


Spa-Eng/ Just sharing the things I like and post the silly fanarts I make

Animating is fking hard and tedious but god, do I love seeing the results...

Why Nori? Bc I wanted to practice a walking cycles and I find hers super mesmerizing

Here you can see the guide I used for each leg and how each move individually

The numbers are basically the head going up and down, as I duplicated that and focused on the legs. I later realized the two legs in the front move kinda in sync, when I meant for all three to look more random (you may notice it better once is finished) but yeah, great learning experience


@thedecadentdetectivetyrant, @captainhysunstuff and @ro4dlj reblogged my "N as N" art and their comments inspired me to go further into this concept. How long will I take it? IDK, but I had so much fun with Kira Cyn.

The Murder Note name was a super predictable, but I still think is fun

Here, the solver and her are two separate entities, the solver being the shinigami that follows her around.

It's addiction in this iteration? Tea, of course. And is eldritch Cyn design for creepiness factor XD

Still figuring out how the note would work...

The note is actually a super high tech, remote control thing that 'kills' a drone whose serial number is written on?

The solver giving the 'power' to see each drone's serial number and their 'expiration date' as the equivalent of the shinigami eyes thing? XD

What do you think? Help me out!

That perspective tho. I need so much practice...

Also, you should totally check @thedecadentdetectivetyrant's art of Light and L as drones. Is basically this whole thing but backwards, it's great!


I was working on some MD stuff while binge watching Death Note and I had vision...

I have no idea if some has made this before. I looked it up bc I thought it was hilarious and found nothing. If you guys know anything, please PLEASE let me know

In the meantime, have a detective done


Haven't post this account on a while, still figuring out what exactly it is for XD

If you've been struggling to find your 'identity' or look as an artist, you might want to check this one. I though it could be fun to bring my main account icon character's design journey. This is for my primary account @astronautrobot

  • Soo, this was the very first icon I used. I didn't really had an idea what to with it. Lit just threw in ideas I thought would work together
  • This fellow managed to get all it's gears back into place. Again, just going with concepts.
  • This is where I decided I should have a full design for it. And really liked it! There was just one problem...

It does look like an Astronaut, yes. Does it look like a Robot? Not so much....

Also, some concepts I had for the helmet XD

I did tried to go full machine, but nothing really stuck. I spent a lot of time trying to make it look like a real life space robot

Doesn't look that bad by it self, but not what I was looking for me.

Reblog for image limits on posts XD

These are some concepts and options on the next design. Trying to find the balance

I found the eyes way to creepy XD Still, I tried to play around for a while thinking they could grow on me eventually... They didn't...

This is also when I introduced the name. I've been using it to name folders and stuff for myself, but I genuinely forgot I've never mentioned to you guys.

Then we have the latest design. I absolutely adore it and I believe I'll stick with it for a while.

It is full of references XD I'll make a post explaining them later, tho you may have found some of them. Here's the lineart so you can have a better look

Is the design of the character I present myself as relevant to my art? Not really XD I'm not even using it right now, I have Cyn as my icon at the moment.

Is it fun to do? Absolutely. Should I have the freedom to change it's design as many times as I want? Yes. Do I wish I had the final design sooner so people would get used to related it to me sooner? Also yes XD But part of being an artist is getting used to chances.

Do what feels right in the moment, but don't block yourself from the idea of evolving a concept. External criticism is great for your growth, but you also have the right to be critical of your own art.

Just don't be extremely hard on negative on yourself. Try thinking: Wow, this is good. But I bet I can make it great! Everything can be improved. Is not a 'oh, no. I did it this way and there's no going back and make it better.'

I personally change my physical look all the time. For real, I picture myself as my real life custom character XD So it only feels natural to do the same with the one I present myself as in here.

This is C-8, the @astronautrobot . Thanks for coming to my TED talk XD

More character design rambling XD


hice esto y me da flojera terminarlo xd

pense que seria bonito ponerle a la pomni un vestido realmente no tenia una idea clara mas que una referencia de pinterest talvez algún dia utilice ese pequeño diseño para algo

me gusta la idea de variarle un poco la ropa, siempre conservando algunas cosas de su diseño la idea con ella es que puede cambiar su aspecto, pero lo que le recuerda a caine siempre estaría presente =====================

I made this and I'm too lazy to finish it xd

I thought it would be nice to put Pomni in a dress. I really didn't have a clear idea other than a Pinterest reference. Maybe one day I'll use that little design for something.

I like the idea of ​​varying her clothes a little, always keeping some things of his design. The idea with her is that she can change her appearance, but what reminds her of Caine would always be present

Estaba haciendo algunos sketches para calentar antes de dibujar cuando vi esto XD

Pensé en colorearla pero no me terminé de decidir por donde colocar qué color

No sé si está remotamente cerca de lo que tenías en mente para este diseño, pero me encanta la idea de que varíe su ropa

Anonymous asked:

you should try draw ur oc dressed up as astronaut tessa /nf

I had sooo much fun doing this one!!! Thanks for the idea!

I received this way before I posted the redesign, but I was already workin on it so I though I could use it to show it off.

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