In February 2024, actress
Mandy Takhar embarked on a magical journey as she exchanged vows with the love of her life, Shekhar Kaushal. Their union was nothing short of a fairy tale, adorned with pre-wedding ceremonies, the sacred Anand Karaj, and traditional Hindi rituals. The culmination of their love story unfolded in a grand reception that echoed the joy of their newfound commitment.
Now as it is almost a month since their dreamy nuptials, Mandy Takhar has taken to her social media handle to share some reception photographs.
The images capture Mandy in a resplendent designer lehenga, adorned with diamond jewelry, chooda, sindoor, and bindi. Opting for a look of understated elegance, she embraced minimalistic makeup, with nude lips and dramatic eyes. Her husband, Shekhar, complemented her grace, donning a wine-hued suit that accentuated his sharp beard and stylish hair do.
Sharing this glimpse into their joyous celebration, Mandy expressed,"Can’t believe it’s been a month already ! Major missing .. take me back and let’s celebrate all over again.. haha @shekharkaushal_ 😌💕Can’t thank all the people who helped create my fairy tale wedding just as I wanted it to be..A special shoutout to @orrajewellery for getting me my desired reception gems within a day.. 💎❤️"
For those unacquainted with their love story, Mandy Takhar and Shekhar's paths crossed during the filming of a Punjabi movie. Months of courtship ensued, marked by Mandy introducing Shekhar to her family. The culmination of their journey arrived during the Valentine's season of 2024 when the couple exchanged vows, sealing their love in a sacred bond of matrimony.
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