mound D-53, confirmed its imperial era dating and completed the knowledge about its structure. Another smaller tumulus (M-42) has been fully excavated; its basic structure and dating are similar to those of D-53. Finally, the exploration of the protohistoric necropolis has been extended to reach an area of about 20 km2, with a total of 855 recorded structures.
Tipologically, all of them can be considered as tumuli, but certain morphological peculiarities, often linked to their dimensions, lead to distinguish the existence of six types.
Papers by Joan Ramon
kinds of data, it is proposed here to demonstrate that this era was marked by acts of violence and armed conflicts.
These data, which are strictly archaeological, because the historical sources do nothing say, consist, on the one hand to the destruction of sacred monuments and on the other to the traces left by the use of weapons, especially arrowheads.
Gall, in the neighborhood of Sa Penya (Ibiza). Is mainly composed by vascular ceramics of very different origins, but also construction ceramics and other architectural elements, in addition to glass vessels.
Highlights in this context the presence of a balista missile and some human bones. The training chronology of the stratum that contained them, and meant the amortization of one of the cisterns, is located in
the first thirty years of the second half of the 3rd century AD. All in all, some questions arise in relation to the urban collapse of Ebusus and even the possibility of attacks performed by Germanic peoples at the beginning
of the late Roman imperial period.
and ceramic typology from levels immediately to the NW of the Capitol that are dated between the seventh century BC and the early third
century BC. We have also completed the
excavation of mound D-53, confirmed its imperial era dating and completed the knowledge about its structure. Another smaller tumulus (M-42) has been fully excavated; its basic structure and dating are similar to those of D-53. Finally, the exploration of the protohistoric necropolis has been extended to reach an area of about 20 km2, with a total of 855 recorded structures.
Tipologically, all of them can be considered as tumuli, but certain morphological peculiarities, often linked to their dimensions, lead to distinguish the existence of six types.
kinds of data, it is proposed here to demonstrate that this era was marked by acts of violence and armed conflicts.
These data, which are strictly archaeological, because the historical sources do nothing say, consist, on the one hand to the destruction of sacred monuments and on the other to the traces left by the use of weapons, especially arrowheads.
Gall, in the neighborhood of Sa Penya (Ibiza). Is mainly composed by vascular ceramics of very different origins, but also construction ceramics and other architectural elements, in addition to glass vessels.
Highlights in this context the presence of a balista missile and some human bones. The training chronology of the stratum that contained them, and meant the amortization of one of the cisterns, is located in
the first thirty years of the second half of the 3rd century AD. All in all, some questions arise in relation to the urban collapse of Ebusus and even the possibility of attacks performed by Germanic peoples at the beginning
of the late Roman imperial period.
settlement of this time in the place that this Menorcan town currently occupies. On the other hand, we could present a set of exceptional materials, of the 3rd and 2nd centuries B. C., which highlights the strong presence of Ebusitan production ceramics, which reaffirms the weight of the Punic factor in post-Talayotic Menorca.
confirmé archéologiquement par des fouilles développées depuis le début du XXe siècle. En revanche
il y a des avis différents sur l’origine de cette civilisation et sur le processus de formation des villes. Les
visions diffusionnistes ont conçu la ville autochtone comme un phénomène promu volontairement par
les populations venues de la Méditerranée orientale, plus précisément les Phéniciens et les Phocéens.
Les approches « postcoloniales » n’ont pas abordé le problème, car, centrées sur les aspects culturels
des rapports entre cultures, elles n’ont pas examiné les mutations de l’infrastructure. Nous soutenons
ici un point de vue différent, à savoir que l’émergence des villes ibériques à partir de la deuxième moitié du VIe s. av. J.-C est un phénomène essentiellement local, lié à la formation des premiers États et dont l’explication repose sur l’évolution de la démographie et de la technologie, qui a changé de façon radicale les rapports de production.
Unlike coroplasty, an exuberant phenomenon in Punic Ibiza, pre-Roman stone sculpture is virtually non-existent on the island. This holds also true for the remaining areas of Punic culture of the central-western Mediterranean including important centers like Carthage, where such
findings are extremely rare. Our sculpture is carved in sandstone and represents a chariot with spokes wheels, pulled by an animal. Curiously, and judging by the characteristics of the tusks, the animal is an elephant, which is also an oddity. It is practically complete, excepting its lower part,
which raises the possibility that it was part of a sculptural element of greater proportions and complexity, of a religious nature, and probably dated to the second half of the third century BC.
certains auteurs à s’interroger sur la validité de la carte paléoethnologique que suggèreraient les sources écrites, et même de considérer qu’il n’y a pas de peuples clairement différenciés du point
de vue culturel. Dans cet article, nous remettons en question la base théorique et factuelle de ces points de vue. Nous revendiquons en effet l’existence réelle de groupes culturels mentionnés dans les sources anciennes, tout en reconnaissant leur diversité interne évidente et les multiples interactions qu’ils entretiennent et qui contribuent à leur évolution. La pluralité des opinions sur ces questions est due en grande partie à l’avarice des données disponibles sur les populations
libyennes. En effet, des travaux récents sur Althiburos et ses environs immédiats ont mis en lumière
les facteurs de continuité d’une communauté indigène tout au long du premier millénaire av. J.-C., et ont montré que, malgré l’adoption croissante d’éléments culturels caractéristiques du monde punique, les habitants de cette zone ont gardé une personnalité clairement différenciée, qui peut être qualifiée de «numide».
is limited to the period between the 4th and the 1st centuries BC. The picture they paint implies a widespread use of iron,
both in primary production and craftsmanship, and, of course, weaponry. Direct archaeological knowledge of siderurgy and
iron items is still very limited. This is due to the lack of research into pre-Roman habitation sites, which remain almost
completely unstudied, and also to the fact that finds of funerary offerings are generally scarce and often do not include
iron objects. However, recent excavations at Althiburos (Tunisia) have proved that iron was already being used in the 9th
century BC and that it was being forged from at least from the 8th century BC. As far as the origin of siderurgy in this area
is concerned, it is traditionally assumed to have been introduced by the Phoenicians, although we cannot rule out that it
was purely local or that it spread from Sub-Saharan Africa.
un material descontextualizado, su publicación es importante por diversos motivos, entre los cuales se halla la presencia de piezas excepcionales y de otras que raramente se pueden estudiar en un estado íntegro. No se ha tratado sólo de un trabajo descriptivo, sino que se ha aprovechado
la ocasión, mediante el empleo de datos arqueológicos modernos, muchos de los cuales inéditos hasta la fecha, de poner al día el estado de la cuestión de toda una serie de formas vasculares. Todo ello, naturalmente redunda en un mejor conocimiento de la época púnicoebusitana y de sus relaciones comerciales con el exterior.