State-level mock drill on chemical disaster prep to be held at Verka milk plant tomorrow

State-level mock drill on chemical disaster prep to be held at Verka milk plant tomorrow
Ludhiana: A state-level mock drill on chemical disaster preparedness will be held at the Verka milk plant on Ferozepur Road Thursday.
The district administration, municipal corporation, police, fire brigade, health department, besides, of course, the NDRF and SDRF, will participate in the exercise. It is being organised by the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) along with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
A meeting to discuss the modalities of the exercise was held at MC's zone ‘A' office Tuesday. The meeting saw senior state officials making presentations on fatal incidents in the past, which led to a chemical leakage or an explosion, and how these were managed.
ADC (Khanna) Shikha Bhagat, MC additional commissioner Paramdeep Singh, SDM (Khanna) Baljinder Singh Dhillon, assistant commissioners Neeraj Jain and Gurpal Singh, ADFO Maninder Singh, among other senior officials from NDRF, SDRF, Punjab home guards, police, health department, district industries department, labour department, etc., were present in the meeting.

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