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farmer's table mano(ファーマーズ テーブル マーノ) - 蔵王町その他(Italian)

Official information

This restaurant is registered on Tabelog as a corporate member. Business information is released by the staff.

farmer's table mano

(farmer's table mano)
  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano - 店内はシンプルで、とても素敵です♪

  • farmer's table mano -

  • farmer's table mano - ランチセットの前菜盛り合わせがサイコー過ぎます♪

  • farmer's table mano - たけし豚〜♪美味しいんです♪この日は粒マスタードと蜂蜜のソースでした。

  • farmer's table mano - 本日のごはん


  • Less Is More
    Review 300resultsFollowers 146people


    前々から一緒に行こうと言ってくれていた連れとやっと伺えました。 場所は宮城県川崎町、仙台から車で大体1時間。車じゃないと行けません。 店内はシンプルで温かさを感じられて居心地良...View details

    farmer's table mano -

    2024/06 visited

    1 time

  • marianne
    Review 1,072resultsFollowers 541people

    川崎町にある【ファーマーズ テーブル マーノ】

     川崎町にある「国営みちのく杜の湖畔公園」のコキアが見頃を迎えています。 東北の古民家が集まっているエリアのコキアの畑が真っ赤♪ほうき草の異名を持つコキア、もふもふしたフォルムが...View details

    farmer's table mano -

    2023/10 visited

    2 times

  • moto984
    Review 3,128resultsFollowers 1,356people


    みちのく杜の湖畔公園のほど近く。 自家農園でシェフ自ら育てた放牧豚"たけし豚" などの地元食材を使ったレストラン。 川崎農産物直売所の建物の一部をリノベーションしたのでしょう...View details

    farmer's table mano -

    2021/12 visited

    1 time

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
farmer's table mano(farmer's table mano)
Categories Italian
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)

Reservation availability

Reservations available

You can come to our restaurant for lunch without making a reservation, but we recommend making one. Please check our website or social media for details on how to make a reservation.
(*Advance reservations are required for children under 10 years old. Our concept is to allow our customers to enjoy their meals at a leisurely pace. Please be considerate of other customers and keep the room quiet. Please only make reservations if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is considerate of other customers.)


宮城県柴田郡川崎町小野弁天5-1 川崎特産センター 1F


<If you are coming by car>
・About 40 minutes from Sendai Station
・About 40 minutes from Yamagata Station via the Yamagata Expressway

<If using public transport>
・Takeya Transportation Western Liner (in front of Takeya Transportation Head Office in front of Sendai Station)
Get off at the bus stop "Michinoku Park Exit" and walk for about 5 minutes
・Miyagi Kotsu Akiu Line (Sendai Station - Kawasaki)
Get off at the bus stop "Michinoku Mori no Lakeside Park Entrance" and walk for about 5 minutes

Opening hours
  • Mon, Tue, Fri

    • 11:00 - 15:30

      L.O. Food 14:00

  • Sat, Sun, Public Holiday

    • 11:00 - 15:00

      L.O. Food 14:00

    • 15:00 - 17:00

      L.O. Food 16:30

  • Wed, Thu

    • Closed
  • ■ 営業時間
    lunch 11:00-LO14:00 ご予約がおすすめです
    cafe 土日祝のみ 15:00-LO16:30

    ■ 定休日
    水・木(祝日は営業する場合あり)+不定休 ※最新情報はSNSをご覧ください。
Average price

JPY 2,000 - JPY 2,999

Average price(Based on reviews)
JPY 2,000 - JPY 2,999

View spending breakdown

Payment methods

Credit cards not accepted

Electronic money not accepted

QR code payments not accepted


Number of seats

24 Seats

Private rooms


Private use


For 20-50 people, For up to 20 people


Non smoking






Feature - Related information


Family friendly

If you are bringing children with you, please read the information below and make a reservation in advance.

Our restaurant operates with the concept of allowing our guests to enjoy their meals at their own pace. Please be considerate of other customers and refrain from standing around more than necessary or talking loudly. Please make reservations only if you are accompanied by a guardian who is considerate of other customers. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Restaurant highlights

Restaurants you can enjoy local ingredients, including "Takeshi Pork" free-range pork raised by the chef himself

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