How To: Mix 80s era music as a DJ

Mix 80s era music as a DJ

In this tutorial, we learn how to mix an 80s era music as a DJ. There are so many different styles of music from the 80s, start at modern day dance music to see how the beat sounds now from then. A lot of the dance music back in the 80s was off key because it was done by people and not a computer. You will first have to take several hours to construct the mix that you like. Chop and mix the different sounds together, then bring different songs in at different points. For old school, the sound was all over the place, so feel free to change your tracks as often as you would like. Change the songs when you want dance and then if you want a soul-filled song. Have fun with the mix up and remember to take several hours to decide how your mix is going to sound.

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