Reference ID | | Reuters 2006-07-21 |
Paper title (in original language) | | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
Language (if not English) | | German |
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) | | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
Paper URL | | |
Format (if not HTML) | | PDF |
URL of archived copy of paper (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | | 20080612153148/ |
Date paper URL was archived | | 2008-06-12 |
Title of published version of conference proceedings (in original language) | | |
Chapter URL | | |
Translated chapter title (where chapter title is non-English, provide English translation) | | |
Conference name | | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Conference URL | | |
Editor's last name | | Smith |
Editor's first name | | John |
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | | John Smith |
Second editor's last name | | Smith |
Second editor's first name | | Jane |
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | | Jane Smith |
Third editor's last name | | Doe |
Third editor's first name | | John |
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | | John Doe |
Fourth editor's last name | | Doe |
Fourth editor's first name | | Jane |
Link to fourth editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | | Jane Doe |
Publisher | | IEEE |
Publication place | | Palo Alto, California |
Publication date | | 1999-10-24 |
OR publication year | | 1991 |
Author's last name | | Turk |
Author's first name | | M. |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | | Matthew Turk |
Second author's last name | | Smith |
Second author's first name | | Jane |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | | Jane Smith |
Third author's last name | | Doe |
Third author's first name | | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | | John Doe |
Fourth author's last name | | Doe |
Fourth author's first name | | Jane |
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | | Jane Doe |
Page number (where article is on a single page) | | 55 |
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) | | 1043-4 |
PMID | | 4964084 |
PMC | | 3440031 |
DOI | | 10.1038/2151043a0 |
OCLC | | |
ISBN (13-digit preferred) | | 978-0743477123 |
bibcode | | 2011IJAsB..10...25W |
Relevant excerpt | | There is no evidence on the health risk. |
BibTex | | You can use BibTex to fill in some of the values |