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Last active January 15, 2025 14:29
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  • Save tylermorganwall/b222fcebcac3de56a6e144d73d166322 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Submarine Cable Map Dataviz
#Data source:
cables = geojson_sf("cable-geo.json")
cablescene = list()
counter = 1
for(i in 1:length(cables$geometry)) {
for(j in 1:length(cables$geometry[[i]])) {
temp = cables$geometry[[i]][[j]]
cableval = data.frame(x=sinpi(temp[,1]/180)*cospi(temp[,2]/180),
#Don't lower start of line at the 180/0 longitude border
if(abs(temp[1,1] - 180) > 0.001 && abs(temp[1,1] + 180) > 0.001) {
cableval[1,] = cableval[1,] * 1/1.02
nr = nrow(temp)
#Don't lower end of line at the 180/0 longitude border
if(abs(temp[nr,1] - 180) > 0.001 && abs(temp[nr,1] + 180) > 0.001) {
nr = nrow(cableval)
cableval[nr,] = cableval[nr,] * 1/1.02
cablescene[[counter]] = path(cableval, width = 0.005,material=diffuse(color=cables$color[i]))
counter = counter + 1
fullcablescene =,cablescene)
for(i in seq(1,720,by=1)) {
group_objects(fullcablescene,scale=c(1,1,1)*1.02) %>%
add_object(sphere(radius=0.99,material=diffuse(image_texture = "2k_earth_daymap.jpg"),angle=c(0,-90,0))) %>%
group_objects(angle=c(0,-i/2,0)) %>%
add_object(sphere(y=5,z=5,x=5,material=light(intensity = 80,color="lightblue"))) %>%
add_object(sphere(y=5,z=5,x=-5,material=light(intensity = 10,color="orange"))) %>%
add_object(sphere(y=-10,material=light(intensity = 3,color="white"))) %>%
render_scene(samples=64,width=1200,height=1200,fov=0,aperture=0, ortho_dimensions = c(2.3,2.3),
sample_method = "sobol_blue",filename=sprintf("smallcables%d.png",i))
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I think the Earth is running in the opposite direction, but I haven't identified where to put the - to push the fix.
Btw: awesome!!!

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erzakiev commented Sep 23, 2021

cables = geojson_sf("cable-geo.json")
"Error in rcpp_geojson_to_sf(geojson, expand_geometries) : Invalid JSON"

I guess that you're supposed to do the installation of the cable map first as described here, but after doing so, how do I export this map into a .json file like you did ("cable-geo.json")?
Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 13 22 25

EDIT: oh boy it was all simple I was supposed to just download & save a file linked here
Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 13 26 47

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DocMok commented Sep 23, 2021

I think the Earth is running in the opposite direction, but I haven't identified where to put the - to push the fix.
Btw: awesome!!!

I think need some changes in 32 line:
for(i in seq(1,720,by=1))

but I don't know what exactly :)
maybe seq(720, 1, by=1) or seq(1,720,by=-1) or seq(720,1,by=-1)

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erzakiev commented Sep 23, 2021

Error in group_objects(., angle = c(0, -i/2, 0)) :
unused argument (angle = c(0, -i/2, 0))

It's because the function argument is actually called group_angle, not angle

The same goes for argument called "scale" which is in reality called "group_scale"

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Also worth adding a link (as a comment) to download the 2k_earth_daymap.jpg image texture,
Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 13 38 02

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Error in group_objects(., angle = c(0, -i/2, 0)) :
unused argument (angle = c(0, -i/2, 0))

It's because the function argument is actually called group_angle, not angle

The same goes for argument called "scale" which is in reality called "group_scale"

You just need to update to the latest version of rayrender on github (here, via R-Universe):

options(repos = c(
    tylermorganwall = '',
    CRAN = ''))

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2spoopy4me a skeleton planet!
I guess the texture didn't stick to the sphere, huh? Outdated version os rayrender again, huh?

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2spoopy4me a skeleton planet!
I guess the texture didn't stick to the sphere, huh? Outdated version os rayrender again, huh?

Yes, update to the latest version via the code above (JPEG texture support was added after the CRAN upload)

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Como se puede ejecutar este archivo?

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YoViajo commented Sep 30, 2021

Como se puede ejecutar este archivo?

  • Descarga los archivos a los que hace referencia el código R (1 archivo GeoJSON, 1 archivo JPG) usando los enlaces mencionados líneas arriba (en los comentarios)
  • En el código R, ajusta la referencia de ruta de los archivos descargados (según tu definición)
  • Ejecuta el código R en tu ambiente favorito (e.g, R-Studio). Prepárate para esperar. En mi caso tomó 40 horas en completar.
  • La salida es grupo de imágenes PNG que visualizadas juntas pueden animarse como un video. Yo utilicé ffmpeg para hacer esa combinación.

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I was wondering if anyone still had access to a repo of the Telegeography submarine cable map. They no longer maintain their public github as of 2 weeks ago, and I wanted to look at their source code. Thank you!

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I was looking for it as well, I think you get it from the attachments here,
Good Luck!

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bunam commented Mar 9, 2023

I have consolidated and modified a little there :

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mb720 commented Sep 8, 2023

Some pointers for beginners to R:

  • You'll need three R packages: "geojsonsf", "sf", and "rayrender"
  • "sf" expects some libraries to be installed on your system, see its readme on how to do this, for example for Linux
  • You'll need a Fortran compiler. If you're on Arch Linux: pacman -S gcc-fortran
  • After installing R and opening its command line, install the packages with install.packages(c("geojsonsf", "sf", "rayrender"))
  • Then run the script with source("submarine_cable_map.R")

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mb720 commented Oct 14, 2023

I'm offering the PNGs of the cable map via the following torrent magnet link since rendering them can take a few hours, depending on your hardware:


Turn the PNGs into a video using, for example:

  • ffmpeg -i smallcables%03d.png -vf scale=720:720 -crf 55 globe.webm
  • ffmpeg -i smallcables%03d.png -vf scale=720:720 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 26 globe.mp4

Reduce the value of -crf for higher quality or set the resolution to something else, for example: scale=1024:1024

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cables = geojson_sf("cable-geo.json")
"Error in rcpp_geojson_to_sf(geojson, expand_geometries) : Invalid JSON"

I guess that you're supposed to do the installation of the cable map first as described here, but after doing so, how do I export this map into a .json file like you did ("cable-geo.json")? Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 13 22 25

EDIT: oh boy it was all simple I was supposed to just download & save a file linked here Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 13 26 47

Hey ! If available, can you please send me the dataset for the cables-map, unfortunately telegeography stopped maintaining their public github repo for downloads. Would really like to work on this dataset. If anyone can help, i would really appreciate the support !

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clarkzjw commented Oct 2, 2024

Does anyone know if this API is maintained and up-to-date?

These json files are used to plot as can be seen from browser developer tools, so I'm assuming it should be up-to-date and consistent with the website?

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