Malayalam film industry is following the trend of feel-good comedy entertainers recently and the latest addition to the list is the film ‘Vishudha Mejo’ directed by Kiran Antony. With the ‘Thanneer Mathan Dinangal’ writer Dinoy Poulose on board, did the movie actually satisfy the audience? Let's check out what Twitterati is saying about the film.
Early reactions among netizens to ‘Vishudha Mejo’ seems to be mixed as most of the comedy sequences in the movie are said to have not worked well even though the film was stacked with wonderful performances from the actors Lijo Mol,
Mathew Thomas, and Dinoy Poulose.
Netizens are sharing positive responses to the stunning visuals and background score of the movie and the climax scene is said to be the main highlight.
On the negative side, most of the early reactions say that the film has a weak script and the editing could have been much better. The film is also said to be laggy at times and one netizen commented, “A two-hour movie which tests your patience.”
Overall, even with some flaws, ‘Vishudha Mejo’ is said to be a one-time watchable flick that is filled with some magnificent performances of the actors and catchy music.
Helmed by the debutant Kiran Antony, the script of ‘Vishudha Mejo’ is penned down by the writer Dinoy Poulose who also played a significant lead character in the movie. The film also boasted a strong cast that included
Lijo Mol Jose, Mathew Thomas, Abhiram Pothuval, and Shiny T Rajan.