
szczur herbaciany


i draw | he/him | 22 yo

I need to share this recent huge trans ppl win in poland cus its kinda funny

So to change your legal name (that's not of your asab gender) and your gender in your legal papers before you had to sue your parents here. And Zbigniew Ziobro, right wing politican, asked, shouldn't trans people also sue their children and partners if they're married? The case went to the Supreme Court, which ruled that actually, trans people shouldn’t have to sue anyone.

So I'm not sure if it's already in use but yeah. Huge win. Transition never been easier here!! It was so unexpected. He literally helped us more than any left wing politican. 😭😭

Anonymous asked:

your art is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, i love your style! do you happen to take any commissions at the moment and if so, do you have any info on them? just curious!!

hello and thank you sm! i am currently finishing my portfolio, so my commissions are closed, but i maybe will be opening like 2/3 spots at the end of march :)


Petycja na koncert ethel asap


rel, jestem pierwszym co się pod tym podpisuje, oprócz tego jeszcze poproszę o petycje żeby wysyłka poczta merchu z oficjalnego sklepu nie kosztowała 50 jebanych dolarów, dziękuję pięknie

Anonymous asked:

Poland and ethel cain colliding wasnt on my bingo

listen i went to catholic school and had the usual polish religious package experience, this is not as surprising as it may seem 😭


anyways if anyone has any ethel drawing requests/ethels music inspired requests do let me know in my inbox, i wanna draw and am feeling motivated for once in my life


I'll just say that the most infuriating thing by far is that nobody except other ukrainians gives a fuck about our devastation or what we want, but they pretend to care about "the simple people of ukraine" in this condescending, smarmy tone, while spinning a narrative however it fits them and the political statement they're trying to make. You're treated like some village idiot, no need to include you in the conversation because everybody knows what's happening better than you even though they haven't stepped foot in your country. Like gloating vultures. There's nothing that changes your perspective more than coming in contact with war, i hope you idiots get a life lesson one day

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