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A pathtracer for R. Build and render complex scenes and 3D data visualizations directly from R

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rayrender is an open source R package for raytracing scenes in created in R. This package provides a tidy R interface to a fast pathtracer written in C++ to render scenes built out of an array of primitives and meshes. rayrender builds scenes using a pipeable iterative interface, and supports diffuse, metallic, dielectric (glass), glossy, microfacet, light emitting materials, as well as procedural and user-specified image/roughness/bump/normal textures and HDR environment lighting. rayrender includes multicore support (with progress bars) via RcppThread, random number generation via the PCG RNG, OBJ/PLY support, and denoising support with Intel Open Image Denoise (OIDN).

Browse the documentation and see more examples at the website (if you aren’t already there):


# To install the latest version from Github:
# install.packages("devtools")

To get denoising support, you need to install OIDN. You can download the official binaries from Intel and set the OIDN_PATH argument in your .Renviron file with the following command line instructions:


# Download the appropriate binary for your architecture
curl -LO
# or for Apple Silicon
curl -LO

# Extract the archive
tar -xvzf oidn-2.3.1.x86_64.macos.tar.gz
# or for Apple Silicon
tar -xvzf oidn-2.3.1.arm64.macos.tar.gz

# Set OIDN_PATH in your .Renviron file to the extracted directory
echo "OIDN_PATH=/path/to/extracted/oidn" >> ~/.Renviron


# Download the binary
curl -LO

# Extract the archive
tar -xvzf oidn-2.3.1.x86_64.linux.tar.gz

# Set OIDN_PATH in your .Renviron file to the extracted directory
echo "OIDN_PATH=/path/to/extracted/oidn" >> ~/.Renviron


# Download the binary
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile

# Extract the archive
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath "C:\path\to\extract\oidn"

# Set OIDN_PATH in your .Renviron file to the extracted directory
echo "OIDN_PATH=C:/path/to/extracted/oidn" >> .Renviron

Ensure you restart your R session after setting the OIDN_PATH environment variable for the changes to take effect.


We’ll first start by rendering a simple scene consisting of the ground, a sphere, and the included R.obj file. The location of the R.obj file can be accessed by calling the function r_obj(). First adding the ground using the render_ground() function. This renders an extremely large sphere that (at our scene’s scale) functions as a flat surface. We also add a simple blue sphere to the scene.


scene = generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20")) %>%
render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 800, height = 800, samples = 64)

By default, a scene without any lights includes a blue sky. We can turn this off either by setting ambient_light = FALSE, or by adding a light to our scene. We will add an emissive sphere above and behind our camera.

scene = generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20")) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=0.2,material=glossy(color="#2b6eff",reflectance=0.05))) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=10,z=1,radius=4,material=light(intensity=4))) %>%
render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 800, height = 800, samples = 64)

Now we’ll add the (included) R .obj file into the scene, using the obj_model() function. We will scale it down slightly using the scale_obj argument, and then embed it on the surface of the ball.

scene = generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20")) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=0.2,material=glossy(color="#2b6eff",reflectance=0.05))) %>%
  add_object(obj_model(r_obj(simple_r = TRUE),
                       z=1,y=-0.05,scale_obj=0.45,material=diffuse())) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=10,z=1,radius=4,material=light(intensity=4))) %>%
render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 800, height = 800, samples = 64)

Here we’ll render a grid of different viewpoints.

filename = tempfile()
image1 = render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 400, height = 400, 
             lookfrom = c(7,1,7), samples = 64, return_raw_array = TRUE)
image2 = render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 400, height = 400, 
             lookfrom = c(0,7,7), samples = 64, return_raw_array = TRUE)
image3 = render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 400, height = 400, 
             lookfrom = c(-7,0,-7), samples = 64, return_raw_array = TRUE)
image4 = render_scene(scene, parallel = TRUE, width = 400, height = 400, 
             lookfrom = c(-7,7,7), samples = 64, return_raw_array = TRUE)
rayimage::plot_image_grid(list(image1,image2,image3,image4), dim = c(2,2))

