

„The University of Szeged is a prestigious Hungarian institution, with its 12 faculties offering quality education across the whole spectrum of higher education."

Prof. Dr. László Rovó
University of Szeged


Katalin Karikó, Research Professor at the SZTE

"The five years I spent at the University of Szeged were the happiest time of my life... In the years since then, I have experienced both good and bad. I will share some of my experiences:

- Personal relationships are important.
- Love your work!
- Believe in yourself!
- Learn to manage stress!
- Focus on what you can do, what you can change!
- Find the right partner for life!
- And finally, the seventh piece of advice: don't hesitate to learn - from the bad and the good."




The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) brings together five universities from across Europe. Combining their outstanding expertise in Global Health, EUGLOH aims to build a European University in the future including joint training programs, research activities and campus life.



Health Care

The Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical and Pharmaceutical Centre is a global organization established pursuant to a joint resolution passed by the Faculty of General Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Szeged. As the legal successor of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, the Centre successfully coordinates health care related activities in the areas of research and development, clinical and pharmacological examinations, basic and further training in medical disciplines, and patient therapy.



Coursera video


Coursera, Passport to Knowledge

Coursera is the world’s biggest online educational platform where the best universities – among them, for example, Yale University or the University of Michigan as well as companies such as Google and IBM – offer nearly 4,000 courses in 19 languages. As a result of the cooperation agreement between Coursera and the University of Szeged, university students in Szeged will have free-of-charge access to these course materials and the certificates proving completion.
