IT'S TURNED DARK and chilly and wet suddenly, and everywhere, I'm reading that September is everyone's favourite month. It's definitely not mine, but the closer we get to winter, the more I give in to the cosiness of the changing seasons and let myself begin looking forward to the holidays, which, amazingly, is less than three months away already.

To be alive is to totally and openly participate in the simplicity and elegance of here and now.

Donald Atlman

DON'T OFTEN GET a chance to answer many of your Instagram DMs, but have noticed that many questions seem to be around similar topics, so I thought it might be helpful to address some common things here. And while it's lovely of you to compliment my hair, I am unable to share my current stylist's information for privacy reasons, but do very much appreciate the kind words and will be sure to pass them along.
One of the most-asked questions is about my beauty and makeup routine. My skincare regimen changes with the seasons, with less makeup and rich moisturisers in the summertime, and the opposite in the winter. It's especially important to care for your skin in the wintertime because the cold, dry air can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, itchy, and more susceptible to cracking and irritation.
THIS WEEK’S INTERIORS REDUX is also an Artist in Residence and At Home With feature, offering a glimpse into the home of American painter, sculptor and photographer, Edwin Parker “Cy” Twombly, Jr.
REVIVING a beloved series from our archives, we’re bringing back our curated collection of recent discoveries. Previously known as “10 Things We Loved this Week” and later evolving through various iterations like “(Five) Things We Love Lately” and “Things in my Saved Folder /001,” this edition offers an eclectic mix of cultural curiosities.
The blazer‘s journey began in the 1800s aboard the HMS Blazer, where the ship’s captain outfitted his crew in navy double-breasted jackets with brass buttons for a visit from Queen Victoria. These distinctive uniforms earned the name “blazer” for their bright appearance and the ship they represented.
The peculiar stillness of mid-January settles like frost on windowpanes. After December's warmth and sparkle have faded, we find ourselves in winter proper—that hushed interval when branches trace stark patterns against pearl-grey skies and afternoon light takes on a silvery quality.
The blazer‘s journey began in the 1800s aboard the HMS Blazer, where the ship’s captain outfitted his crew in navy double-breasted jackets with brass buttons for a visit from Queen Victoria. These distinctive uniforms earned the name “blazer” for their bright appearance and the ship they represented.
The peculiar stillness of mid-January settles like frost on windowpanes. After December's warmth and sparkle have faded, we find ourselves in winter proper—that hushed interval when branches trace stark patterns against pearl-grey skies and afternoon light takes on a silvery quality.
In their iconic song “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Queen asks a question that feels increasingly relevant in our digital age: “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” As we navigate a world where virtual reality and information overload increasingly influence our perception of reality, this question becomes more than just a catchy lyric—it’s a philosophical conundrum at the heart of our modern existence.
REVIVING a beloved series from our archives, we’re bringing back our curated collection of recent discoveries. Previously known as “10 Things We Loved this Week” and later evolving through various iterations like “(Five) Things We Love Lately” and “Things in my Saved Folder /001,” this edition offers an eclectic mix of cultural curiosities.
WE’VE BEEN DOING quite a bit of décor research lately, looking for storage solutions (double wardrobes, bookcases, consoles⏤that sort of thing) and came across YouTuber Katja Nordkvist‘s serene home in Denmark.
WE ACTUALLY DISCOVERED the ultra-chic Paris apartment of Christine d’Ornano via Barbara, who used to write for TIG. d’Ornano, who works for the French botanical beauty brand, Sisley Paris, moved from London to Paris when she moved up in the company to the position of global vice president in 2018 ...