Divya Bansal, a new voice in the Indian literary scene, has recently released her debut poetry book I Rode through Oblivion, on Sunday in Kolkata. The book launch was celebrated through a cake-cutting ceremony, in presence of actress June and writer Diti Sen. The event highlighted Bansal’s entrance into the world of literature with the flow and simplicity that nature demands.
Bansal’s collection of poems explore themes of human resilience, love and positive transformation, capturing life’s emotional journey from chaos to inner strength and joy.
The poems, crafted with a lyrical touch, delve into the complexity of the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity. The book's launch marks the entry of a fresh voice into the Indian arena of contemporary poetry.
Divya says, “This book is a portrait of life’s unpredictable nature—tragedy, faith and victory as three pillars walking hand in hand. My hope is that the readers ride to their solace peacefully and cheerfully.”