A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Buy Now$23.00 USD or more

Please note: After purchase, please redeem your key on the itch.io "My Purchase" page - it is a link that lets you create a game account to log in to the game.  A game account is required to play the game.

Vintage Story is an uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game inspired by eldritch horror themes. Find yourself in a ruined world reclaimed by nature and permeated by unnerving temporal disturbances. Relive the advent of human civilization, or take your own path.

Progress through multiple ages
Start out empty-handed in the stone age and learn to survive by foraging, hunting, crafting, and fighting. Live through the four seasons and advance further by smelting copper for more powerful tools, creating bronze alloys, learning to work iron, mechanize common tasks and ultimately reach the steel age.

A wicked universe backed by original story elements
Take on the role of a lost being in the body of a tall blue creature and discover the remnants of civilization. There is no linear storytelling; it is up to you to piece together who you are and what has happened from the little evidence that remains. During your journey you will encounter wayward creatures, find old stories, battle temporal instability, and endure temporal storms.

One million square kilometers of unique, randomly generated landscape
Enter a vast open world populated by a range of cute, strange, dangerous, and horrifying creatures. Vintage Story utilizes a great deal of procedural technology to create immensely diverse landscapes, climate conditions, and geological features to always keep exploration fresh and exciting.

Unreal world simulation
Having undergone 6 years of continuous development the VS game engine now fully and believably simulates seasons, soil fertiliy, rock strata, localized weather patterns, rain, snowfall & snow accumulation, hail, realistic climate distributions, food spoilage, body temperature, animal husbandry, farming, block physics, inspiring sunsets and nightskies, mineralogy, knapping, clayforming, metallurgy, smithing, microblock editing and more

Inspired by Nature
Vintage Story is heavily inspired by natural processes of the real world and brings them into the game in a fun and enjoyable way. Our aim is to capture the beauty of the natural world and amplify the experience within our game.

Ethical Fair & Independent No marketplace. No loot boxes. No microtransactions. No paid DLC. No hidden fees. No pay2win. No ads. No user data monetization. No software patents. No shareholders. No publisher. No NFTs. No BlockChain. No 3rd party interests.

Handmade.png Handmade Vintage Story is powered by our own cross-platform game engine. This allows us to tailor the engine exactly to our needs while still keeping hardware requirements low. We are 100% Indie.

Social Social We pay careful attention to foster a friendly and supportive community. Come visit us on the official forum, Discord chat server, wiki and mod database. Multiplayer anti-grief mechanics out of the box. You can get in direct contact with the developers of the game.

Open Open You can customize your game experience in infinite ways. Built from the ground up with modding in mind - we use our own mod api to add new game content. Half of the game is under a readable source license. We built our own mod database, modelling and animation tools and made them open source.


Buy Now$23.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $23 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Vintage Story v1.19.4 for Windows
Vintage Story v1.19.4 for Linux
Vintage Story v1.19.4 for Mac

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does the game will be free in the future?


i hope


I'm wondering when this game will be released on Steam. I wanted to buy this game because my friends invited me to play it, but I can't because I don't have both access to PayPal and a credit /debit card to pay for it.

good point




Если бы я ни был нищим, то сыграл бы

Does it matter which shop I buy this from? Or is there no difference and I could get it on the main site without the world ending?


All 3 official stores are pretty much the same. Buying it off the main site is a tad more smooth when you want to get Vintagehosting or the Supporter Addon.

Thank you for explaining this I was actually confused myself

what are the 3 official stores

Deleted 31 days ago

Sorry to hear you were having login troubles, please write us a support ticket on our site at https://www.vintagestory.at/support with your infos so we can help you out.

Thank you, I believe my email possibly could have been the reason why it was not working

Looks cool!

Deleted 31 days ago
(1 edit)

It's written in the first paragraph of the games description, but i can make the wording more explicit.

Feel free to request a refund if the account requirement doesn't suit you.

is this game playable on controller? if its not do you have any plans to make it playable on controller?


I think one of the arguments to actually make this have controller support is handheld PCs. However, that can still be difficult to implement. It's technically possible to play with a controller running through steam. There's still no good way to play with a controller though.

Thats unfortunate but thankfully Its still a good game im just bad at Mnk as im still new to the pc world.

Well, the controller support is helping a lot to people with special requirements. 

It makes the game well connected to systems like Xbox Adaptive Controller or similar.

(1 edit)

saw this game in a video and looks really fun


I discovered this game by the youtuber DeadPresidents, and instantly fell in love with it. With the textures, the mechanics, the aesthetic, the vibe. But sadly, here in Brazil, it is way too expensive and almost impossible for us to buy! 23usd or 18eur are almost like 120brl, and for us, it's a lot of money.

