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Advanced Addon:


This is the main controller for the "Advanced" line of script mods. Each plug-in script adds a feature or group of features to the game. Use the ones you like, leave out the ones you don't.

Current plug-in script mods:

  • Conversion System
  • Moisture System

There is an in-game menu that allows access to any plug-in settings. This can be opened by pressing right control + 0 (default).

Keep in mind that this is an ever evolving script. The point of having a controller + plug-ins allows me to put all of my shared code in one place so it only has to run once. Plug-ins will not run without this control script, and you will be alerted by each plug-in if the controller is out of date.

Multiplayer is supported, translations coming soon. If you have any issues, feel free to post in the comment section below. Enjoy!

CategoryGame mod
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
Tagsadvanced-addon, Farming Simulator, Farming Simulator 22
LinksPatreon, Community


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FS22_TH_AdvancedAddon.zip 137 kB

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Hey! So i downloaded the updates and every time i load into game it says prevoisue save had addvance addon and nothing works. Not sure what going on worked good before i updated it

What is the exact error/message you are getting?

says moisture system requires advance adding pack.. conversion system requires advanced addon zip. I have it downloaded its in my folder but for some reason it's not noticing it. I've deleted it and re downloaded and I can't get it to seem to realize it's there.. 

(1 edit)

It's just saying requires it or is it also telling you a version number? The message without the version number means you have either renamed or are missing the FS22_TH_AdvancedAddon.zip file. The message with the version number means you have a wrong version main Advanced Addon mod.

Make sure you didn't rename anything and that you don't have both a zipped and unzipped copy of the same mod in your mods folder. Also, make sure no mods have a (1) or (2) at the end of their file name. Windows puts those numbers in the filenames when download a file with a name that already exists in your downloads folder.

Hey yes it had 5 on emd of all of them i changed it and it worked thanks so much for responding really appreciate it 


Hello it would be cool if it works with Combine Xperience

just a suggestion

Are there any known script conflicts with this mod? I have a blank screen for settings, and I'm certain it must be something I'm running.

Nothing I know of that does that. Did you download the moisture and/or conversion system? Any errors or warnings in your log?

That is the base menu if you have no addons installed is why I ask.

Oh, I don't have the addons installed. I need to do that. I want to run the moisture addon and the ai tire tracks.

All good. The AI tire tracks are part of the Conversion System destruction enhancements. Shouldn't need any special configuration to enable that part.

Ok, downloaded it, and will try it again. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Is there a way to get the version before this one? I can't figure out why I'm unable to load my current save with the update. EDIT: meant to add the error after updating to the new one....never seen this error before so I'm lost

Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'.

src/placeables/specializations/SandboxPlaceable.lua(931) : attempt to index local 'spec' (a nil value)

That's from the Pumps and Hoses dlc. I'll have to grab that one and see if it conflicts on my end. I'm guessing there is either more to that error or another error or warning somewhere else in your log. That error happens when a specialization is loaded but the specialization table does not exist.

In the meantime, you can download the old version here:


(1 edit)

You are a life saver! Thanks for responding.
I did try removing P&H first and still got the error, I would try removing the Plat expansion buuuut I am using mods that require it since I do know alot of times it conflicts with script mods.

Is this gonna come with a hay drying option?

At some point I imagine yes it will. Messing with straw (or tip to ground in general) is quite the task because of all the other script mods that also work with those things. But it is planned for a future version, yes.

Could you combine it with the different stages of drying of the MaizePlus mod? That would be awsome.