Here’s another example: We start by generating an empty Cornell box and rendering it with render_scene(). Setting parallel = TRUE will utilize all available cores on your machine. The lookat, lookfrom, aperture, and fov arguments control the camera, and the samples argument controls how many samples to take at each pixel. Higher sample counts result in a less noisy image.

scene = generate_cornell()
render_scene(scene, lookfrom=c(278,278,-800),lookat = c(278,278,0), aperture=0, fov=40, samples = 64,
             ambient_light=FALSE, parallel=TRUE, width=800, height=800)

Here we add a metal ellipsoid, a checkered purple cube, a colored glass sphere, a pig, and plaster the walls with the iris dataset using textures applied to rectangles. We first write the textures out to a temporary filename, and then read the image back in using the png::readPNG() function. We then pass this to the image argument in the diffuse material, which applies it as a texture.

tempfileplot = tempfile()
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2
image_array = png::readPNG(tempfileplot)

generate_cornell() %>%
  add_object(ellipsoid(x=555/2,y=100,z=555/2,a=50,b=100,c=50, material = metal(color="lightblue"))) %>%
  add_object(cube(x=100,y=130/2,z=200,xwidth = 130,ywidth=130,zwidth = 130,
                  material=diffuse(checkercolor="purple", checkerperiod = 30),angle=c(0,10,0))) %>%
  add_object(pig(x=100,y=190,z=200,scale=40,angle=c(0,30,0))) %>%
                    material = dielectric(color="orange"))) %>%
                     material = diffuse(image_texture = image_array))) %>%
                     material = diffuse(image_texture = image_array),angle=c(0,90,0))) %>%
                     material = diffuse(image_texture = image_array),angle=c(0,180,0))) %>%
  render_scene(lookfrom=c(278,278,-800),lookat = c(278,278,0), aperture=0, fov=40,  samples = 64,
             ambient_light=FALSE, parallel=TRUE, width=800, height=800)

Rayrender also has an interface to create objects using constructive solid geometry, with a wide variety of primitives and operations.

generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20")) %>%
    csg_group(list(csg_cylinder(start=c(-1,0,0), end=c(1,0,0), radius=0.4),
                   csg_cylinder(start=c(0,-1,0), end=c(0,1,0), radius=0.4),
                   csg_cylinder(start=c(0,0,-1), end=c(0,0,1), radius=0.4))),
    material=glossy(color="red"))) %>%
    csg_onion(csg_onion(csg_onion(csg_sphere(radius=0.3), 0.2), 0.1),0.05),
    csg_box(y=1,width=c(10,2,10)), operation = "subtract"), x=1.3),
    material=glossy(color="purple"))) %>%
     csg_sphere(x=-1.2,z=-0.3, y=0.5,radius = 0.4),
     csg_sphere(x=-1.4,z=0.4, radius = 0.4), operation="blend", radius=0.5),
     material=glossy(color="dodgerblue4"))) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=5,x=3,radius=1,material=light(intensity=30))) %>%
  render_scene(clamp_value=10, fov=20,lookfrom=c(5,5,10),samples=64,width=800,height=800)

We can also use the path() element to draw 3D paths. Here, we render the Lorenz attractor:

parameters = c(s = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3)
state = c(X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 1)

Lorenz = function(t, state, parameters) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
    dX = s * (Y - X)
    dY = X * (r - Z) - Y
    dZ = X * Y - b * Z
    list(c(dX, dY, dZ))

times = seq(0, 50, by = 0.05)
vals = ode(y = state, times = times, func = Lorenz, parms = parameters)[,-1]

#scale and rearrange:
vals = vals[,c(1,3,2)]/20

generate_studio() %>% 
  add_object(path(points=vals,y=-0.6,width=0.01,material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=5,z=5,radius=0.5,material=light(intensity=200))) %>% 
  render_scene(samples=64,lookat=c(0,0.5,0),lookfrom=c(0,1,10),width = 800, height = 800, parallel=TRUE)

rayrender also supports an extruded path object that generates a variable width path with any non-intersecting simple polygon (including holes) as an input. You can vary the width, add twist, and change the shape of the polygon along the path’s length.

