Position and align objects in Numbers on Mac
You can align multiple objects relative to one another, or specify an object’s location using its x and y coordinates.
Note: If an object is placed inline with text, you can reposition it only by dragging (or cutting and pasting) it to a new location in the current text flow or to another text box or shape. To move an inline object outside a text box or shape, see Move an inline object to the sheet.
Align an object using x and y coordinates
Click an object to select it or select multiple objects.
In the Format
sidebar, click the Arrange tab at the top of the sidebar.
Enter X and Y values in the Position fields.
The value for X is measured from the sheet’s left edge to the object’s upper-left corner.
The value for Y is measured from the sheet’s top edge to the object’s upper-left corner.
When you drag an object, its x and y coordinates are displayed.
Move an object incrementally
You can move an object one point at a time to more precisely position it on the sheet.
Click an object to select it.
Do any of the following:
Move an object one point: Press an arrow key.
Move an object ten points: Hold down the Shift key while you press an arrow key.
Tip: You can select multiple objects, then move them at the same time.
Align objects vertically or horizontally
You can align objects so they line up along a vertical or horizontal axis.
Click an object to select it or select multiple objects.
In the Format
sidebar, click the Arrange tab at the top of the sidebar.
Click the Align pop-up menu and choose an option.
If two or more objects are selected, the objects align to the object most in the direction you selected. For instance, if you align three objects on the left, the object that is most left doesn’t move, and the other object aligns to it.
Equally space objects
You can position objects so there is equal spacing between them on a horizontal or vertical axis, or on both axes.
In the Format
sidebar, click the Arrange tab at the top of the sidebar.
Click the Distribute pop-up menu, then choose an option:
Evenly: Objects are spaced equally along both the horizontal and vertical axes.
Horizontally: Objects are spaced equally along a horizontal axis.
Vertically: Objects are spaced equally along a vertical axis.
Tip: You can open the Arrange controls in a separate window that you can move anywhere. Choose View > Show Arrange Tools (from the View menu at the top of your screen).