LUDHIANA: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB), during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state, apprehended Aniksha Devi, a Clerk (Front Desk Executive) posted at the Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority (GLADA) Ludhiana, for "receiving" a bribe of Rs 1500 through Google Pay.
Disclosing this on Thursday, an official spokesperson of the state VB said the accused, Aniksha Devi, a resident of Dashmesh Nagar, village Iyali Khurd, Ludhiana, was arrested following an enquiry into a complaint filed by Abhijeet Singh Verma, a resident of New Deep Nagar, Hebowal Kalan, Ludhiana, on the chief ministers’ anti-corruption action line. He added that, as per the complaint, the dealing clerk, Aniksha Devi, told the complainant to pay an online fee of Rs 4251 to get the NOC required for the sale of a plot. In addition to this, the lady clerk demanded a bribe of Rs 1500 through Google Pay to issue the NOC.
The spokesperson further added that during the verification of this complaint, the allegations levelled by the complainant were found correct, as they were supported by oral and documentary evidence. "Subsequently, a case was registered against the accused clerk under the Prevention of Corruption Act at the VB police station, Ludhiana range. The accused will be produced in a competent court tomorrow, and further investigation into this case is in progress," he said.