I understand you guys are an indie team, and honestly the game looks so pretty and well developed! I only wished you guys could add the brl option in a lower price so it could be more accessible for us :(

I'm sorry if there are any grammar errors/or if it's hard to understand, english is not my first language ^^


This game looks AWESOME and I watched mutiples videos about it but unfortunately It's too expensive in Brazil...23 usd is like 120 brl- It's A LOT of money in here :(, I know y'all are a indie group but It would be amazing If y'all could put lower prices for other coutries!! (this is not a negative comment btw as I said earlier the game looks cool as fucc it's just a suggestion from a random person. )


Kinda impossible for brazilians to buy it, very very expensive

(1 edit) (-1)

is buying it here more complicated then buying it on the actual website because i dont want to mess up the process


Can you make it so my Currency will work? It's AUD or Australian Dollar.

This is an amazing game but folks are taking way too long to make an Avali model. There is a kobold model so I know it can be done. Haha


Be the change you want to see in the world :)

very addictive


Great game!


I would recommend for everyone to buy it through the official website because you get a proper account on there.

whats the link


Kinda Expensive For a MineCraFt Mod?


its not a minecraft mod... its a well made game with incredible meccanings u should watch a gameplay and then choose if its worth the price(trust me it is)


it was a joke



just because it's cubes doesn't mean it's minecraft


can you honestly say that this isn't the final form of TerraFirmaCraft?




How big is the download? I might be blind but I don't see a size of download, even in the info tab.


428 MB



Don't Buy. The game looks fancy and polished, but the core mechanics are mediocre at best, and often flawed. The core gameplay loop is boring and punishing. After wandering blindly through the forest for an hour poking around with a frustrating tool for vague results, I finally managed to scrounge up 5 ingots' worth of copper. I pop out of my little mine hole and immediately get 2-shot by a wolf (with a full set of starter armor and a shield, mind you). No biggie, the game annotates your death point so you can get back to your stuff. Except it spawned me on top of another wolf which immediately overwrote my previous death point before I could open my map to copy it. Just go play modded Minecraft; it's more polished, better tested, better supported, fully customizable, has a better player base, and doesn't have stupid mechanics which cause periodic nether storms in the overworld which can be completely avoided by nerd-poling or coffining and just end up wasting your time. By and large this game just made me feel like I was playing a TerraFirmaCraft modpack, except for the frequent points when it was painfully obvious I wasn't.

(1 edit) (+5)(-4)

Don't listen to this goober the game is great, it is very polished. It just truly is really hard so if you're not willing to put in actual effort and time to play a great game just don't, don't play knowing you won't enjoy and then leave a negative review.


Imagine reading a genuine review and then blaming the reviewer for spending non-refundable money. "Don't do something without knowing the future and then take exception when you're misled". Honestly, the mental gymnastics some kids put themselves through just to avoid accepting that they might be wrong...


"Might be wrong" I enjoy the game and think it is very polished, which is subjective, the part about "knowing the future" is goofy on your part, what I meant is if you don't want to play a difficult game, don't start playing one while knowing it's difficult before and then leaving a bad review because it was too difficult.


You didn't even read the actual review, did you? There's a difference between a hard game and a half-baked, under-implemented copy of a modpack whose only unique features are boring and uninspired. Green Hell is a hard survival game. Icarus is a hard survival game. This thing is unbalanced and combersome.


sees squares, MuSt Be MiNeCrAfT. your review should of simply been 'it was too hard, didnt like it' instead of adding in the rest. even with mods this will and does run different than minecraft and I have played a good 20 hours of minecraft a week for the last 10+ years lol.

I played this game pretty extensively.  The wolves are notorious for this kind of thing, and new players frequently have this complaint. 

Animal AI and combat both need a rework, and there's a lot of denialism among the hardcore playerbase that any of the core mechanics require improvement.

(1 edit) (-3)

Эта игра потрясающая ! Она оказана меня такое впечатление, что мне тоже захотелось создать свою игру с механиками из майнкрафта. Но своё и более проработаенное и красочное, как эта игра ! Автор просто крут !


I've been watching some playthroighs of the game and jesus do I love this game, I can't get it though cuz I'm on android and can't afford a pc 🥲

But I'm still gunna support the devs (or dev if it's indie) as long as I can 👍


If you wanna support the devs, buy me the game bro/j (more seriously tho, buy it on the real website if you want to support)

this app will not lanch on mac but will on PC the mac divice is an M2 macbook air any ideas why it won't lanch I tried it from both the itch and the app in the applications folder.

i did play the game on my PC and it was a blast just wish it would work on mac

Deleted 120 days ago
Deleted 120 days ago
Deleted 120 days ago

Everytime I want to start this game from the Itch io launcher it says I have an old version of the game and that I need to reinstall it.