points = list(c(0,0,1),c(-0.5,0,-1),c(0,1,-1),c(1,0.5,0),c(0.6,0.3,1))
#Create star polygon
angles = seq(0,360,by=36)
xx = rev(c(rep(c(1,0.5),5),1) * sinpi(angles/180))
yy = rev(c(rep(c(1,0.5),5),1) * cospi(angles/180))
star_polygon = data.frame(x=xx,y=yy)

#Extrude a path using a star polygon
generate_studio(depth=-0.4) |>
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=abs(cospi(seq(0,4,by=0.01)))/4,
                           polygon = star_polygon,
                           twists = 4,
                           breaks = 1000,
                           material=diffuse(color="purple"))) |>
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,radius=1,material=light(intensity=15))) |>
               fov=12, width=800,height=800, 
               aperture=0.025, samples=64)
## Warning in mesh3d_model(mesh, x = x, y = y, z = z, override_material = TRUE, :
## material set as vertex color but no texture or bump map passed--ignoring mesh3d
## material.

#Render a closed Mobius strip with 1.5 turns 
points = list(c(0,0,0),c(0.5,0.5,0),c(0,1,0),c(-0.5,0.5,0))
square_polygon = matrix(c(-1, -0.1, 0,
                           1, -0.1, 0,
                           1,  0.1, 0,
                          -1,  0.1, 0)/10, ncol=3,byrow = T)

               material=diffuse(color = "dodgerblue4", checkercolor = "#002a61",
                                checkerperiod = 1)) |>
 add_object(extruded_path(points = points,  polygon=square_polygon, closed = TRUE,
                          linear_step = TRUE, twists = 1.5, breaks = 720, 
                          material = diffuse(noisecolor = "black", noise = 10, 
                                             noiseintensity = 10))) |>
 add_object(sphere(y=20,x=0,z=21,material=light(intensity = 1000))) |> 
 render_scene(lookat=c(0,0.5,0), fov=10, samples=64,
              width = 800, height=800)
## Warning in mesh3d_model(mesh, x = x, y = y, z = z, override_material = TRUE, :
## material set as vertex color but no texture or bump map passed--ignoring mesh3d
## material.

Finally, rayrender supports environment lighting with the environment_light argument. Pass a high dynamic range image (.hdr) or a low-dynamic range image (.jpg,.png) and the image will be used to light the scene (along with any other lights). Here’s an example using an HDR image of Venice at sunset (obtained for free from, also using the Oren-Nayar diffuse model with sigma = 90 for a more realistic diffuse surface. We also add an extruded polygon star, using the extruded_polygon object.

tempfilehdr = tempfile(fileext = ".hdr")
download.file("",tempfilehdr, mode="wb")
hollow_star = rbind(star_polygon, 0.8 * star_polygon)

generate_ground(material = diffuse(color="grey20", checkercolor = "grey50",sigma=90)) %>%
  add_object(sphere(material=microfacet(roughness = 0.2,
                                        eta=c(0.216,0.42833,1.3184), kappa=c(3.239,2.4599,1.8661)))) %>%
  add_object(obj_model(y=-1,x=-1.8,r_obj(simple_r = TRUE), 
                       angle=c(0,135,0),material = diffuse(sigma=90))) %>%
  add_object(pig(x=1.8,y=-1.2,scale=0.5,angle=c(0,90,0),diffuse_sigma = 90)) %>%
  add_object(extruded_polygon(hollow_star,top=-0.5,bottom=-1, z=-2,
                              holes = nrow(star_polygon),
                              material=diffuse(color="red",sigma=90))) %>%
  render_scene(parallel = TRUE, environment_light = tempfilehdr, width=800,height=800,
               fov=70,samples=64, aperture=0.1, sample_method = "sobol_blue",


Thanks to Brodie Gaslam (@brodieG) for contributions to the extruded_polygon() function.


A pathtracer for R. Build and render complex scenes and 3D data visualizations directly from R


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