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Creation of world-class technologies requires the contributions from top international professionals.
Creation of world-class technologies requires the contributions from top international profession...
Creation of world-class technologies requires the contributions from top international professionals.
World Poetry: TUSUR Bachelor student from Cote d'Ivoire, recites a very popular poem in his country written in French and dedicated to a mother
World Poetry: TUSUR Bachelor student from Cote d'Ivoire, recites a very popular poem in his count...
World Poetry: TUSUR Bachelor student from Cote d'Ivoire, recites a very popular poem in his country written in French and dedicated to a mother
Happy Students Day
Happy Students Day
Happy Students Day

TUSUR today

Degree programs

27 Bachelor

26 Master

10 Postgraduate

15000 students

2100 international students from 40 countries

more than 700 Academic & Research staff

Research & Innovation

More than 210 Spin-off companies

80 of Regional hi-tech product

52 Research income per institutional income