I can play it normally when I start the exe myself from the folder though.

Else it's a pretty cool game ^^

hey i accidentaly sent this to the wrong person is there a way to get my download key back and send it to the right email?

See first senctence in the game description - you can get your key on the itch.io website itself.

why are they different prizes for the game ?, here its like 27 euro or something, and on the offical site just 18 euro 


Probably to account for itch's cut.

yea costs money to host just like how delivery costs more than making it yourself 

can you make it so if we have glue with us when we find a "cracked vessel" of some sort we can repair it so we can take it home instead of just smashing them? i think getting free large clay pots by using some glue would make sense. make this also work on the "damaged crates" and other such storage items too please!!! 

Do you need an account to play? Or would I be able to just run the game without any internet access?

I am assuming I need an account because the description asks for you to redeem a key

You will be able to play offline just fine, all you gotta do is login on first game start once

sooo good


would it be possible to add an item that lets you scoop out spoiled food out of containers without having to wait until it fully rots? i don't know what you would call it but i deem it to be somewhat needed for those who make tons of food or just tend to forget to finish off a full crock. just a suggestion.


i this an voxel engine where we can dig holes in the ground and other stuff we know from minecraft ? and is this written in C ?

(1 edit)

I forgot which email I used to make my account in game, is there any way to recover the email?


If you still have the original game key from itch.io, you can email us that on our contact form on vintagestory.at and we can look up what email it is assinged to


Amazing game, bought it from the original website. Really hoping this game goes mainstream, it is so much more endearing than most sandbox survival games of its kind and deserves more recognition.


How long until 1.19 is on itch.io?


Hi, if you rerun the installer after installing the first time, it will update to the newest version.


if there is butter in the game are there any plans on a windmill powered butter churn? i think it would be a cool addition to the game and also another source of dairy. even a hand churned butter maker for early dairy needs would be awesome!!! maybe base it of of the quern or the fruit press.


I think you'd have better luck in their discord my friend


I'm very much interested in playing the game, but please put the game on Steam.

One of my friends as convinced me to look after the game but when I wanted to know where I could buy it I soon discovered it wasn't on Steam but rather the original website of the game, itch.io or Humble Bundle.

So yeah the game not being on Steam's gonna be the deal breaker for me, so please put it on Steam and I'll buy it immediately.

I just don't wanna open up a specific launcher or something for a specific game, I like all my stuff sorted out in one place, thus why I hate Epic Games so much.


While platforms are up to the devs, the platforms the game is on allow it to be DRM free, so you won't be tracked. You also don't need a launcher for this game! Just download from itch on to your computer!

If you still need it to be listed on your steam launcher for one reason or another, on steam you can select "add non-steam games to my library" and launch from steam!


Good point. However, like many others, I myself don't like using 5+ different stores for my games. Nowadays, everything tracks you no matter how hard you try to get around it.

I currently only have Steam installed and am keeping it like that. Downloading from itch.io gives the advantage that there is no launcher, but the disadvantage of not having auto-updates.

Also, having a different launcher for every game is the most annoying thing ever. Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games, the Star Citizen launcher, Origin, Steam, Rockstar Games, Itch.io, Paradox Games... we could probably go on like this for hours.

And at the end of the day, many more people use Steam (or Epic) as their launcher and would also find the game more easily on that. P.S. to the devs, this isn't to hate; I'm just hoping that the game will someday come to Steam so me and a prob a lot of other people will buy it.


And the Devs say that the reasons on why they don't put it on Steam is because of the % Cut as well as the refund policy for some reason.

But they also don't seem to be interested in getting lots of money and recognition so.. again we go back on a loop! There is literally, no matter how much arguments are made, any reasons as to why the game isn't on Steam yet.


The devs don't want to. That's "literally" the only argument/reason that matters.


You've really got things backwards... itch.io /does not require a launcher/. You don't need to download some other thing to connect your game. If you use 'add non steam game' from your library, it will behave exactly like a steam game... except that you won't lose it if you lose access to your account, you can play it offline indefinitely, or even put it on a usb drive to play it on any computer you wish. There is no DRM, be free and enjoy your game lol

the itch desktop app has update alerts. Makes it very easy to stay updated on all your games. Not saying anything past that it's your choice but there's a lot of cool games on itch that made downloading the desktop app for me well worth it. And then some

Deleted 167 days ago



Game is very unique and fun to play, only thing that prevents me from buying it for friends is animals not having line of sight. The enemies will hug the walls of your base and your un-domesticated animals will always be afraid of you if you build your house too close to your farm because they can see you through walls, if this was fixed it would make the game much better.

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