Les Touches by Brunschwig and Fils – The Most Iconic Design Print

Les Touches by Brunschwig and Fils is a favorite pattern of mine.
Love this classic print in both the wallpaper and fabric options.
Les Touches wallpaper in alcove with bookcase
our third floor alcove: similar bookcase //  wallpaper

les touches by Brunschwig and Fils

By the amount of questions I get (on the photo above) of our small third floor alcove space, I’m guessing it’s one of your favorites prints too.

This post first appeared here in 2017, but I’ve just gone back and updated it.

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Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Friday!

Happy Spring!

beautiful green house plantsimage via

So…I just had to sit on hold with a customer service rep for our HVAC (loooong annoying story) and I decided to go through my aps and subscriptions on my phone.

I cancelled all the ones I wasn’t using anymore… SUCH a great feeling!

Just a little reminder in case you need to do the same:)

And now, here’s this week’s round up of links…

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The Prettiest Spring Clothes

Spring officially arrives in less than two days!

YAY! Let’s talk spring clothes

So, today I thought I’d feature some of the pieces I’ve currently been eyeing…

After the cold, dark winter, it’s fun to add a touch of springtime elegance to your wardrobe with classic pieces that seamlessly blend style and sophistication.

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